Had enough of CONTRACT WARS.
The game is being completely ruined by either high-level, pay-to-win filth with GP (gold point or whatever) gear and extra armor that can only be purchased, or downright hacking.
And even if they're playing legitimately, which no one believes, the only reason they dominate is because they have high-end machines with fast connection, which already gives them a significant advantage over most of the players. They should just fuck off and start their own server where they could circle-jerk each other off and brag about their skills.
Also, I discovered that ballistics and gun-play is the same as in Metro Conflict and Blacklight Retribution. There is no point to a weapon's effective distance stat as 1. it is often inconsistent. Sometimes a target can be standing perfectly still, I shoot a full clip at their head and they're unaffected, while other times I slay them from longer distance with one burst to the head, to my surprise. 2. Every weapon can pretty much kill with one-shot, and from a distance that is seemingly well beyond the effective range shown on their items cards. And both effective distance and critical damage multipliers are calculated inconsistently. I lost count of the number bullshit-times I was VIP (which gives 10x HP, or something like that) and I still had either half or nearly all my HP and someone just killed my with one shot, with an assault rifle. Not even a sniper rifle, but just a plain, basic assault rifle. And it's the same shit as in the other two games. There is no point to classes, when a basic assault rifle can be equally as effective and even more effective and more reliable at eliminating targets between medium and long range than a sniper rifle.
I constantly have 25 ping and my FPS, judging just by looking at it, has to be between 40-60, if not, a constant 60, so I cannot possibly have any meaningful lag, and yet, I experience the same crap I do in other shooters. A come out from behind cover, shoot at someone, go back behind cover, and I drop down dead. Because to me, it looks like I'm already behind cover, when in reality I wasn't. Or I turn a corner and someone guns me down in a fraction of a second, seemingly reacting to me inhumanly fast. But, I know that's not what's going on. What's going on, is that he already sees me coming around, because even though I have by far the lowest ping in every match, according to the in-game list, at least, I'm probably sending and receiving data with a delay. I have to be. It's that, or every second player is using hacks.