Game like this has to have durability. I remember all the bitching about it in FireFall, but people just don't understand how much harder it is to make a fun game when stuff doesn't break. Because eventually, probably sooner than later, majority of players will have top notch stuff, and that will be that, than they will sit and complain how they have no goals, how they got top gear and there is not much to play for.
There should be slow rotation of resources in this game to keep the gameplay going. We dig resources up, we build things, we use that to dig more resources to build bigger things. There got to be a break somewhere in this ideology, otherwise we are going to hit wall very very fast, especially with a game that is planning on been crowd funded.
Stuff needs to break, stuff needs to be destroyed by the enemies, that will slow down the "top gear" wall. Devs just need to find that sweet spot where things feel natural and not shoved down your throat. Like durability should only drop ONLY when you use item, when you taking damage, or die. Something that makes sense to player, not of that FireFall stage where all your gear were taking durability hit just because you were in combat, and weren't even taking damage.
To tag alone on the durability and players bitching about losing their stuff. I really liked when in FF your weapon had a presitage building up and then you could salvage it for a reward. That is pretty nice little mechanic that eased the pain, like hey your destroying your old and beaten up weapon, but it served you well and here is a reward for doing this. This is a good stuff, I can totally see durability working if properly scaled, and back up with good mechanics like that.