That's why it won't be how you describe it
. We are on path to build playable mockup/demo/prototype however you want to call it. Em-8ER needs to show it can deliver, it needs to build trust and backer base. By quickly delivering milestones on set path is a way to do it. There are now more than 400% more people than there were last milestone and it increases at steady pace. Mind there is no budget for marketing, all this is due to volunteer efforts, word of mouth, and articles on gaming sites here and there about vision and development progress.
When there is a mockup backers can actually play with high level of polish, you can expect kickstarter for a full time company (Mark is already working on it full time). If you ask me it's way better than starting doomed to fail kickstarter campaign (not to mention I don't think Kickstarter permits projects without a working game demo). All other games in this stage of development are super secret ... Em-8ER is out there in the open from the very first steps. As more hands are brought onboard, pace will speed up.
You can read about the approach in Grummz's own words here