Video-game(s) you're playing.

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Jul 28, 2016
Someone on here mentioned "Star Citizen" and I've looked into it. Honestly I forgot that it was out there and I already had it bookmarked, but never went back! I've been looking around at the different ships possible and noticed that we have to purchase a "standalone" package for $45. I admit that's a little "much" for a game that's still in Alpha, however with what I'm seeing it's looking promising! There's already a playable version of it and it looks like there's different play types (PvP, PvE and Exploration)! I like that aspect, but I don't know if I'm committed to buying one just yet.... I'll pin that site so I can continue looking into it further, but as of now it's obtained my interest! Also.... the ships, hangars and other scenery is just beautiful!

Joe Solo

Well-Known Member
Ember Dev
Jul 26, 2016
Costa Mesa
I think I've just deleted Fallout 4, a couple of weeks ago. Stopped playing months before that, though.

Suffers from the same thing Bethesda's Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Skyrim and FO3/NV do. They're way to ambitious and fall not even short, but far from achieving it. They want to pack so much stuff into the world, they don't give enough attention to aspects of the game and all of it ends of mediocre. Without the modding community, without the hundreds of mods that do everything from adding better resolution, better lighting, better meshes, better FPS, better memory-usage...etc. all of their big title would be mediocre, at best. And sadly, by the time one finds all the necessary mods to make it a good game, it becomes boring, because one probably ran across the entire map and did everything, or got bored of it, halfway through, because of other flaws.

I remember when Skyrim was still in development and the developers showed off the game at a convention. In the video they 1. bragged about how they have "always been about detail", *snort* which is demonstrably not true, and not just because all of their games immediately needed a HD pack, besides the mod-altered meshes and shaders. 2. They were so excited to show the new dual-wield system, dual-spells...etc. and when the game was released, the player couldn't even bind the keys, so they could comfortably switch between separate spells for each hand. No. Several different mods, all nicely achieving that, needed to be created, because Bethesda couldn't even do that, after all the patches and DLC. The main-quest was broken, and not even further in, but at the 3rd or 4th objective, when you had to move to another town and this guy behind the door wouldn't talk to you. Sure it doesn't always bugged out like that, but it was a potentially game-breaking bug, in the main-mission, almost at the beginning of the story-line, even after release, and after several patches. Who the fuck tested the game. Rhetorical. Then, when I've already quit the game, I read about some new expansion and saw in the bug's list, that some of the new content was inaccessible due to bugs. And I just had to laugh, then. I mean, the whole point of a DLC is the new content, and Bethesda fucked even that up, among 1000s of other things. To me, they are just notoriously incompetent.

I have a good time in their games personally. I see where you come from though.
Sep 13, 2016
Finished Fallout 4 a few weeks ago, currently going back to work on platinum for Witcher 3. Before that I was really looking forward to No Man's Sky but decided not to get it when shit got shady near release. Decided to get Starbound instead and dumped some time into that.

I want to see Handsome Jack dying again! I Want to mow Maniacs down again! I Want to walk over corpses while gunzerking down every enemy i see! I want-- oh... no no.. stop! I mustn't let the Borderlands-Syndrom get the upper hand! ARGG!!!! XD
Likes: SomeUnregPunk


New Member
Oct 15, 2016
Not playing games atm and I shouldn't be here because I got a Doom 2 wad to finished. But once in a week I'm playing entropia universe.


Jul 27, 2016
I started playing Pokemon SoulSilver recently. I loved Pokemon Silver and SoulSilver is mostly the same, but improved in many ways. For the most part, I've been taking a break from gaming in general though.
Jul 26, 2016
Playing SHADOW WARRIOR 2. Liked the first game. Funny. Nice graphics and combat. Smooth movement. Surprised my rig can run it without hiccups.
Me too, I've just finished it yesterday. :)
Steam reviews/discussions/LPs make it sound like the enemies are much more of a bullet sponge than the previous one. Do you two see that in your experience?
Is your blade just as good as the first one? I liked that part in 1.
Steam reviews/discussions/LPs make it sound like the enemies are much more of a bullet sponge than the previous one. Do you two see that in your experience?
Is your blade just as good as the first one? I liked that part in 1.
Well, I started NG+ on a higher difficulty (the 3rd from the levels) that said I receive more damage, get better loot...etc. However, enemies + loot don't seem to scale to your level, and I read reviews that in NG+, you only get skill points from missions, and get severely reduced karma-based leveling, after a while. You barely get money, too. Your weapons, most of which you get on your 1st play-through will be with you, but it seems over-powered.

I deleted the game, after reading those reviews. Even if they weren't accurate, I saw no point in running through it, again, especially since the enemy didn't seem to be any stronger. And they didn't seem to do considerably more damage, either. I probably would've had to advance in the story to feel the difference in difficulty.

But, other than that, the game was fun. And not frustrating. Never even got killed, only died from falling down in places.

Found some of soundtracks on YouTube. 80's. :)

I'm tempted to play StarCraft 2 and its expansions. From all of the articles and images I've seen of it, pop up in a lot of places, it seems to a good game.

The graphics and terrain looks like Red Alert 2, which isn't a problems, since I love the C&C series.
meh.. SC2 is nice... played LotV... but pvp is too fast for me... got crashed every time...
I'll still stick to Battle for Middle-Earth 1-2 and BFME 2: Rise of the Witchking. They aren't that fast and BfME: RotWK still got a HUGE mod that turns it BfME1 like and this mo has still a fucking huge fanbase with multiplayer shit etc... But sadly EA lost the license long ago and you gotta pirate it, well... better this that nothing xD I still got the Original Anthology with all three games... that were fun times... still waiting for some Wine version that will maybe fix my bug i got with BFME...
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