I started playing Firefall just a few weeks after it started Beta, back when you had to max your basic frame up before you could select which of the 2 advanced frames you wanted to work with. Loved that system, at the time. I almost had all the advanced frames maxed out, except the 2 heavy assault types, when they reworked it all and changed the whole system. I worked through the new frames until I had them all. My favourites were the 2 sniper frames and my Dragonfly, although it only got a real workout during a few of the big invasion events. Bought the Commander pack, more to support the game development than for the perks, although the bike was a lot of fun. I wasn't really keen on the final design of the game, just before it shut down, but I still played it occasionally. And yes, I had a female engineer frame just for the half-bare arse.
I still have some of the wallpapers on one of my PC's, with the cosplay engineer photo and a few from different areas of the game.
Looking forward to Em-8er going live.