Introduction Thread


New Member
Aug 9, 2016
New Zealand
Hey Guys Dalemane here.
Used to play as PommyRommy way back in the days of CBT till launch when i evolved to Dalemane.
Love what Firefall was back then and i saw the email about Ember and boom here i am.
Very exited for Ember guys lets make this happen!
Shout out to Fooni (holy shit we are saved!) and my boy Nakiato, may he get his permanent Angel Wings in Ember ;) ;) ;)


Omega Founder
Ark Liege
Aug 11, 2016
Hello, name's Vincent, commonly using either Frost13 or Skaden as an IGN.
Both are based on tales that I enjoyed as a kiddo: the former from stories of Frost and Father Winter, 13 from Friday the 13th (superstition is funny), and the latter derived from Skadi in Norse mythology.

I was an Engineer/Bastion 'main' in (beta) Firefall, enjoyed it thoroughly, and I was just a lurker in the forums.
Idk, I just really like using (and maintaining) deployables in general. Was like that in both Global Agenda and Firefall. As such I can only hope there'll be any of the sort in Ember.
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Omega Founder
Em-8er Contributor
Jul 27, 2016
Hello everybody!

I'm Legend and I'm 22 and I'm a Game Design student - used to be one of the Fan Art guys back on FireFall forums (I made LOTS of avatars and am still the proud owner of the most popular thread in the ol' Fan Art section)
Anyways, I play games and I draw games and now make games and that's about it :)
Aug 15, 2016
Just found out about Ember reading through reviews of Firefall. Holy crap super excited that the game we were hoping for is a possibility, I sadly didn't know in time to throw money at the first funding thing. If there is another, I am here, waiting and ready to throw my wallet at it as best I can!

I'm Regal, long-time gamer, 27 now, used to be a professional chef, was in a car accident killed that career, now I drive around for a living as a cabbie and delivery guy. Super, super excited for Ember, and eagerly await it, in all of it's glory! :D
Likes: engjang
Jul 26, 2016
... I sadly didn't know in time to throw money at the first funding thing. If there is another, I am here, waiting and ready to throw my wallet at it as best I can!
There will be lots of them in the future.
Mark Kern is setting goals and having those crowdfunded. So expect a few of these.

I hope Kern gets a trello account later because it would be nice to see developmental progress in that form. Helps calm down people that say nothing is happening or the devs have been silent too long.
Aug 19, 2016
Uncle Taint signing in.

Original backer of FireFall, looking for a "shut up and take my money" link for Ember.

Currently playing a bunch of No Man's Sky and Overwatch while I wait patiently.
Likes: NitroMidgets


Omniframe Inventor
Jul 26, 2016
My Names Gordon,

I play FF, I liked the old one better, but still, I like FF enough to play the current edition a lot

Hope Ember works and gets off the ground, I hate the current wave of cookie cutter MMORPGS being made in UR4, but whatever, I will support this project as I did (and do) Firefall

Also I like moving faster in games than the other players, so am hoping for something like adrenaline rush!!1
Likes: engjang
Aug 24, 2016
Worland, Wyoming, USA
I am Thomas Barger, known to most as GeyserGod. I have played over 12,000 different games. I have beta tested 108 different games, and have alpha tested 32 different games. I am currently beta testing 6 games, and alpha testing 2. I average 40 hours a week playing computer games, watching anime on my computer, or reading books on my computer. I have a full time (40 hour a week) job as a General manager at a Super Market. I love strategy and FPS games, but will play just about any game you can think of and probably have at some point in the past.
First off, I did not expect to find one of my favorite YouTubers here! ^^

So, my name is Hannes but I am mostly known as Spagex. I've been playing a fair bit of Firefall since I started out in the Beta and have been active ever since. I was a part of Angels of Death's Firefall Division for almost half a year until it dissolved because of what Firefall has turned into. I still play with the AOD Overwatch Division.

Since I started playing the Beta of Firefall sometime in in 2013, Firefall has been a part of my life for almost three years. I've always thought high of the MMO up until the devs started turning Firefall into what it is known as today, therefore I am really interested in Ember, since it's everything I loved about Firefall, in a new package.

I have high hopes for the future of this game and I hope that one day, I will see you all... In-game.
Aug 18, 2016
I played as TheStonedWookiee in Firefall. I started playing August 2012 in closed beta since I had bought an Alienware laptop in late 2011. I spent close to $150 on the game between the commanders pack and a couple red bean packs. I live in the US and have done a lot of traveling. For this game, I hope it is something like Firefall was when I first started playing minus the bugs and glitches. I'd play as bastion or sniper most of the time. I'd mostly use sniper in BWA and bastion in other areas.

I thoroughly enjoyed Firefall at first and it got me back into gaming a lot again. I played things like Soldier of Fortune 2, Q3, UT, Tiberian Sun and other C&C games, Age of Empires, BF 1942 and Vietnam, along with a few flying or driving games. Most video games since around 2006/2007 haven't been appealing to me. Someone got me hooked on Halo. Halo 3 was the last good one IMHO. Halo 4 and 5 being the worst ones so far. I enjoyed the earlier CoD games. I mainly play just to relieve stress and have fun. There are too many serious players and the games are overly complicated now with calldowns(CoD and Halo 4), loadouts (Halo and many other games), and a few others things. The original Firefall was nice because you still got the FPS experience without having to worry about the really gung-ho serious players wrecking the casual players.

I played SoF 2 for many hours and never got bored of it even though it was simple and fairly repetitive. I guess those with ADD were the ones that complained about them getting boring. :/ If another game like that came out, I'd most likely buy it.
Aug 18, 2016
Alright... this turned out to be a longer post than what I thought it would be but here goes:

FF was my first game to seriously spend a lot of time in an MMO world, get to know every single detail about it. I watched youtube videos and dev talks, and got more and more curious about the beta. So I signed up.

I spent a lot of time exploring areas, using different weapons etc. but after time the game got way too complex to keep up. There was a million different crafting items to make special guns, etc. and I just gave up after a while. It didn't help that they made item destruction a thing so I vowed to forever be a stock-only player and refuse to craft items if they were just gonna disappear.

I had planned on getting more involved socially with groups in the game too, so I did. I belonged to a few great armies and groups but overall I say I am a solo player (just like Kirito in Sword Art Online).

It wasn't too long that I discovered that there was this new open world boss called Baneclaw, and not many people could kill it.
I had some brilliant ideas in my head to zerg rush the creature with as many people as I could get from zone (people said it was crazy to even attempt), and it proved to work! Although the servers started to die with that many people in the game in one area. I kept at this plan of zerging everything in the game and getting to know many other players this way. If there was a huge event, I wanted to be a part of it. I soon hit limits with the friend lists, with over 1000+ players.

With the zerging came a lot of territorial beef. Another user was quite jealous and angry that we had stolen the spotlight from him regarding Baneclaw raids, after I proved that it was so easy with many people attacking at once. He was an elitist prick, a guy that thought only his group could kill the boss. He was not inclusive of other players, something I absolutely had to stand against. I think all players should get a chance. He made it his goal to attack us whenever possible and went as far as to DDOS many of us who had joined his teamspeak server at one point. It's okay though because I destroyed him.

I kept at this zerg plan for many of the other events in the game. We had key missions which I zerged and held events for. They were fun but frustrating at times because of the RNG drops. This is how I spent my time in firefall, just doing events for people and having fun.

Invasions were a thing and I had addons and invite helpers set up to mass-zerg rush any possible server. People would join, get the loot and the rewards, and then we would quickly shard-hop into another zone and get the rewards there, and keep going. Later on these were also removed from game.

Soon after, the events in FireFall just disappeared. It was no longer possible to group up for anything. I think it was after this time I just got more and more frustrated with the community because all they would do is whine and complain in the forums. I made fun of them because it's so easy, and this created a lot of enemies for myself. I don't really mind though.

I am back to being a solo player.
I dislike multiplayer games even more and more lately...
I think it's because I am a coop player, I don't PVP, I am not competitive at all.
Give me a good storyline and I will be content to just make my own fun.

That's me in a nutshell. Just waiting to see if Ember will be developed. If not, plenty of other games to still work on.
I have a Steam backlog and also a huge collection of PS3/PS4 games which I am working on.
I think I've played with you in the baneclaw groups. He went down really quick with a bunch of players. I wonder if baneclaw still exists.

I'm kind of like you when it comes to gameplay. I like going of by myself or with just a few players most of the time. I played many MP games where there was teams (think red vs blue) for things like team elimination or CTF. I often did my own thing in those although I did it in a way that was helpful.
Likes: NitroMidgets
Jul 31, 2016
New Jersey
Hello my name is SeductivePancake, aka: Levi. I am a 17 year old former HTML5, GML, and C++ student. although I still don't know much I indulge in making small games on steam. (They aren't 3D games) I like to draw, a lot. The first game I ever played was Godzilla for the GameCube. I then got an old NES because I was bothered by all the people who said "back in my day" a a lot. I started playing pc games in 2006. First game oddly was GTA2. and even with my young age I doubt any of the current fanbase has ever played it. one of the most fun retro top down chaos games I have ever played. I started playing Firefall back in 2014 until update 1.6 came about. Made a few friends on firefall through steam. Firefall wasn't anything new to me when I started out. This is because it sadly had most of the mechanics and mmo had, grinding (which isn't bad, it just was blatantly clear it was an MMO.) it had quests from random people in zones. (also not bad) but the way the executed delivering the quests and the way you found out about these places was fantastic, every place had it's own little ecosystem and life style. The game at the time felt alive. but as most games eventually do, it died. and so we turn to today, I keep up with updates on this game, and play many more crappy MMO's for the enjoyment of unique games that might not be around forever.
Likes: Pandagnome


Aug 21, 2016
Hey guys, the names Zebadee i was a Firefall founder and one of the lucky original 500 that first tested the game. I played FF for a long long time but became a little disenchanted with the game after a few varying changes.

I'm from the UK 35 years young and still gaming (when the missus and kids let me)
I have been following Ember for a while and cant wait to see it progress into something very special.

Currently playing Dota 2 and Overwatch again when i am not being pushed and pulled between chores and dad stuff (wouldn't change it for the world though)

Anywho thats the intro and hope to chat with many of you in the future and am eagerly waiting more updates and ting from the EMBER crew cant wait to see it flourish.
Aug 30, 2016
Trooper Luca Loquax reporting for duty!

This early AM I was Nado busting in Sertao when..... "server not found". Is this "the end" or just an outage?

In either case I'm happy to be here and start participating in this AWESOME new project. :)



New Member
Aug 30, 2016
So hi. My name is Mateusz (in engish i think it's Matthew), I'm living in Poland, I'm enjoy songs from 80'/90', hate 2014-2016 songs, in free time I'm playing Titanfall or Fallout NV. I don't like to making useless noise.
Likes: Pandagnome