Howdy everyone, I'm KingFuJulien and I'm no Hamster! - I'm a Half-Monkey!
That's very important, so don't call me Hamster!
Ok, that being said, I'm coming from a game called Heroes&Generals, before I've played Battlefield Heroes as my first Shootergame, followed by Army Rage. Army Rage was the game, which gave me a lot of skills. Back to Heroes&Generals, someone was speaking about a game called "Firefall", which finally brought me to this awesome game.
Firefall had a lot of Mobs, I could bash my Sniperbullets inside or just chill playing Bastion-Chess with my turrets. Buffing Teammates in Raids with my Raptor, driving around with my Bumblebee won from an screenshot-event, digging for uranium, doing Warfront, crying about poor Devil Hawks, who died in Blackwater, ... all stuff I'm missing but also stuff which made a lot of fun.
After the latest Updates, I've been more and more disappointed about Firefall. Today I've played it again but I can't get along with it. Ping always above 200ms, having English Language just to have the Snipersights working, instances don't work, no crafting, Thumping nothing what it used to be anymore, ...
Well, I'm looking forward for Ember and can't wait to play it!
That's very important, so don't call me Hamster!
Ok, that being said, I'm coming from a game called Heroes&Generals, before I've played Battlefield Heroes as my first Shootergame, followed by Army Rage. Army Rage was the game, which gave me a lot of skills. Back to Heroes&Generals, someone was speaking about a game called "Firefall", which finally brought me to this awesome game.
Firefall had a lot of Mobs, I could bash my Sniperbullets inside or just chill playing Bastion-Chess with my turrets. Buffing Teammates in Raids with my Raptor, driving around with my Bumblebee won from an screenshot-event, digging for uranium, doing Warfront, crying about poor Devil Hawks, who died in Blackwater, ... all stuff I'm missing but also stuff which made a lot of fun.
After the latest Updates, I've been more and more disappointed about Firefall. Today I've played it again but I can't get along with it. Ping always above 200ms, having English Language just to have the Snipersights working, instances don't work, no crafting, Thumping nothing what it used to be anymore, ...
Well, I'm looking forward for Ember and can't wait to play it!