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  1. MattHunX

    Avoid Over-Balancing

    No problem. Now, I understand what the other players meant by PS4 porting of the game, when they said something went wrong and screwed up the very balance the game was praised for and why I tried it out. Damn it! Another thing I disliked was that see-through-stuff vision. It only made it...
  2. MattHunX

    Ironsighting and Scoping-in...with a Mech? Alt-Fire instead.

    Then, maybe Ember should break from THAT old standard, as well, if it wants to bring something new. ;)
  3. MattHunX

    Avoid Over-Balancing

    Well, the idea is to not make everything capable of everything by making sure there is enough counter-balance to every bit of modding one does, so e.g.: a sniper build would have to rely on more than just their primary weapon and its primary function when engaged in close-quarter combat.
  4. MattHunX

    Ironsighting and Scoping-in...with a Mech? Alt-Fire instead.

    Well, I could. But, then it comes down to personal preference more than to what is effective. For me. A grenade launcher might be the most effective way to clear enemies around and close to me, from an independent point of view. But my bias and taste says, I dislike grenade launchers, in fact...
  5. MattHunX

    One Weapon, Many Mods

    This is somewhat related to player-side compensation. Whenever I compare stats or have to choose between some ability, passive or active, or increasing a certain stat at level-up and I see damage reduction or other forms of mitigation, resistance to debuff and stun...etc. I just go "Don't get...
  6. MattHunX

    Ironsighting and Scoping-in...with a Mech? Alt-Fire instead.

    Well, in the Shock Rail's case, I really don't (or should I, now, say...didn't) use the secondary-fire, which is just aiming down sight, since I found that I cannot really see the target(s) or my surroundings that much better, if any better at all, and the weapon had no spread, which meant I was...
  7. MattHunX

    Firefall is down, is it for good?

  8. MattHunX

    Discussion: Energy/Mana, Cooldowns, or something else?

    I've said essentially the same thing, elsewhere and in relation to e.g.: that Chosen Guardian at the OCT. It should go both ways. If it has a floaty-shooty ability that makes him steadily hover in one place while shooting, I want one, too. :cool: However, the Tsihu, in particular, given that it...
  9. MattHunX

    Discussion: Energy/Mana, Cooldowns, or something else?

    Yes! YES! That x1000! Some should definitely have enough AI, move-sets, gear and abilities to be as close of an equivalent as they could possibly be to a player character. Move like us. Fight like us.
  10. MattHunX

    Firefall is down, is it for good?

    Not entirely appropriate, but what the hell:
  11. MattHunX

    Discussion: Energy/Mana, Cooldowns, or something else?

    The Tsihu themselves might not have such mechs, though. However, that doesn't mean that some rogue factions of our species wouldn't make use of them and mod them to their own way of fighting to use against Reapers and Tsihu alike.
  12. MattHunX

    Discussion: Energy/Mana, Cooldowns, or something else?

    Like your heat-sink idea for weapons. Especially heavier one or energy-weapons. With that said, I picture the following scene: Ember's version of Aero: "Boss!! Your frames heat-levels are critical! You have to cool it down or it will kill you!!" *Reaper Operative looks at the lake a few feet...
  13. MattHunX

    Should Frame Parts Affect Offensive Stats?

    Have to figure out a proper relationship between stats that either positively or negatively affect each other. What counter-balances what. I didn't even think that increased melee damage from less flexible inner and/or outer workings could or should effect reload. And why not.
  14. MattHunX

    Firefall is down, is it for good?

    Well, hopefully it's a longer number 2, like a couple of months ago. Oddly, I am not as upset about not being able to play as I thought I would be. *shrug* Move on to or fall back onto other stuff. Smaller game. Contract Wars? Warface? Renegade X? Drawing. Fanfic writing. Posting stuff here...
  15. MattHunX

    Milestone 2 is NOW LIVE!

    Hhaha! My bank just called and asked me to confirm if the 21$ transaction they saw a few minutes ago was indeed mine. Yep! MINE! Thank you! Relieved. Not completely, though. Hope there won't be issues with the postal code.
  16. MattHunX

    Milestone 2 is NOW LIVE!

    Done! Donated 21$. Because it is my favorite number. Hope there won't be any issues with my "billing postal code", though. I mean, I gave it, it didn't show any errors, I got the notification for the successful transaction, 5711 HUF, on my phone and it can probably detect my country/region...
  17. MattHunX

    Should Frame Parts Affect Offensive Stats?

    While I definitely make use of it in Firefall and am decked out in battle-frame parts that all give a +10 to e.g.: Ability Potency...should they? Should an arm-part or omni-frame head or leg parts affect offensive abilities in such a way? Defensive stats, resistances and mobility, yes. But...
  18. MattHunX

    Ironsighting and Scoping-in...with a Mech? Alt-Fire instead.

    Iron-sighting or scoping in with the mech? How would that look? Obtrusive, for one. No matter how sleek our mech and its attached or held weaponry will be, it'd still probably block some of the screen in FPS-mode or when iron-sighting/scoping. Would/should the camera snap to an...
  19. MattHunX

    Avoid Over-Balancing

    Could've put this in the thread about the suggestions for games to play until Ember is playable, but it needs a separate thread. Mainly because I'm pissed off about it. So, I tried Blacklight Retribution and to my great disappointment, anger and annoyance, it played the same way as another game...
  20. MattHunX

    1 or 2 characters per account? Independent of each other.

    Well, as I've said, I have two characters in Firefall, but it is rather easy to tell that both are me. I have the same reaction, with the same phrasing. :mad: