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  1. MattHunX

    Video-game(s) you're playing.

    I liked that game, but the class system and equipment one could wear was very restrictive and class-specific, which is something RPGs should move away from.
  2. MattHunX

    Melee combat

    Hmm...I can use my original pic of the bulky recolored frame, enlarge the sword and something, something. I'll try. EDIT:
  3. MattHunX

    Melee combat

    If I actually had 3D modeling software AND more importantly skill + the patience to learn them. :confused:
  4. MattHunX

    Alien Naming Contest - ROUND TWO!

    There are some names that would be even better for sub-types or for some other entities. ;) e.g.: Void Breakers could be the Ember-equivalents of Melding Repulsors. Also, my own (Grey) Grievers can just be Grievers, for short. For reasons explained in the round one thread.
  5. MattHunX

    Melee combat

    A question to @Grummz and the rest of the developers: I'm wondering if you guys have a concept for which type of melee weapons we'd use. Physical, cold, hard steel (or whatever material)? And if energy-types, then which one. I differentiate between two sub-types. Fuzzy...
  6. MattHunX

    Rationale behind Weaknesses/Resistances to Damage Types?

    In before @Torgue_Joey !! EXPLOSION NOISE!!
  7. MattHunX

    Melee combat

    I'd love me some gun-kata. But, yeah, something like swatting away an energy blast with an energy, blade. Not reflecting it, just swatting it. That thing in Dragon Age Inquisition where you could upgrade you enchanter's blade-attack to reflect enemy attacks was so poorly done. I expected...
  8. MattHunX

    Melee combat

    As good a concept as all that is and as useful in practice as it all comes in reality, I don't think programming some Tai Chi would be very cheap or even completely possible. Never seen a game with such an elaborate fighting/melee system and I'd wager it isn't because developer couldn't do one...
  9. MattHunX

    Health, Armor, and Shields (and damage types)

    Also, ice and electricity could scramble systems, make the HUD and targeting all fuzzy, if frames or similar mobs are exposed to it. Servos could freeze up, slowing movement.
  10. MattHunX

    Melee combat

    Mmm...I'm actually thinking of making a fan-art, using the omni-frame promo art, and adding a weapon to one of the arms that is a gun and a sword in one. Gun-swords. Or transforming weapons that can go between one and the other. RWBY-fan, here. Already have a concept in mind. But, if we're...
  11. MattHunX

    Old, overlooked firefall idea: In-depth tuning

    Lighter armor and the inherent fragility, but high-speed/mobility and low fire-rate with high-velocity projectiles, for me. :D
  12. MattHunX

    Rationale behind Weaknesses/Resistances to Damage Types?

    Well, haze and whatever. Just make it so that being exposed to different type of elements and the built up from them could affect not just enemies, but also us, in different, debilitating ways.
  13. MattHunX

    An alternative to mining

    Well, that depends what lumber would translate into in a game like Ember. We're not gonna be felling trees or stripping them to atoms via gun like No Man's sky, I hope. Tried that. Gets boring really fast.
  14. MattHunX

    An alternative to mining

    As I've said before, I almost never thumped in Firefall, because I found it unrewarding, both before and after changes, considering both the mob drops and the resources I'd get. If thumping - now, via large mech - is to be one of the main elements of the game, then they should make it worth...
  15. MattHunX

    An alternative to mining

    Oh, this sounds close to Dragon's Dogma. Someone's been messing around in the DLC a bit, I see. Or not. But, it sounds way too close to that. :)
  16. MattHunX

    Add More Illuminated Parts/Reactor Lights to the Omnimek(Art Edit Included)

    Yep, different colors to the glow and it would be an additional customization element.
  17. MattHunX

    Rationale behind Weaknesses/Resistances to Damage Types?

    Well, personally I was not particularly talking about elemental enemies being weak against other elements (something which FF did have for a while, if I recall, then it got removed, so I had no problem mowing down e.g.: raspers that were spewing lightning at me, with weapons of the...
  18. MattHunX

    Character Customization longest was about an our and a half. And that was in Mass Effect 2 or 3, I think. And Dragon Age Inquisition, too. I like a bit of androgyny, like making a stronger chin or wider, squarer jaw for my female characters, actually. I always start with the hair, so I"ll see how it frames a...
  19. MattHunX

    Playing as different gender pole.

    Always like to create both a male and a female character.