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  1. MattHunX

    What Biome would you like the first map to be?

    Not that. I know that.
  2. MattHunX

    What Biome would you like the first map to be?

    LOL Coincidence, innit?
  3. MattHunX

    What Biome would you like the first map to be?

    Where are these from!? What game is this!? I demand to know!!!:eek: Pleeease!:) It's vistas like that which remind me of the first Mass Effect game, and the awe-factor of it.
  4. MattHunX

    What Biome would you like the first map to be?

    A kindred spirit. :eek:
  5. MattHunX

    Last Letter game

  6. MattHunX

    Character Customization

    The depth of the initial character-creation, at the beginning of most RPGs, is one of the most important things for me, personally. I liked it even better, in Firefall, that were allowed to change our appearance, afterwards, and quite easily. That...and more options for hair, face, eyes...etc...
  7. MattHunX

    Ember Reaches 20k Funding - New Poster Revealed

    And we have to mention, again, that from that ~1500, a fraction managed to shatter funding goals by 400% (and it's still rising). So imagine what will it be like when only 2x that many, 400-500, funds the upcoming milestones (when we'll have, say 1750-2000 members) and it keeps rising.
  8. MattHunX

    What Biome would you like the first map to be?

    Well, I did say that the existence of such dangerous mutated lifeforms could be brief. And not just because we would kill them.
  9. MattHunX

    What Biome would you like the first map to be?

    @EvilKitten There could be a cross between the native flora, fauna and the ones the Reapers had brought in. Mutations. Corruptions. One made deadlier by the other. Or some sort of parasitic relationship that would enhance the organism, something similar to melded versions the creatures. Hmm...I...
  10. MattHunX

    Video-game(s) you're playing.

    LOL All those giants, one after the other...a bit too much. One at every turn!
  11. MattHunX

    What Biome would you like the first map to be?

    Something...something...pterodactyl...GREEN! Maybe not lush, but definitely forest-y. Plant seeds, and wait until our frames grew metallic beards.
  12. MattHunX

    Video-game(s) you're playing.

    v11 and 12!!? :eek: Boy, they sure had a lot of stuff to screw up then. :confused: I generally dislike tanks, though. I felt Knight Enchanter was unbalanced, too. But, is some common archer taking me down with one shot, no matter the difficulty setting. Just because they're scaled...
  13. MattHunX

    Why I don't like mech omniframe concept

    @Grummz Your reply is still there, though. FYI o_O Or did you un-delete it?
  14. MattHunX

    Why I don't like mech omniframe concept

    I've come around to the omni-frame's present concept, with pretty much my only two reservations being the appearance of the front, an optionally open or closed cockpit. And whether we will be able to slim our frame down with the customization system, to make it less bulky, built more for speed...
  15. MattHunX

    Why I don't like mech omniframe concept

    I mean, I already pointed out to the OP that even the lore says the Tsihu's larger forms tear frames limb from limb. So we won't feel or be invincible, at all.
  16. MattHunX

    Video-game(s) you're playing.

    There were two ways I fought every dragon. Most them I could eliminate with a mage, from a distance the dragon didn't engage me from, shooting at them for half an hour. Shameless, I know. But, I couldn't really be bothered micro-managing combat, which took equally as long. However, WHEN I was...
  17. MattHunX

    T.H.M.P.R. art is up

    What was that? The resting/setup phase?
  18. MattHunX

    Why I don't like mech omniframe concept

    I did suggest the idea of the head-part having all the sensory equipment and that it could be modded, as well, to allow for better detection, weapon range, targeting...etc. And that it could be changed in appearance, going so far as to allow someone to turn into something resembling a proper...
  19. MattHunX

    Let's talk Abilities

    Yep. All it needs is an option for closed cockpit and I'm, personally, good to go.