Omniframe build types: Post your ideas here!

1) Light
2) Mobility
3) Medium


Ability 1: Warp Beacon - Fires a beacon that attaches itself to any surface, inanimate or alive, then, via second input, teleports the user to its location. Between them, the briefly warped space damages enemies and slows them for X seconds.

Ability 2: Orion Radar - The user releases a ping that marks every hostile target, even stealthed ones, in a large radius, tracking their movement and highlighting weak-spots for the user and for all nearby frames, while temporarily boosting the user's damage output and rate-of-fire.

5) Twin Graviton Bolts - From one cannon on each shoulder fire a bolt that slows the target it hits and those within melee range of it by creating a sustained gravity well. The two bolts pull towards each other producing an electric arc that shoots between them, continously shocking enemies hit by the bolts and those between the two targets. Their effect either wears off after X seconds or if the targets were close and were actually pulled together, they set off a massive explosion that can heavily damage and disorient targets.


Primary Weapon: The T-SAR 321 "Fellstar" is a standardized wrist-mounted sniper-rifle or railgun, developed by the TIKHON Corporation. It is a scaled-down version of the technology that was used to fire at targets from a planet's orbit; attenuated or weakened, purposefully, to allow for personal or rather mech-assisted use on the ground, with its destructive capability confined to a relatively much smaller area that still makes it effective over several kilometers. The numbers in its name refer to the year it was made, counting from the first, since humanity took to the stars.

Secondary Weapon: A Plasma SMG that can eat through or even ignite targets for additional damage-over-time.

7) Astral Ranger - A Hunter with equipment and abilities geared towards ending a prey's existence before it can even come close enough to touch its exalted executioner and those who try will be struck down by the forces of the cosmos that are at the Ranger's disposal, like primal beasts howling and gazing at an unreachable bright star.

A build whose ability to hurt its target is only second to the speed and agilty it can do it with. Foregoing burdening thicker plating and the heaviest of cores meant to bear larger weaponry, it proves to have no need for any of it by making sure it's rarely hit, if at all, by dancing around danger, on the ground or in the air, while precisely hitting its target, without spraying or praying.

As for how it looks...well, imagine a mix between the Electron and Raptor, obviously larger in size, for the omni-frame, with a wrist-mounted primary weapon and wings. A few pointy ends. Feet and hands could (but not necessarily) resemble talonned feet and clawed hands.

Tried to seamlessly weave in some lore by coming up with a name for a corporation (from what I can find "TIKHON" is a Russian name that is derived from the Greek "tynchano", meaning "hit the mark, succeed"). The founder's full name could be Tikhon Yeruslan (Yeruslan Lazarevich is the name of a hero in Russian and Tatar folktales, based on (or at least influenced by) Persian tales of their hero "Rostam". I also tried to get a little sense for the date they would write in-game. From the Lore Drop article, to me, it read like, at least, 300 years (or so) had past since they started exploring space, so I figured I put that into a weapon's name. I mean, in Firefall the Nighthawk's Sniper Rifle is also called TAC-8 and I have no idea what that stands for, if it stands for anything, at all, that is. T is for Tikhon and Standardized Attenuated Railgun to spell "tsar").


Omni Ace
Dec 15, 2016
Since invasions and crafting are the main focus of the game, might as well cater to both...with sprinkles on top!
2)40:40:20 def: off: mob
3)heavy reactor
Nitro Shield Charge- with a shield equipped, boost towards your facing direction for 30m/45m/60m knocking down anyone along the path.

Impact Braces (passive)-Damage from collisions and falls is decreased by 30%/40%/50%

5)9-Inch Railgun-Shoulder mounted railgun capable of firing different munitions from armor piercing for hard targets, canister shot for close range and high explosive for mass bombardment.

6)Plasma shotgun- versatile plasma shotgun capable of dual fire settings; buckshot and condensed AP slug.
Electroparalysis Shield- performing a shield bash with this is capable of stunning enemies easily.

7)The Turkey Slapper is very durable for a heavy omniframe. With a shotgun and shield equipped, you might think it’s suited for riot control but it’s more than that. A shoulder mounted railgun can soften up or weaken anyone before charging forward. A tactic for this frame is to use the railgun first to get the attention then use Nitro Shield Charge to ‘slap’ them to the ground. Also, the canister shot of the railgun is deadly at melee; capable of dismembering a category 2 kaiju limb if it connects just right.
2)35:35:30 def: off: mob
3)medium reactor
4)Vent Exhausts-spray hot exhaust flames at anyone close to you. This ability ignores armor value.
Dragon’s Rage - increase your offensive and defensive power beyond the red zone for 30 seconds resulting in quicker ability cooldowns, faster weapon fire rate and double damage but damages frame integrity by 20%/18%/15% once the effect wears off.

5)Dual flamethrowers - old school flamethrowers capable of bypassing armor by massive heat convection thus cooking them from the inside resulting in kaiju barbecue.

6)Napalm cluster grenade launcher - AOE weapon capable of setting the ground on fire.
Thermite caster - modified plasma cannon; lobs lit thermite. Anyone get hit will have their armor melted into slag.

7)The Dragonframe plays very much like in medieval stories; you are effective against armoured kaiju and shifters. The thermite caster, flamethrowers and vent plasma are capable not only in bypassing the armor values but also decrease them. Energy shields are however less effective as these deflect your attacks away from them. The Dragons Rage ability should be used sparingly as this uses up your frame’s durability (not armor) so be prepared to pay the repair bill if you decide to use it.
1)Medium frame
2)40:15:45 def: off: mob
3)light reactor
4)Drill Lubricant (passive) - THMPR is capable of mining 10%/15%/20% more ores than normal
Cargo box (passive) - minerals are transferred to you in case your THMPR can’t carry more and has a 300/500/800 mineral storage unit.

5a)Nexus Shield Converter - Drains energy shields from an enemy and transfers some to you and your THMPR.
5b)Matrix Shield Converter - Drains energy shields from 4 enemies but is less effective against single targets and transfers some to you an your THMPR.
5c)Helix Shield Converter - Drains energy shields from 2 enemies and transfers as a mobility buff to you.

6)Assault Rifle - Standard issue assault rifle. Not effective against an actual invasion.
Autocannon - Standard issue autocannon. Deals explosive damage to groups of enemies.

7)The Prospector is an omniframe built for the logistics part of the effort. What this lacks in combat makes up for its high defense and mobility. It is ill suited for actual combat less so In an invasion. There is a small niche role in combat however by taking potshots at distance thus breaking enemy formations.
1)Light frame
2)15:15:80 def: off: mob
3)light reactor

4a)Mason Base Builder (passive) - Buildings you construct have 10%/15%/20% more HP.
4b)Xenosearcher Base builder (passive) - You can use scavenged kaiju and shifter technology to augment your buildings.
4c)Plumb Bob (passive) - Buildings you construct cost 10%/12%/15% less resources.

5)Arc welder - Your construction speed is 20% faster. Also destroys energy shields quickly.
6)Hammer- Bludgeoning melee weapon; effective against armoured enemies
Solder spike - Spear like weapon with a heated tip.
7)The Cyclops is true to its name as a builder. All buildings are more durable you are more efficient in constructing them. Just like the Prospector, Cyclops is not effective in combat and won’t survive an attack for long. There is a small niche role in which melee sneak attacks could be possible however.
Aug 14, 2016
  1. Light frame.
  2. High offence with some mobility, around 80% - 20%. No defense.
  3. Heavy reactor needs large amounts of extra energy.
  4. Overflow and Overdrive
    1. Overflow - Passive ability - Extra unused energy from the reactor is channeled into weapon systems and self-repair system. The effect on melee weapons is that they often become electrified or heated or magnetized or become covered in plasma. The effects on ranged weapons is that energy and plasma based weapons have much shorter charging times and higher energy output than normal, with the side-effect of having the gun over heat faster.
    2. Overdrive - Active ability - For a brief moment before using the ability all nonessential systems (Everything outside of life support and movement) are put into stand-by mode. This give the reactor time to store up extra energy on top of what it is already producing. Then it dumps all that energy into both weapon and movement systems. The effect is that until your energy pool runs out you now move at much higher rates speed with your thrusts overboost and afterburners always open, while your melee and energy weapons get a damage buff. Once the energy stores run out you'll often find that most of your systems are over heated and need some time to cool down before you can use them again. (This ability is like a berserker ability in other games. You become super powerful for a given amount of time but also become really tired after use. Meaning that you are punished badly if you don't kill all enemies in the area or find a safe place to recover by the time your energy runs out.)
  5. A large energy cannon that folds up onto the back when not in use so it is out of the way. When in use the gun flips up and over the shoulder with a gun barrel that is a length 3/4 as long as the height of the mecha. This gun is both your sniper rifle and AOE launcher going by what ammo you load into it. Because of the size of the gun itself it slows down your movement speed when it fully extended as it shifts your mecha's center of gravity.
  6. Primary and secondary
    1. Primary gun is a medium range marksman rifle. it does more damage per round than normal assault rifles but has a slower rate of fire. Better for carefully aiming for weak points than it is at spray-and-pray tactics.
    2. Secondary twin long swords that can be moded for extra elemental damage to take full effect of the Overflow passive ability adding extra energy into all attacks.
  7. Name it and give a brief description of how it looks, feels and acts.
    1. I'm not good a making up names so I'll let someone else do that, but this mecha is for people with yang fire type personality. So people with this personality are often called things like the sun and/or some fierce predators.
    2. This omniframe is built for those with highly energetic personalities who value attack power and mobility above anything else. In ancient Earth terms these people were called fire type personalities because of their behavior of attacking non-stop, always moving, and having way more energy than they need. What they lack in defense they make up for with having relentless determination, high movement speeds, and having short recovery times with an above average healing rate. These are people who often do high risk high reward tactics. And was a part of the first wave of people to land out and scout the planet.
    3. This omniframe is one of the lightest modes out around do to its lack of defense, having only but the bare minimum in terms of armor. It used the energy saved for taking off that armor in exchange for being able to hold and use heavier weapons. Because if its high energy efficiency and having larger energy stores than it needs to power itself and all its systems there is always extra energy coming off the frame in terms of heat, electrical arcs, and plasma around the vents and heat sinks. Because of the way the vents and heat sinks are placed and shaped this extra energy coming off the frame can make a halo effect around it as light bends in the hot air around it. And some people even say that at times it almost looks like the frame has a wings made of heat and energy when the light hits it just right, but no one can confirm this to be true or not.
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Base Commander
Base Commander
Apr 5, 2017
4-a-Rocket Jump:Being a really Heavy frame, movement will be terrible, so Rocket Jump will let this frame jump from point A to B and also do damage around the landing spot, maybe even create a small crater like a foxhole.
4-b-Sentry:Movement becomes impossible, rate of fire increased with primary and secondary weapon, allows use of the shoulder mount weapon.
5-Artilery-heavy single fire weapon with huge caliber, huge AOE effect and can only be used when Sentry is on.
7-Name- "Arty". The main element of this frame is the shoulder mount weapon, which needs a lot of power to be used and makes the frame highly vulnerable if alone, but it is highly effective and has consistent dmg if accurate. Rocket Jump lets the frame get in the best position to fire at the enemy and the weapons let him handle himself if he gets jumped.


Jul 5, 2017
1) Light frame
2) Speed and Shield
3) Light power source
4) "Misdirection - Misdirection Overflow" While in passive mode all agro is misdirected away from the frame to a nearby ally or THMPR but when the gauge is full or when the ability is turned to Misdirection overflow all agro is temporarly turned on the Phantom making nearby allies invisible to the enemy reseting their agro target.
"Misfire" - Redirects missed fire fired upon the Phantom to a nearby enemy target, even friendly fire fired upon the Phantom. (Might change this later if i think of something better.)

5) The shoulder slot could be used as a stealth generator called the Misdirection Field or Phantom Drive. It slightly increases the armor peneration of friendly units nearby.

6) Main weapon could be abit of a mix bag like it deals small or medium damage to hostile targets while healing friendlies.
Secondary weapon could be a laser painter of sorts with a damaging alternet fire. Main fire paints the target increasing the accuracy and maybe even damage done by everyone who hits the painted target. While the alternet fire could be a simple SMG like rapid fire thing. I haven't really set it in stone.

7) How i want it to feel and handle? Well abit like this

1) Medium Frame
2) Speed and Power
3) Medium power source
4) "Volley Charge" - Fires the equipped weapon twice turning a fast charge towards the target changing equipped weapon to a melee weapon hitting the target knocking them back. (Maybe possible fear effect)
"Relentless resolve" - As you continue to fight you gain a resolve buff that slightly increases your damage done but upon receiving a critical hit or dmg past a certain point the resolve heals the frame for a certain precentage.

5) The shoulder slot could be a medium twin shoulder cannon with a medium to long range rapid volley fire with medium AoE effect and maybe a knockback.

6) Main weapon would be a two heavy pistols, imagine Silver Talon or Heavy bolter pistol basicly like mini cannons.
Secondary weapon would be either a rocket lance basicly a spear with rockets on it to make it more deadly increasing it's penetration or dmg depending which is best and it would have a alternet fire mode where you can throw the spear temporarily stunning the target hit as the spear then returns to you. Tempted to call it the "Kai-ju Impaler"
Or it could be this ridiculously long cavalry sword but i like the spear idea more.

I haven't decided upon the looks, i'm thinking a cavalry theme
Something in this direction.

But i want it to handle like a charging unit that can shift from melee range to medium fire range rather flawlessy. While being able to assist friends if their about to get stuck in melee or about to be get screwed over by some straglers clearly gunning for them.

Trinity Lily
1) Medium or Light frame
2) 20% shield 40% power and 40% speed
3) Medium power supply
4) "Symbiosis" - Okay this ability might be either annoying or great depending on the situation and the skill level. It sends a small drone or link pack of sorts to three diffrent party members one for the "tank" and one for the "dps" and one stays on the Lily. As the dps deals dmg it increases the shield effectivness or restores the shield on the tank. While the tank absorbs dmg it increases the dmg done by the DPS'er. While the Lily's ability to heal or deal dmg increases slightly. (I'm thinking it should work for a limited time as the symbiosis link overloads after a certain point causing a CD on the ability.)
"A new leaf" - Temporarily creates a minor holographic copy of the Lily to distract enemies as it heals or restores the most injured person nearby.

5) The shoulder slot could be a three piece solar panel that look like leafs of a lily of sorts that increases the power temporarily to improve the healing done or speed depending what the player chooses to do.

6) Primary weapon could be a nanite repair beam of sorts with a alternet fire that restores shields.
Secondary weapon could be a small shotgun like weapon with knockback.

7) It might be funny looking with the three piece solar panel but it could end up looking cool too so i cannot really say.
I would wish it handled like a typical healer of sorts except with grace and agility that focuses on team play more than anything.
I might think of more so i'll just reserve this space for later ^^
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Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Medics need some cool stuff do alot so i thought a light frame medic with cool stuff sounds just the thing!

1) Light frame
2) Defense: 20, offense: 40, mobility:40
3) Reactor small keep weight down
4) Ability depending on playstyle

[Heal Specialist] : Name - Doc Philgud
Ability 1 - Adrenaline A buff that accelerates healing and speed on yourself and others around you
Ability 2 - Sleepers small nanobots that fire in the direction towards target to make them sleep or slow them down

[Hybrid Med]: Name - Gemini Steel
Ability 1 - Solar beam an energy beam that heals friendlies but burns enemies
Ability 2 - Surgical blitz uses razor sharp blades to bleed out enemies in a cone area

[Poison Med]: Terra Payne
Ability 1 - Virus an aoe blast that weakens enemies reducing there health
Ability 2 - Toxic charge, charge in a straight line burning the armor of enemies making you invulnerable for a short time

5) [Heal Specialist] -Pulse Revive a shoulder cannon that shoots in burst hitting a incapacitated friendly will get them up but hitting an enemy cause them to be blinded for a short time and do damage

[Hybrid Med] - Tri-Arc Focus a shoulder cannon that fires disc like projectile to cut things if it hits target then splits into another 2 projectile hitting another 2 targets causing energy drain for a short time

[Poison med] - Corrosive projection a shoulder cannon that fires a high concentration of corrosive substance like a flame thrower causing the outer layer to decay stripping of armor

6) Primary weapon - Helix a projectile weapon that fires a helix type beam that heals with primary fire and secondary fire targets an enemy in a red helix causing them to slow down by a certain percentage

Secondary weapon - X-shot a handheld shotgun pistol that when aimed at can see in X-ray mode at the particular spot target and when fired at the right weak spot bleeps like a lawgiver of judge dredd but more medical :D

7) The names are above

The Description:
Healer = healing and some damage
Hybrid = A bit more damage than healing
Poison = More damage less healing


Jul 28, 2016
Yeah that is pretty not fair man I mean we can suggest a lot of stuff but you are the dev here. (j/k)
Did this:
Sly-Dancer Chaser Sward pointy pads mod dif build.jpg

So, something like that. The clawed legs aren't purely cosmetic, either. It allows the build to dig into the ground. With every step, every jump, every landing and repositioning, it roots itself more firmly to compensate for the recoil of its primary weapon, lessening the impairing effects on its accuracy, improving it and the speed of target acquisition.

For the clawed hands, I actually used a photo of a Transformers: Prime Megatron toy. :D

You can see the two additional holes under the thrusters on both shoulders. Those are the Twin Graviton Bolt cannons.

The altered wrist of the left hand has the grappling hook shooter under the light armor plating.

Made the head more...feathery?

And of course I already had the hooded human character (from altered official concept art) to insert in the cockpit.
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Jan 26, 2017
1) Light - dual swords, dagger, whip dagger, etc.
2) Mobility
3) Small Reactor
4) Ability #1 - Meld: using Chroma technology to blend into the surrounding for stealth. Ability #2 - Hunt: a trap ability that ensares enemies for easier take down.
5) Grappling hooks: for attaching itself to high walls for added mobility.
6) Primary: sniper rifle and secondary weapon: poison dart.
7) Looks: High mobility mech frame that resembles a mech-type ninja. Feels: smooth transition for a mech frame. Acts: like stealth type for needed missions that require them.

It's name: Cin


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Did this:
View attachment 1786

So, something like that. The clawed legs aren't purely cosmetic, either. It allows the build to dig into the ground. With every step, every jump, every landing and repositioning, it roots itself more firmly to compensate for the recoil of its primary weapon, lessening the impairing effects on its accuracy, improving it and the speed of target acquisition.

For the clawed hands, I actually used a photo of a Transformers: Prime Megatron toy. :D

You can see the two additional holes under the thrusters on both shoulders. Those are the Twin Graviton Bolt cannons.

The altered wrist of the left hand has the grappling hook shooter under the light armor plating.

Made the head more...feathery?

And of course I already had the hooded human character (from altered official concept art) to insert in the cockpit.
I like this if it spewed out fire and spread those wings this would be a unique mech dragon!


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Here is another

1) Heavy frame
2) Defense: 60, offense: 30, mobility:10 can switch to offense: 60 and defense: 30 but mobility same
3) Reactor big to compensate for power drain and powerful abilities
4) Ability depending on playstyle

[Defender] : Name - king Stomp
Ability 1 - Micro fusion - Shrink a small number of enemies to 25% of its original size and stomp,bash or destroy them!
Ability 2 - Aegis Sphere - A super shield that can be placed on yourself or individual friendlies lasts until shield is damaged or perhaps duration.

[Aggressor] Name - Cannon Maxx
Ability 1 - Devastator - Quad super charged cannons that last for a duration spam until time runs out
Ability 2 - Cannonball - Turn into a huge mechanized ball and smash into enemies to make a damage & knock them away

5) [Defender] - Boom cannon fire a projectile with your fave bass speaker cannons and start the party
great for victories & good for alerting the enemies to you presence! Does damage with nice bass :D

[Aggressor] - Earthquake stomp on the ground like a kid having a tantrum causing a wave with the help of environmental hazard such as damage from rocks and trash moving around and so on!

6) Primary weapon - Storm Reaper is a heavy assault rifle primary fire shoots supression charged shots and secondary fire unleashes cluster bombs

Secondary weapon - Shield Lancer primary fire uses the shield to bash and reduce incoming damage secondary fire changes structure of the shield to a lance to swipe or propel through an enemy

7) The names are above

The Description:
[Aggressor] offensive purpose to spear head attack
[Defender] Defensive purpose e.g protect friendlies
I like this if it spewed out fire and spread those wings this would be a unique mech dragon!
Oh, that would have to be a purely beast-like frame. In appearance and with its abilities revolving around fire-elemental weaponry.

I do have an idea for a build with a mechanical tail, dual-swords and I would have to come up with abilities that would boost melee-attacks.

I have an idea for a medium-build focused on sustained hovering and mid-air combat with dual wrist-mounted weaponry reminiscent of the Electron's Shock-rail , on both forearms that would be called e.g.: Archangel or something like that.


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
1) Light

2) mobility

3) uncertain, pro's and cons of reactors not yet known. will go with medium for now

4) A> EM equalizer - Togglable ability, while active, nanobots on all exposed omniframe surfaces will attempt to absorb and scatter EM radiation while the player is not moving. Makes the player difficult to locate and very difficult to target. Movement degrades the effects and sprinting, flying or other fast movement as well as direct supersonic or energy weapon firing renders it inoperable. causes a constant powerdrain while in effect. This ability will not protect against sonic echolocation.

B> Wormhole - Omniframe powercore forces an artificial wormhole in front of the player, "teleporting" the player to the targeted spot. Target will be the nearest valid surface. Ability requires a charge period, which determines the distance traveled @X meters per second charged (shown in the UI)

5) Micro Singularity - While not actually creating a black hole, the weapon generates a gravity warp which travels out from the player and pulls anything (ally or enemy) in its path into the vortex. Does no inherent damage on its own and may not work on high mass objects (IE large Kaiju, heavy machinery etc) EDIT: This ability is disabled in safe area's.

6) Primary - Variable speed Magnetically Accelerated Cannon, subsonic rounds for stealth and supersonic rounds for damage. Fitted with a medium range scope. Fires diamond shards with high pierce damage.
Secondary - Proximity Detecting Mine Layer - launches small explosive mines which float in the area and home in on moving enemy targets. Maximum X mines supported, oldest mine once full goes dumb and cannot move, will still detonate if enemy comes in range or die after 15 seconds. This is considered a turret for mods.

7) "Ghost" Forward Recon Omniframe
Created after the Tsi-hu threat had been realized, this frame was designed to avoid being hit whenever possible while allowing sufficient combat abilities for deadly hit and run tactics. The frame itself is extremely streamlined and sleek with reduced profile to augment its natural stealthy nature.

Other considered abilities:

Quantum Partners - Omniframe uses quantum entanglement to create additional copies of itself at selected locations, no "frame" can move while this mode is active. Player can shift between copies at will. Effect ends when the power runs out or when all non controlled copies are destroyed or the ability is self terminated.

Remote Targeting - Allows the player to fix their main weapon on a small tripod, turning it into a turret which is then slaved to their omniframe remotely, allowing the omniframe to hide elsewhere in safety. Weapon must be retrieved before it can be used again. This ability could be considered a turret for mods.

Remote Mine - Player launches a small drone which can be piloted to a desired location remotely and then detonated. The mine can be destroyed by enemies. This ability is considered a turret for mods.

Nanobot coating - This is a togglable ability. Omniframe powers nanobots on all exposed surfaces, rendering attempts at physical crowd control unable to latch onto the frame. This ability uses charges which are reduced on usage and regenerate over time based on defensive power allotment The charges are independent of the toggle.

Secondary Omniframe - Player calls in a second omniframe with an unactivated clone to a fixed location. Should the player be killed their consciousness will be instantly transferred to the clone. This ability has a 30 second precharge and a 15 minute duration. The secondary frame can be destroyed.

Hyper-spectral Analysis - Overclock your CPU's to provide extra cycles for target identification processes. While active all enemies within EM or Audible range will have a red chroma outline in your omniframe HUD.

Hyper-spectral Analysis v2 - While active your omniframe scanners will seek out and highlight revealed weak point in your targeted enemy.

Focus Fire - Sends out a target request to all players in your squad which is indicated by a call out and a sniper reticle spinning above an enemy in the HUD. While active the target receives bonus damage based on number of squad mates attacking.

Targeting Designator - Fires a small laser that can be tracked by the nearest heavy weapons platform, creating a Time on Target 20m area attack, 5 second target acquisition and average impact time is 15 seconds afterwards.

Reactive Rounds - Reloads a weapon that utilizes ammo with a fresh clip who's rounds have a core of elemental Potassium, which burns intensely on contact with water (aka blood). Causes extra damage to organic material. This ability has charges.
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Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Oh, that would have to be a purely beast-like frame. In appearance and with its abilities revolving around fire-elemental weaponry.

I do have an idea for a build with a mechanical tail, dual-swords and I would have to come up with abilities that would boost melee-attacks.

I have an idea for a medium-build focused on sustained hovering and mid-air combat with dual wrist-mounted weaponry reminiscent of the Electron's Shock-rail , on both forearms that would be called e.g.: Archangel or something like that.
The more ideas coming along would give us endless combination to make some creative/exotic mechs. Can imagine a Mech builder section
that gives you a range of combination of parts to submit i like the idea of how steam was with greenlight


Jul 26, 2016
Arizona, U.S.A.
If you insist.

1) Light.
2) Mobility.
3) Heavy (Gotta go fast, all the time)
4) a. Teleports behind you.
b. Nothing personal kid.​
5) Wakizashi *Edit: Maybe a Mountain Dew™ dispenser instead of another bladed weapon here. Don't need to be dehydrated on the battlefield after all.
6) a. Katana.
b. Katana.​
7) Weeabo Sonic - Goes fast all the time. Teleporting behind the enemy, and stabbing them in the back is the strong suit of this build. On occasion, will ask forgiveness of their master when they're required to go all out, just that once.
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Base Commander
Base Commander
Apr 5, 2017
4-a-Stationary Turrets-Frame can set up X number of turrets (x between 4-8) that do not move and if destroyed they explode doing AOE dmg around themself
4-b-Moving Turrets-Frame deploys Y number of turrets (Y between 3-6) than follow the frame around and do not explode upon destruction
5-Repair Drone-Drone that goes to all deployed turrets and brings them and any THMPRs around to full hp (if the frame can set up more than 10 turrets, there should be 2 drones that go around and heal)
6-Electric Rifle- small range, AOE dmg, and alt-fire heals turrets and THMPRs
-Rifle for long range combat
7-The Egg Carrier-This Frame has the sole purpose to deal with swarms and low tier Kaiju. 2-3 frames like this could block a side from flanking and also provides healing to mechanical units (Turrets, THMPRs, Base defenses etc)


Base Commander
Base Commander
Apr 5, 2017
4-a-Wall Climb- This frame can climb any surface and make a sniper nest there
4-b-Satisfing (passive)-any headshot kills will create a small 2m radius explosion around the target, damaging all around
5-Flare-Lights up the battlefield and marks targets for the frame only
6-Plasma Sniper-Long range weapon, huge damage if precise and no recoil (plasma weapons should not have recoil)
-Shoutgun for close range
7-Assassin-High risk High return frame (if your aim is crap, you will be useless with this), purpose of the frame is to take out threats from afar and focus on weakpoints on kaiju (shield gen, cortical implants etc)


Base Commander
Base Commander
Apr 5, 2017
4-a-Redirect-crates a shield around the frame that lasts for 5s, absorbs all damage taken and then the shield explodes doing AOE around the frame (dmg and range depends on how much damage was taken in those 5s)
4-b-Battlecry-All enemys in a Xm radius start focusing this frame, ignoring other frames (this is to charge Redirect)
5-Minigun on shoulder that follows the aim of the main gun
6-Plasma Cannon- the one from the latest update video will work just fine (again pls no recoil on plasma weapons)
- Dual SMG for swarms
7-The Insane- ....this frame will need repairs A LOT! But it will be fun


Jul 26, 2016
South Carolina, US
Was sooo excited to get in on this.....

But many of you are already doing heavy defensive frames that, amongst the responses, have pretty much covered my thoughts. I'll just keep dreaming it to myself. But I did have one unique idea though based on a common ability from y'all, doubt it would remotely be a possibility. Nvm.

I'll give the name of course.

The Stryfus

See you on the battlefield, my fellow Reapers!