Official Firefall-Esque Weapon Requests Thread

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Omni Ace
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Kaiju Slayer
Jul 26, 2016
Planet Earth, USA, East Coast
When I first started playing Firefall (end of February 2013), my favorite two frames were the Firecat and the Mammoth. Don't ask me to choose, that's like choose between two types of chocolate, lol! :D

Here is a video of the Firecat battleframe from March 31, 2013; as close as I can get to when I started (*edited to remove dead video*):

Here is a video of the Assault weapon I liked using on the the Firecat. The "Plasma Canon" the date is January 20, 2014 (as close as I could find):

Here is a demo video of the Mammoth battleframe and the gun I liked using, the Plasma Mini Gun, from April 15, 2013:

I would like to see something along the lines of the Firecat and Mammoth weapons in-game. These two were my favorite frames when I first started playing because of the AoE plus freedom of movement from the Firecat and because of the tank-like, kill 'em all feel from the Mammoth.

It wasn't until a year or two later when I stopped hating the Recon frames because I learned to use them and pretty well, I think (thanks to IAmJohnGalt)! I won't get specific about their weapons (mostly because I can't recall which Recon weapon I liked most), but I do know that I'd like to see some kind of sniper weapon with a scope feature in-game too.

I hope these are specific enough; as it has been so long since I played, I've forgotten most of the details. But I might be able to coax Wyntyr into commenting if more detail is needed (he's better at that than I am). ;)

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Active Member
Jul 27, 2016
Plasma Cannon.

One of my favorite versions was the first iteration C0wb0y made. Not everyone liked it but it was overall well received by the testers.

This was around the time he ruined Firecat for me but i didn't care as i loved what he did to the plasma cannon and the Assault. (They changed it right before launching the update).

The triple dot alt fire (thermal cannon) was also a lot of fun and great for "death from above" playstyle.

Fusion bow.

I always liked the idea for the Fusion Cannon to be more like a bow.

A pull and release mechanisme to control the DPS and DPR would be a cool addition i think.

Dual wielded guns.

What's not to like?
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Jul 26, 2016
what i'd like to drive is a medium omni with 2 P90 SMGs. i like the look of that SMG and if different types of ammo can be used, that's it for me...tyvm...oh, yeah, and twin swords/axes for melee...

something along the line of this


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Sep 13, 2016
As a level 12 Bastion I grinded vouchers and bought the burrowing DoT sticky nade launcher, went out and lost my T3 thumper since i set myself on fire so much i kept dying.. then on the switch side of that learned to kite and solo T3 :D
The arch/sub class based and alt weapons made a difference in playstyle, I hope this sort of distinction will be increased after certain milestones.
Aug 10, 2016
I would love nothing more than to see Plasma Cannon back. I think it was one of the few weapons that escaped cowboys reworks pretty much intact.

Video of weapon near the end of Firefall

It was always the weapon which really did feel to me "easy to learn, hard to master". Anybody could pick up a Plasma Cannon and be effective, but after putting probably months of my life into that weapon it was always incredibly satisfying to take down groups of people, hit midairs and just generally outskill opponents.

Video of Plasma midair hits

The alt fire also i loved. Its short shotgun burst was useless at range but if you can get a close shot it would wreck whoever was unlucky enough to get close to it.

Video of plasma alt fire (about 7 seconds in you can see the huge damage it was capable of with a solid hit)
Feb 5, 2017
I absolutely must agree, the OG Plasma Cannon was probably one of the most fun weapons I've ever picked up in a shooter. For all of the cries I'd heard of how OP and easy-mode the Assault was, it really never seemed like anyone actually gave it the respect it was due in-game.

My favorite iteration was the one from the patch that nerfed AoE big-time, but buffed direct shots by like a couple hundred damage. It really defined the Assault playstyle to me: aerial superiority, and well-calculated shots. Its range was positively insane if you knew what you were doing, and- while I can understand why other classes might find it a bit broken- I think some of the absolute most fun I'd had in Firefall came from simply practicing my long-ranged shots. Adjusting for drop, leading the shots, and managing to kill a hive of arahnas just barely within draw distance without dropping a shot just..made sense to me, y'know? It was a good feeling, and I'd like something similar someday.

Also, I'd like to recommend the Flak Cannon secondary. Maybe it's because it was the first secondary I ever got attached to, but I LOVED the Flak Cannon. Of course, I don't know so much that it should be added- I really got the feeling that I was the only one who preferred it- but I know I always found it the most useful. Mostly, it only really helped for PvP, however (other than for downing some pesky mosquitos when I couldn't be bothered to line up an actual shot), but when used properly it could absolutely turn the tide on aerial 1v1s. I'd never seen another Assault pick me out of the air with those slow-moving balls, but in the early days when Flak was the only option, I damn sure got put down by a few Flak rounds in my time. So, in my opinion, that fit the model for the Assault perfectly: aerial superiority.

If there's ever a playstyle in EM-8ER in any way as vertically-designed as the Assault was (and I REALLY hope there is), I absolutely must recommend the classic Plasma Cannon. It went through a lot of changes after tthe aforementioned patch, but for my money I honestly think it was perfect how it was then.
Jul 31, 2016

Since we're going to be able to melee,

(Skip to about two minutes in. I can't get it to jump to the right time for some reason)

Remember kids, don't bring a knife to a stick fight.

I see you're stick and I raise you one scan hammer.

All the fun of a stick, with the brutality of small range AOE.

But in all seriousness, since we're getting melee, it would be nice to have a couple different types of melee. Scan Hammers weren't meant for this (I think, I mean they didn't have damage proc numbers) but I'll be damned if it wasn't fun to permanently down, a kneeling enemy AND find ores veins.


Jul 26, 2016
Minigun and Shotgun. My 2 favorite weapons. I was played dreadnough/mammoth for most of my time in FF, adn i reallly liked thgis "stand your ground and murder everything in shight" feel to it. My only complain about this gun was that i couldnt use its build-in shield and fire at the same time. It was very happy day form me when it was enabled.

Tough PHMG was cool too. I basicly got 2 of my favorite weapons (minigun and shotgun) in one.
I don't know how the PvE aspects of EMBER is going to be like but if it's going to have a large mob density, then I would like to see something similar to the Heavy Plasma Machine Gun in Firefall.
It's basically just a Minigun with explosive rounds with a slower rate of fire than all the other machine guns in its class with hard hitting shots that explode on impact. This makes the weapon very effective at clearing a large density of normal mobs but is on the lower end of the spectrum when it comes to dealing with boss type enemies.
The projectiles are also one of the more range limited projectiles in the game. With a slow velocity and a pretty steep bullet drop rate, it makes the weapon difficult to use at long range.
In Firefall, the weapon also had a secondary function as a shotgun to compensate for the poor single target damage, but it just didn't feel right.
YES!! But this time, I'd like to see that heavier weapons such as the HMG or laser HMG aren't just larger magazine versions of lighter weapons, as the all of the HMG's in Firefall were really only as powerful as an SMG per second wise. Having the HMG's being restricted to the heavier frames due to weight and being as dependent on ammo suppliers as they were in Firefall (it felt like a resource management mini-game, always looking and watching for those ammo drops) is more than plenty of a downside.

Oh, and the bullet drop rate on the Plasma HMG wasn't that steep actually, maybe only as much as Fusion Cannon (Tigerclaw Primary), but it still required a very small amount of targets leading at short distances, and only a bit more at medium.

(Edit) The Sniper Rifle (not to be confused the with Charge Rifle) is also something I would like to see return. It was a slow firing, heavy hitting, bolt action sniper rifle that if it was of green or blue quality (uncommon or rare) could kill most at and slightly above level humanoid enemies (melee and rifle Grunts, Engis, Snipers; oddly, enemy Assaults typically had more health than other enemies) in two bodyshots or one headshots, penetrated physical shields (such as those from the aforementioned Chosen Drone shields, who I loved picking off in a single shot; the drones had a small hitbox and little health, while their shields were damageable with infinite health and a max duration of about 20 seconds), and each shot did barely less damage (about one sixth) than a fully charged Charge Rifle of similar quality. Both the Sniper Rifle and the Charge Rifle had the explosive headshot kills, which allowed one to snipe an Chosen engi and take out the drone he just created with a single shot.

The Explosive Rounds (Nighthawk HKM, not the Dreadnought ability) was also very nice as it allowed one to instantly destroy a group of pesky Ahrana (they were small, moved fast, had low health, hitboxes like swiss cheese, and could climb sheer cliffs and irregular boulders with ease) with a single shot rather than waste a round for each one. (End of edit)

Would also like to see the SGL's (sticky grenade launchers) make a return. They moved fast enough to get direct hits with slight difficulty even at medium-long range with a moderate arc and blast radius. Hence their name, they stuck to almost anything, only bouncing off thumpers, shield deployables, allies, and friendly npcs. Secondary fire detonated all deployed rounds, even those just fired or midar, and had the magazine size double as the max deployed (typically 6 or 8). Firing even one more than allowed detonated the oldest without causing any others to blow even if they were within each other blast radius.

And speaking of the SGL's, I'd like to see enemies react to what you hit them with, ie sticking several SG's to or igniting intelligent enemies causes panic, and poison causes them to move more slowly and have worse aim. These effects would require the damage the fire, poison, or grenades would or have dealt be somewhat significant compared to their max health, and would be after a brief delay rather than instant (people's reactions aren't instant). Why? Because it's fun to watch something panic while they burn or corrode into nothingness. The memory of delivering that incendiary bomb to one of the Sultan's moles for Gunmetal Jack is fairly fresh. "A traitor's reward!" - Gunmetal Jack
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Nov 1, 2017
I want my charge rifle back. Gimme a nice perch somewhere, a charge rifle, and some whiskey neat. How I used to relax after work when I played Firefall. Sure, I loved to run Ares missions and take on world events but sometimes you just want to sit back and indiscriminately kill random shit while you unwind with a stiff drink.


New Member
Jun 3, 2017
Alright. So you guys remember the late bastion, right? It had a signature weapon that basically shot mini-turrets (little balls) which streamed repair lasers at machines or dps lasers at enemies based on what firing mode was being used.

It was basically a gun that shot turrets to support their equipment or damage enemies.

This was single handedly the most unique weapon in the history of RPG shooters and the only of its breed in the history of of the genre, perhaps even in gaming in general. You guys should grab that uniqueness by the horns and find a way to bring it back and implement it. It was just too cool for everyone who loved the idea of a sci-fi summoning class. A summoners weapon that basically summons?

Yeah, don't let that originality go extinct.
Likes: Faeryl
Alright. So you guys remember the late bastion, right? It had a signature weapon that basically shot mini-turrets (little balls) which streamed repair lasers at machines or dps lasers at enemies based on what firing mode was being used.

It was basically a gun that shot turrets to support their equipment or damage enemies.

This was single handedly the most unique weapon in the history of RPG shooters and the only of its breed in the history of of the genre, perhaps even in gaming in general. You guys should grab that uniqueness by the horns and find a way to bring it back and implement it. It was just too cool for everyone who loved the idea of a sci-fi summoning class. A summoners weapon that basically summons?

Yeah, don't let that originality go extinct.
I believe it was a tesla mine launcher that repaired deployables.
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Likes: balegrim
Mar 18, 2017
I do not have an image, but it was the standard recon rifle (like the Sharpeye R36 Rifle above), but from back when the recoil was minimal if none, so you could accurately pound an entire mag into an enemies head without half the shots going everywhere.
sorry I don't have screenshot to upload (hopefully this works), was a fun gun (Omega Perseid from baneclaw), but kinda broken when higly over levelled.
Jul 31, 2016
Got three weapons in mind.

The Arsenal's LMG

Primary fire:
Medium accuracy, medium to high rate of fire, medium to high damage for a bullet type weapon.

Secondary fire:
Pin point accuracy, slow rate of fire but with armor piercing bullets.

For visual and sound, the belt fed machine gun from Jin-Roh...with the visual being a little more Hi-Tech/futuristic:

Electron's Shock Rail

Earlier iteration where you could detonate the secondary fire plasma balls with your primary fire "rail gun".
Visual and sound on the projectiles:

With a visual representation of the weapon itself more in line with Quake 2's Rail Gun:

Last but not least...

Grenade Launcher

Good old grenade launcher, single grenade at a triple, quadra or scatter launcher.
Primary fire: grenades explode on impact.
Secondary fire: grenades explodes after a few you some tactical options.

Likes: Pandagnome
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