HeineSnow Art Related??


Omni Ace
Base Commander
Omni Ace
Jul 27, 2016
If you don't mind me asking what is your polygon count at?
To answer your question previously, I've check the poly count it around 111k with chain included.

This is amazing. Great job! How long did that take you?
Thank you! Usually a proper model will take a longer time to complete, since this was a doodle and wasn't constrain by the modelling principle. It took about 6 hour to make a no UV map model and poseable rig build.

Very awesome models you made there!
Is this a hobby of yours or are you actually working as a 3D-Artist?
3D-Artist and a Rookie Lecturer in the same field. ;)

That looks sick man, great job! I only have an issue with the worm-like tail, i believe something in the lines of the Xenomorphs tails would work better. Just my two cents. :)
Yeah, I really love Xenomorph tail too. The tail design base solely on the illustration, would definitely like to take on the alternative changes. ;)

Hmm... what do I think? Does "I hate you so much right now" sound good?! ;)
LOL Jk, good job, Heine!
Thank you! Looking forward to see your work too.


Omni Ace
Base Commander
Omni Ace
Jul 27, 2016
Heine, you make it really hard for me to hate you... you know that?! ;)
LOL Thank you, I look forward to blowing you out of the water with my tribal designs!!!!! :D

P.S. Looking forward to more of your things :)
Bring it on! Cheers~! XD


Omni Ace
Base Commander
Omni Ace
Jul 27, 2016
we get it... you're good at this!!!! XD
I'd say the first and second one I'd probably sculpt. I don't know about the third one?!
I would love to sculpt them if the software wasn't a pain on my little pc. XD

Whoa you are killing it with these sketches! I Look forward to seeing a 3d model of any of them.
I'm going to start making them, while everything still hot. ;)


Base Commander
Base Commander
Jul 26, 2016
Just curious if you have already modeled the whole thing would Kern be able to import it and use it as a headstart on modeling the omnimek? Great work btw.
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