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Jul 27, 2016
Somewhere on Earth
OI! Hoopdy! Just outta curiosity I was wondering what would happen if I shot one of The SBT rounds at Your Kinetic armor. It's always been a rather favorable ammunition type of mine that i kind of designed with the express idea to DESTROY kinetic shielding or at least Overload it.
It's something I'm wondering too, as it's interesting to think about what would happen. I think the SBT rounds would have a weakness in that regard: if it's overloading the kinetic generators, then wouldn't that also mean that it's also coursing massive amounts of kinetic energy through the shield itself? Which, in turn, goes to my magnum? I figure, for a short time, that would be quite the power boost, be it anyone nearby me even lives to see it, what with odds of implosion.
Jul 27, 2016
"Absorb kinetic energy during travel time" is what I'm gathering that these special, illegal SABOT rounds do. Which, considering the only kinetic energy they'll face is wind resistance and possible compression of air in front of the bullet (unlikely, anyway) would result in... what? The SABOT round absorbing the energy, sure, but how would this increase its speed, if it has no propulsion mechanisms to convert said absorbed kinetic energy into greater speed?

Also, I find that the term "kinetic energy" is thrown around a LOT as just a sciencey technobabble buzzword. Kinetic energy is just the movement of an object and its ability to impart that energy and movement towards another.

Given that, if any round, SABOT or otherwise, impacted Hoopdy's character's armor it would be a case of whether it was travelling fast enough to overload the kinetic absorption mechanism in Hoopdy's kinetic shielding. Let's take Mass Effect's kinetic barriers for an example. They use mass effect fields (generated by element zero, something lacking in our universe) to trap projectiles moving towards them and stop them from impacting their wearer. Now, if shot too much, they break. Their capacity to shield is broken.

A similar condition could be conjectured for Hoopdy's armor. If any round, or sufficient rounds, were travelling fast enough (with enough kinetic energy) I imagine that the suit's absorption tech would not be able to contain it and convert it fast enough to protect him and boost his handgun. Therefore, to put it simply, if shot too much or too hard, his armor would cease functioning as intended.

Of course, such a limit is determined by Hoopdy, or Domo if it comes to such drastic measures (which I doubt it will).

EDIT: Here we are. Something is specified, at least in the "Pangolin" (love the name btw) armor suit thing. "15 tons of physical force." That's the shielding's limit. Good.
Likes: Hotshot007


Active Member
Jul 27, 2016
Wherever my butt is currently
While I think you observation on the shielding is Dead on I'll clarify for ya as to where that energy goes.

If you know anything about SABOT ammunition or in this case specifically M829A3 Tank shells you'll understand where im coming from here. You are correct while Kinetic energy is just the movement of an object of mass and its impact in this case on another object. Aerodynamics are in play as there are micro fins on each particular round. Of course this is downsized considerably thanks to assumed 'future technology' and alloy production of space age metals not even within the realm of our understanding. As opposed to Depleted uranium or say Tungsten Carbide. Both of which are molecularly speaking some of the hardest things on earth and the most dense as well. When Pushed to the speeds they are pushed too create such a high speed projectile that goes through armor of most any kind (to our knowledge mind you)

The force exerted by the impact of this object literally PULLS air through the hole made and creates a bubble on the inside of say a tank and expands rapidly creating the explosion you usually see. Not to mention the liquefaction of the armor now being blasted inside like little shards.

Ultimately the SABOT and the propellent itself are what would need to change in order to keep this same level of armor penetration. A HIGH reactionary propellant that would launch at the same equivalent force for a bullet while the casing as well as the SABOT itself would be a material that as you said needs to absorb and project it's own energy without an outside force. Spinning is the key component to this idea that I was thinking of. The fins spin the round as is, however the material if something we don't have an understanding of that could persay accelerate continuously as if it was still IN a barrel due to the spin is what I was going for. By all means im ready to downgrade it to it's basically just a cased sabot round for a rifle. Which STILL would be mad illegal in my mind. But I thought i'd just put the idea down
Jul 27, 2016
So it doesn't accelerate once it leaves the barrel? Also, all rounds spin if fired from a rifled barrel. But I get what you mean with the fins.
@Noobtuber nice M82/M107 barrett with heavy muzzlebreaker :3

and your scythe SMG reminds me of the KRISS Vector SMG xD just with holosight and a smaller mag xD and that it shoots just 1000/min and not 1100/min xD
(Im used to see a version without holosight and a 30 bullet mag)
Lol, yeah. I can't model for my life, so I had to use some existing real guns to give reference. It's just a reference to what the guns were based off of.
I'd happily try to model myself, to make reference for Kleiss' equipment, but I have no 3D tools to create weapons models that I can think of off-hand. Any suggestions?
im using blender, its "easy", but the more complex and detailed, the more difficult...
ai actually modeling the CTS of larulir... it should be easy to model, and i can still learn much xD like applying mirrors xD
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Scout - Emberite
Jul 28, 2016
well I did for you to walk in... it's either that or me just walking past you without acknowledge you're there and my character seeing you just stand in front of the door instead of moving in.. but if you want that kind of progression.... then I will edit it right now


Scout - Emberite
Jul 28, 2016
actually you just entered the building...
'She met enough psychopaths already that liked to shoot down everything they see without any reason and hoped that this isn't the next she'll see. She slid the magnifier into her pocket and went on. Medeana's Inn was right next to her, but she didn't notice till she starred on the holopad. She entered the Inn with facepalm.'

and since i was on my way out.... i just stumbled upon you, considering you're entering anyway I just put your character where you're headed... again do you want me to change this?
'Thanking the lady I walked to the door and stumbled upon one of the newcomer. I think her name is Lirulir. "Yo, how ya doing?" "huh?" she face towards me with absent looking emotion. "Oh I'm peachy" I guess she's contemplating something, better not mess around any further. She kept walking to the counter, I noticed Medeana is still wiping the silverware.'
well... it was already happening alot... larulir already made the thing with medeana while bradshaw and company where at the mechanics repairing/modifieng things and talking.... and while you were making your stuff my chara already checked teh ammo, equiped herself and received a distress signal ^^

and BTW: the mechanics is already closed... there are 3-4 ppl in front of it, but bradshaw (the little tiny tina like girl/owner of the shop) and carson left with the hover bike
Jul 27, 2016
Zion/ The Burrow/Shawshank Mechanics

Upon arriving the shop, I notice some of the guys haven't left yet. Some of them is just chatting among others. I don't want to bother them so I just went inside and head to the counter. "Hello is there anyone can help me around here?" I asked and looking around the counter. A short girl appeared and answered me
Hey there, bud :)

It looks like you're referring to my character, Bradley, in your post there. If so, please refer to rule #5 in the RP Rules & Guidelines post that our lovely resident GM Domo has kindly posted for us. Hopefully that clears up any misconceptions you had about controlling other characters.

Also, please refer to my post right here in the RP, where I stated that Bradley's shop was in fact closed and locked per her recent departure for adventure and whatnot.


Scout - Emberite
Jul 28, 2016
well... it was already happening alot... larulir already made the thing with medeana while bradshaw and company where at the mechanics repairing/modifieng things and talking.... and while you were making your stuff my chara already checked teh ammo, equiped herself and received a distress signal ^^
I'm just gonna remove that part and never meet you, so its easy.

Also, please refer to my post right here in the RP, where I stated that Bradley's shop was in fact closed and locked per her recent departure for adventure and whatnot.
Ah yeah, since there's a lot of going on I forgot you went out. I changed it
Likes: Simon K
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