Ember RP (Official)

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Jul 27, 2016
Bradley | The Burrow | Shawshank Mechanics

She chuckles a bit at that last comment. "True, although it'd be quite the spectacle." Her smile returns, and she replaces the cover on Kleiss' comms kit. So, she's his partner off-world, then, Emily thinks. That's a relief--wait, what? No, it's not, she berates herself. He's just a customer. A very gentlemanly one... with an adorable twang...
"I'm going to need to take this little guy in the back to install the kinetic shielding, and find the right wires and such. You can take a look around the shop while I'm gone. Just don't touch anything." She spins around and heads toward the door to the rear of the shop, then adds over her shoulder, "Just kidding! But seriously. Most of that stuff will explode."


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Jul 27, 2016
Wherever my butt is currently
Duke/The Burrow: Comm Tower

He continued to scan the crowds and noted near the bottom of the tower someone starting to make their way up...well then he smirked took a final drag of his cig before throwing it off the top of the tower with a quick flick of his fingers but continued to listen into the man with what appeared to be a glowing thing from inside the bag...that emanated a voice. Professional, perhaps an AI? well none to interesting there his sights turning over to the man who seemed to have been following the woman before just generally scanning the crowds before he could hear the woman approaching from the Fire escape.

Placing the rifle on the side of the building and looking out at the planet's landscape placing a soft hand on his side not gripping his pistol but letting it rest softly, concealed by the coat as the woman approached and as soon as she was within earshot he spoke up. "Climbing all those stairs must be exhausting. Especially with all the weapons you're toting around, any particularly you're following me?"
Red/The Burrow/Shawshank Mechanics

Red had been listening in on the couples whole conversation and was a little surprised Bradley hadn't noticed her yet, she would've usually at least acknowledged Red by now but she did seem rather engaged with this customer. And extra friendly with him too. Once Bradley had departed to the confines of her workshop Red walked into the shop "Hey there mate. I see you're making immediate use of the local services." She said as she approached the man and leaned on the counter next to him. "Good to see you're settling in kid. Do you mind if I ask where abouts you picked up your revolver? It looks pretty damn fine, weapon shield synergy isn't something you come across every day." She maintained a subtle smile, after all she was glad to see some fresh faces. "Shit, where're me manners? I'm Red, errr, not really a local but I've been here a little while. Nice to meet you" She presented her hand for a handshake.
Jul 27, 2016
Somewhere on Earth
Carson | The Burrow

The question isn't one that's particularly new to him; seems many people love to hear about the sort of weapons he's carrying, be it for legal reasons or otherwise. He keeps his collected posture as he greets the individual that goes by Red. "Ah, this old thing?" He reaches out and grabs Red's hand with a firm, but welcoming, grip, shaking it with the Sothor vigor his kind's known for. "She's a special make and model; belonged to the gran, but she passed some few years back. Kept it by me a few years, but Ziegra only recently gave it the upgrade. I'm still getting used to using it." He glances over in the direction Bradley went, remembering mention of the local services. "Yeah, Bradley seems like a sharp tack, that lady. You learn a lot of a person's trade by the movements of their hands; she's got quite the skill." He pauses a second, before speaking again.

"Carson Kleiss, by the way..and trust me, I ain't any kid. I'm probably older than most people arriving; Hell, days like these? I feel old enough to be my own 'pa." He chuckles to himself.
Jul 27, 2016
Morgan/Comm Tower - The Burrow

She ignored the duster-man's casual comments as she approached, the hulking coat obscuring most of her expression as she dug around in one of her pockets, her mood brightening when she found what she was looking for. With a casual grace belied by her hidden form, she withdrew both hands and tossed something vaguely tan and vaguely oblong toward the backside of man, watching the perfect arc it made as she held up the contraption that was in her free hand, a long tubular metal object with a red button very present on the top. It had a little skull painted inexpertly on.

"Don't move, duster man."

Her voice was high and cold, certain that the way she had approached wouldn't give away her intent before she wanted to, the shadows leading away from her target rather than before her.

"Now you may have misheard me. I didn't say, slowly reach for your gun and draw it out, I didn't say fly away because you're so fast, I didn't say attempt to distract me with a well-timed message from your cohorts, I said don't move. I won't repeat myself, I will just push this button. No, before you ask, I don't care that it will blow up the comm tower. No, I don't care if you try and flick it at me, because I assure you that I have a lot less distance to move than you do."

She leaned against the railing of the building, staring at the little object that she'd thrown up the relay.

"I'm going to require you to give me answers."


Active Member
Jul 27, 2016
Wherever my butt is currently
Duke/Comm Tower: The Burrow

He just gave a calm smile and did just as she requested and did not move an inch, though despite the plastique explosive placed behind him he didn't seem all that distressed. "Hey, I know when im outclassed, why bother a girl with that many weapons and explosives? Little to many pockets for my taste but truly not my concern. As for the answers you're looking for what's the question? I'm just doing a bit of scouting? why come looking for me?" He knew he turned it into a questions game to her but it came of so smoothly off the tongue that it seemed more like he was giving her answers.
Jul 27, 2016
(lol didn't see this post at all. sorry)

Bradley | The Burrow | Shawshank Mechanics

"Oh, Red! Hey there," Bradley calls to the freckled young lady, a relatively new (at least compared to the Bradshaws) member of the Burrow. She'd dealt with her before, and found Red to be a sociable, excitable girl, who had some pretty impressive contacts in the underworld. Every once in a while she brought some odd or end to Bradley, a weapon, more often than not, and the mechanic would fix it for her--no questions asked, of course. In a place as small as the Burrow, it just wouldn't do to be nosing around in other folk's business.

"Here's your comms kit, Kleiss." She sets the equipment on the counter and smiles in greeting to Red. Bradshaw then turns back to Carson and says, "That'll be X credits.* Was there anything else you needed today?"

*(I have no idea what the currency system is right now. Just consider the price to be less than normal.)
Jul 27, 2016
Somewhere on Earth
Carson | The Burrow | Shawshank Mechanics

He gives Bradshaw an appreciative nod, taking the comms module from the counter and slotting it back into place on his suit. A brief second's required for it to reboot, but within a very short time, a distressed-sounding Ziegra is on the other line.

"Carson, come in already! You're scaring the shit out of me!"
"It's fine, Ziggy, I'm fine. You didn't proof the comms before I got out here."
"Oh! Fuck, sorry, C.K., honest mistake."
"You're okay, really. One sec."

He pulls his attention back to Bradley with a friendly nod, pausing for a moment when she mentioned the price. His smile's otherwise genuine, but skeptic. "Now, I'm no salesman, but don't make me think you're giving me any special treatment now." He follows his statement with a soft-hearted laugh, before placing more than the given amount Bradley asked for on the counter; around what he figures to be a standard value for her excellent service. "Can't help but respect an honest worker, really."
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Jul 27, 2016
Bradley | The Burrow | Shawshank Mechanics

"And I can't help but appreciate a generous customer," she replies with a wide grin, sliding the credits off the counter and into her hand. She deposits them in what must be a drawer behind underneath the countertop, and says, "If you need anything else, don't hesitate to mention it."
Larulir | The Burrow

As she started to make her to Medeana's Inn, she still kept an eye out for suspicious things like ... the two ppl on the Comm Tower. She grabbed her rifle with the left hand and unfixed it that was fixed at the right side of her bag. Then she laid the barrel in the left hand next to her holopad and removed the magnifier. After fixing the rifle to the bag again she started to look at the two people on the comm tower through the magnifier. One woman in a coat with many pockets and a man with a sniper rifle standing next to him. She could tell that it had a scanner mounted on the scope.
"Let's hope that this isn't a trigger happy idiot." She said to herself. She met enough psychopaths already that liked to shoot down everything they see without any reason and hoped that this isn't the next she'll see. She slid the magnifier into her pocket and went on. Medeana's Inn was right next to her, but she didn't notice till she starred on the holopad. She entered the Inn with facepalm.
Jul 26, 2016
Renalin 'Lucy' Siero | The Burrow > Shawshank Mechanics

While she walks around she doesn't really notice much different from any other day. Then again she lived quite in the outskirts of the Burrow. Casually she walked around going to one of her contact guys. Renalin still had to get a new module to pick up, well two. As she arrived their eyes met, no words were spoken they both knew. She paid him the money and he gave her what she came for. As she walks away she gestures a small wave with her hand without looking back. Now she thought, I have everything with me so I guess I'll go see Bradley. Surprisingly The Burrow was a place were she actually could handle people at an okay level. As she arrived at Shawshank Mechanics she saw Bradley, a man she hadn't seen before and Red. Now she wasn't too fond of Red, but they never really talked and Renalin still wasn't that good with people.

"Hiya Bradley!" She called out, accidently bumping against the man. "Who's this new one?"
(lol didn't see this post at all. sorry)
(No probs)

Red / The Burrow / Shawshank Mechanics

After Carson's firm handshake, something she was used to for securing business deals as there were rarely formalities in her line of work, Red gave a quick nod and a wave to Bradley "A'ight Brad!" She turned her attention back to Carson after he'd completed his transaction with the mechanic "Don't worry I call everyone kid, its just part of my North English lingo. But yeah, how sweet of your ol' gran to hand you such a nifty piece and you're right about Brad, I always thought myself to be a decent gunsmith but fuck me I'm peasant tier next to this gal" Red paused for a second, noticing she may be getting too into conversation "Tell you what, if you're looking for something a little...special in the arms department, maybe a job has some specific requirements, I can offer some less than common goods. I'll send my store address to your datapad, it'll tell you I'm at "Red's Liquor and Tobacco" but don't let the name fool ya...unless of course you're after some smoke and a bevvy" She let out a little exhale of laughter. Then she noticed someone approaching, Renalin, Red hopped up to sit on the counter, farther down mind you as not to get in the way of any business Bradley might carry out. She though she may as well stay a little, see what happens. More interesting then dealing with the goons that usually show up around her own shop. As Renalin approached Red commented to the others "Aha, the young demon has caught our scent" She jested, mostly to herself, but she meant not to denounce the girl. Red knew that her humour was sometimes a little inconsiderate. Consideration for emotions wasn't her strong point.


Scout - Emberite
Jul 28, 2016
Zion/ The Burrow/ Medeana's Inn

After Zion unpack everything, he grabbed his smithing tools and some lefotover material for the chores he's about to do. Making sure everything is in place, he left his room and lock it back on the way out. Walking back to the main lobby, Zion saw Medeana is cleaning the lounge. She's currently wiping some of the silverware that was on display inside the cupboard.

"Hello again Miss, cleaning up the place?" I greeted the lady. "Indeed, there's probably gonna be more people lodging in soon so I better tidy up the place. Wouldn't want leave a bad impression leaving the place all dirty and dusty right?" She said while wiping some of the ornaments with damp cloth.

"Yeah, I guess we gotta save that chat later" "Oh yeah I did say that earlier, sorry kid. I sometimes goes to a tangent if I see stuff unorganized." She said apologetically. I guess she really want to have a chat.

"No problem, since I'm lodged here we gonna have that chat soon. Oh anyway, do you know any nearby workshops? I happen to to have some work to do." Hoping to god it's nearby since we're kinda in the middle of the city. Sometimes the workshops either back at the landing fields or at the other end of the town. "Workshop? It's nearby. Just 5 building apart and then across the road. You can see it from the entrance. It's a small one though, it only have middle class tools so you can't make high tier weapons like the one you brought in." There's no doubt about that, if I want to upgrade my weapons or my tools I don't think this place have any stuff laying around. I probably gotta ask Bradshaw about that. I can make stuff but I need electronics help and she's apparently good at it.

I exited the Inn and start to looking around until I saw a building that have an entrance that would be plausible for a workshop. It's dirty enough especially with all that metal deposit outside the building. Moving towards the building I notice this planet is quite hot. It's around noon but the temperature already reaching 30C.

"Activate helmet" My headpiece deployed and cover my whole head. It allows me to read some of the in-built system and condition of the armor. Apparently I forgot to reset the suit temperature regulator because the last planet I went to is an Ice planet. Setting back the temperature to comfortable level, I activate the GPS system to see the satellite view of this whole town. After a couple of seconds the image popped out and I can see an aerial view of the whole town.

It's quite big but you wouldn't get lost in it. It's built strategically and apparently the tower is smack dab in the middle. I stopped walking and turn my head toward the tower, I saw some movement on it. Apparently some of us already on the move. Reaching the building I notice there's a couple of tech table is being used, I saw some that aren't being used but it's deep inside the building. Not wanting to waste time, I went inside and put my tools on 1 of the unused table. Gazing around the area, I felt at home with all this hammering, welding and shouting sounds. While I'm prepping the table, a guy approached me.

"Hey there man, the name's Mike. But people call me Nutter, I'm the care taker of this place. Ya need any help?" The guy in front of me is around my age. He's 6' and have a very muscular body, he's bald and currently wearing a blue coveralls that covered with soot, dust and grease. If i didn't know any better, I probably hug this guy and call him brother. "Nah I'm fine, this isn't my first time handling one of these. Gotta say you keep this place in pristine shape with all the works laying around." He smiled at my praise. "Well, if you say so. If you got any problem just yell my name loud enough. I'll come running with a medkit and a toolbox." He said and left as he walked to another table to help a guy. After around 5 seconds I heard a scream. "NUTTER!!!!! COME QUICK" I saw him legit running with med kit in his left hand and a toolbox in his right. "Wow he ain't joking."
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Jul 27, 2016
Bradley | The Burrow | Shawshank Mechanics

"Hey there, Lucy," Bradley says, amiably enough. She hadn't dealt with the girl too often, as she lived on the outskirts of town, but she seemed nice enough... if a bit... off. She gesturies to Kleiss, saying "This here is--well, I suppose I should let him introduce himself, huh?"
Jul 27, 2016
Somewhere on Earth
Carson | The Burrow | Shawshank Mechanics

"Carson Kleiss," he follows up with a thankful nod. "If there's a creature you can name, I've probably shot it at least once." He chuckles, noting his head over to Red. "I'd be happy to provide some assistance, but I do try to keep my hands clean often. I stick to honest jobs, not saying what you do isn't honest, but I'm more comfortable knowing I can't be arrested by somebody over what I'm doin'." Despite what he may be saying, his face never seems to leave that friendly everyman expression he holds so very well. His attention returns back towards the other stranger, leaning himself in a bit of a head-bow. "Lucy, mm? My aunt had that name. Sweet woman, she wa-"

A faint static comes off his comms unit for a moment, interrupting the man's line of thought. "Hmm?" It was transmission static, but it didn't make Carson any less confused.
Jul 26, 2016
Renalin 'Lucy' Siero | Shawshank Mechanics

Renalin overhears Red, but doesn't let it bother her. It wasn't something new to her eitherway. After hearing Bradley followed by Carson's introduction she smiles faintly, which is obviously faked to come across better. She puts the two modules on the counter and begins speaking.
"Carson. I didn't ask your whole shitty story. But yes Lucy works, full name's Renalin 'Lucy' Siero. Welcome to The Burrow though. Bet ya never had your gun aimed at one of my family members, bunch of disgusting creatures they are." Her voice clearly has a bit of anger as she finishes her sentence, Renalin reaches out and takes her two Fusion Revolvers out from her holsters laying them on the counter as well.

"I assume you woulda be able to fix them up with the two modules right Bradley?" She then says, a bit more honest as for the few times she's done business with Bradley it was quite alright. It wasn't too hard to notice that even she was a bit uncomfortable being around her.
Jul 27, 2016
Bradley | The Burrow | Shawshank Mechanics

"It would be my pleasure," Bradley replies, her face completely devoid of any trace of a smile. "As long as you watch your tongue. I don't tolerate disrespect in my workshop. Understand?" She looks at Siero and smiles again, bright and sunny. Her eyes, however, are steel.
Jul 27, 2016
Morgan/Comm Tower - The Burrow

As before, she ignored the comments that spewed out of the duster-man's mouth until he got to the real meat of the conversation.

What did she want to know?

"I want you to tell me anything and everything that you've seen that says that an AI was present, or any mention of the name SHADE."

She was particularly enthusiastic when pronouncing the last word, the all-caps name heavily implied.
Likes: Hotshot007
Jul 26, 2016
Renalin 'Lucy' Siero | Shawshank Mechanics

"Yeah I know, slipped up there." Damn she thought, of all the people it always had to be Bradley that could just shut her down. Then again she didn't want to cause trouble when Bradley was the best person in The Burrow to go to. And she was kind of cute.. Wait did she actually think that? She looks at Bradley then Carson, back at Bradley and chuckles softly. The way she wanted him to introduce himself and looked at him at the time kinda felt funny.


Active Member
Jul 27, 2016
Wherever my butt is currently
Duke/Comm Tower - The Burrow

He raises a brow to her question smirking somewhat as if he had no idea what she was talking about then shrugs pointing with an oddly precise accuracy towards the man who was in his scopes not but a moment ago.

"Lots of shifty figures moving in and through this city however I'd wager money that moneybags down there is the only one with any signs of an AI unit. Dim light coming from his bag and he's talking to the air, granted he might just be on a comms unit but if that's what you're looking for I'd start there. Otherwise you have an over armored madman, a kid messing around with what appears to be kinetic tech and someone tailing you right at the bottom of this tower here.

He said this all matter of fact-ly just having no issues or concerns about the general information he had just divulged. "anything else I can help ya with ma'am?"
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