SpamSpam Post - nonsense approved ^^

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Jul 26, 2016
I once had a DM that ran with that idea. He knew that the dude in question was doing everything he could to derail the story so he forced him to RP this in detail and when he tried to chicken out, the DM told him he could leave the game then. Quite funny to see the dude's facial expression to the DM saying, "So how exactly? I told ya, you need to explain in detail everything you do in this game if you succeed in the dice rolls. If your description sucks then it doesn't matter if your dice rolls were a success, you fail at what you were trying to do." The dude had to explain how to seduce a dragon, jerk it off and then ultimately become it's bitch while the rest of us ran far, far away. His slutty female & male characters never really survived for long before he gave up and decided to play properly with us.

I remember him saying, "How am I going to detail how my girl gets fucked by a dragon? She's human and that thing has to be bigger than a house!" ... DM: "I don't care. You somehow won the rolls, so RP it or be dragon chow." After fifteen minutes of trying, he gave up and worked on a new character as his old character became our diversion. A diversion that kept that dragon off our butts for the rest of that day.
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