I had a dream where I was a witch's servant, but I sabotaged something so the newest person we'd lured to their doom saw the corpses in her cauldron and killed her. they didn't know I didn't serve her by choice, so I had to run away.
this was the start of a video-game, that was being developed by a single indie developer, who went on holiday right after releasing this demo.
I was dumped into the open world with three quests
turn myself in (which was explicitly stated to be a joke).
I don't remember the second one.
decode a book, possibly the witch's spellbook or possibly something belonging to a victim.
also the open world had world states, and the current world state was that world states weren't implemented yet and that the developer was on holiday.
I tried to go to a library for some reason (to learn to decode the book?), but for some reason the library had modern elevators that were just bad and unsafe. like sometimes the door opened because the elevator went past, even if it didn't stop. I woke up just after an elevator finally arrived like half a minute after the door had opened, almost squishing a couple of people who had walked in and fallen into a pit.