Navel appropriateness debate

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Jul 26, 2016
There certainly seem to be vocal factions who are polar opposites and will never be able to get along.

And I need you to change your sig, it's distracting me from working.


Well, it's their ridiculous PC crusade that started all this. Before, gaming was a neutral zone where people didn't care about political affiliation of fans and game developers.
Yep, then the world became really really PC and ever since then whenever someones feelings get hurt or someone gets triggered or feels offended we get censored.

Thanks Tumblr for bringing that retarded logic into the world. You fucked up a generation and made them pussy's
Likes: NitroMidgets
Yep, then the world became really really PC and ever since then whenever someones feelings get hurt or someone gets triggered or feels offended we get censored.

Thanks Tumblr for bringing that retarded logic into the world. You fucked up a generation and made them pussy's
aren't all kids fucking crying and whining losers that run away to their mama when they get hurt/beaten/bested. 'Cause thats kinda what i always experience (got to do all the time with these suckers in school...)

and some navels in bad mood 'cause its the naval naval section xD
Likes: PCMasterReece
Jul 26, 2016
I have no idea which problem you're having, I'm using the insert image button always. Maybe I did a typo while inserting them into the spoiler field o_O:confused:
That's a good idea actually.
It makes it easier and faster to view this thread.
and uhm....
from Artist Kim Hyung Tae at
He's the artist that was featured in a lot of old NCsoft games like Magna Carta and Blade & Soul
Likes: Earth_Soldier
Jul 27, 2016
Most women are fine with fan service. I googled "what do women think of fan service" and most don't mind it at all from what I read. This is off the record but I think a lot of females are naturally bisexual to a small degree - in that they enjoy looking at other females too.

I have no idea which problem you're having, I'm using the insert image button always. Maybe I did a typo while inserting them into the spoiler field o_O:confused:
You messed up your images then, 2 of them aren't showing.
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Tsi-Hu Hunter
Jul 27, 2016
Dupont, WA
Is somebody sprinkling salt on people's starfish again?
Look, people need to get some thicker skin. If this is the thing that gets people worked up then please, avoid humanity entirely. You are going to be mad the rest of your life. People are not robots. They will say and do things that might confuse you, piss you off or so on.
Just be glad you live in a country (assuming you do for now but if not, that is your problem) that allows you to not agree with others. If you think shit is so miserable then feel free to travel the world and see just what shit is like out there. For the vast majority of people it isn't a shiny happy world of rainbows and fucking puppy farts! Get over yourselves. Crawl back out of your own ass. Unless your life is in danger from it, ignore it. Especially on the damn internet. The internet is seemingly boundless. Why stay some place that pisses you off?
FYI, if Mark puts equality in the game then I will demand my Reno 911 Officer Dangles plum smuggler shorts.


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
Most women are fine with fan service. I googled "what do women think of fan service" and most don't mind it at all from what I read. This is off the record but I think a lot of females are naturally bisexual to a small degree - in that they enjoy looking at other females too.
For the most part I agree with this, the only real problem I have is that all the pictures are of women so out of proportion as to be utterly unrealistic beyond any ability to suspend belief. After awhile those of us who don't have DDDD sized busts start to get little eye twitches :p. I mean it would be like having pictures of guys with phallus's so large they practically drag on the ground posted all over the internet. Sure you might laugh at how silly that would be but if women all over the internet kept saying how that was exactly what turned them on...after awhile it might eat at you males a bit too.

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