Introduction Thread

Jul 28, 2016
South West Colorado
Damn, #stillnotinB4Fooni.
I played D&D Online for a few years and was looking for ShadowrunOnline and found a link to this hot new game. It was everything I was looking for. I got lucky and got beta key in 2012. I fell in love with Firefall, from the first time I played. I do recall wanting a little more tutorial on how to use the controls, but there is a learning curve with every game. At some point I decided to drink the coolaide, and then the game went live. I didn't play as much as some but I did play quite a bit.
My preferred frame is the Omnidyne-M OD-B9 Dragonfly. Although, I am not the best medic, I try very hard to save as many as possible.
After seeing the names of players I respect on here it was a no brainer. Some of these people helped me in the very beginning. The community makes or brakes a game. I played WoW for like a week, people there are asshats. I hope this turns out to be everything FF promised and more. I will do what I can to help.
Thanks for the invite
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Likes: Fooni


Jul 26, 2016
Hi! I never played FF (I don't count a couple of days of embarrasing "wow with guns" experience), but Mark's recent legacy wow activity made me his "makegamesgreatagain" crusade follower. So after his article about FF true concept I was pretty excited despite I don't rly like fully PvE games. So I decided it's worth to jump the hype train.
Unless I'm mistaken, I believe there are plans for pvp in the future.

Also, I'm zdoofop, but people call me zdoof. It's short for Zijyfe Duufop, long story, but I also like to go by Larisqa (pronounced Lariska) from time to time, you might also spot a Mynoku here and there. I played ff in early days for a bit, then again almost exactly a year ago. I really really REALLY want this to work out.
Likes: Sik San
Jul 27, 2016
Hey All!!! I'm GhostDancer66, you can call me Ghost.
I am/was a FF founder. Found FF in open/closed Beta weekend mid 2012 and became a founder instantly. I was in awe of the beauty and scope of FF from the moment I created an account and logged in for the first time.
As an old, and I mean old, FPS player (anyone remember the very first Rainbow Six) I was astonished that there was an MMO that focused on the FPS experience in an open world sandbox format. I've play a ton of FPS's over the last several decades, many have fallen by the wayside and have become nothing more than a memory, but FF is/was a game that I have/had (until today) logged into everyday (minus the down time) for nearly 4 years.
I found my way here thru the usual channels and Fooni (yea I'll blame you Fooni) of course.
I was a part of FFANZ in it's early stages (and there in the end) and a member of several Armies that made up FFANZ. We had some good times defending Sunken Harbor from the Chosen (you know when it had consequences if you failed), Thumping in new and exciting places and running down the various factions that sought to make Coral Forest than Sertao and finally Diamond Head (Devils Tusk will always be Diamond Head to me) from having their way and making life chaotic for the regular folks.
I look forward to seeing Ember and being a part of it (like I was with FF) and helping it reach it's fullest potential.
So Grummz lets make this happen..........................
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Jul 28, 2016
Fooni here! I'm late, but thats my game and you know it!
I'm a simple person, You be nice to me and i be nice to you.
Thats all there is to it, there isn't any BS things to this.
Goddamit I wanted inb4Fooni
Hi, I am Sandsnake, I love the list of players I am seeing, hi guys, same club, new house, huh? If you don't know me from FF, I am loud, obnoxious, occasionally brilliant and generally hilarious. If you choose to get offended by something I said due to taking it too seriously, I have a slot in the complaints department for you sometime around 2073. Please take a number and wait patiently and quietly.
Also, I want my arsenal back. Seriously, plasma lance and all
Likes: Fooni


Jul 28, 2016
Tucson HOT
Zeino, reporting in. Glad to see something great coming out of the tragedy that was the inevitable end to Firefall. I was a founder when Firefall originally came out in Beta. I loveit and I hope so much that style is brought back.


New Member
Jul 28, 2016
Hey hello, my name is Pablo, also known as NollieFlipX and more recently CodeFox.

I played Firefall since Closed Beta, or Alpha (I'm not sure). I've been playing games for around 20 years now and I have worked as a game developer, developing 3D/2D art and animation, for about two years. Right now I'm working as a programmer for industrial automation, but I really want to go back into software development C++ or Java, maybe ABAP, Ruby.

I enjoy gaming, digital painting, studying the japanese language and reading on my free time.

I play on PC only, I like playing Earth Defence Force 4.1, Skyforge, Dreadnought, Armored Warfare, Mech Warrior Online, the Battlefield series and to chill out the amazing VA-11 HALL-A I don't know but there is something on this little bar sim that simply puts me into hands down complete chill mode.

Since I've been playing FireFall for so long, I have a few very personal expectations for Ember.
-Decent jetpack physics and visuals. And jetpack dash.
-PvP with pre-made frames -with option for visual customisation, badge show off.
-"Weight". After playing with the Fencer class on EDF4.1 I fell in love with it's gameplay instantly. It really makes you feel like you are a pilot of an devastating power horse of a frame. You really feel the trade off firepower and defence for mobility, it is an awesome feel and it really takes skill to play with.
Jul 26, 2016
Georgia, USA
My name is RangerWolf or WaspKiller Most of you know me as WaspKiller, alot of people call me wasp so if someone says wasp thats me :D Anyways Im 20 years old and At the time of this post is still a firefall mentor helping noobs through confusing moments ingame. But i have resigned and no longer will play firefall due to the lay off on faded pez.
I have been an open beta player.
Jul 28, 2016
Literal Hell
I decided to hop in on this forum out of sheer curiosity at what Ember is, or is going to be. Apparently, this game would take a turn away from the mainstream grind fest MMOs are, at least according to the word of the dev(s). I have played a couple of MMOs in the past, Dragon Nest, Dungeons and Dragons Online, a little bit of WoW a couple years ago, Realm of the Mad God, and that's all I can name off the top of my head.
Jul 28, 2016
SE Washington
My name is Rich, 45, aka Bolverk, Bolv8rk, and BolverkIronhand. FF player since 2012, FF Mentor, Founder, yada, yada. Looking forward to seeing what Ember has to offer, and its great seeing so many familiar peeps again.


New Member
Jul 28, 2016
So Hello :)
I started Firefall in April 2011 and year after year I liked it less and less. I stop playing about a year ago. I'm a guy who doesn't speak too much - "don't speak unless you can improve the silence". When I play I love to explore - like in real life except weapons :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2016
Hi guys and gals.
So where to start, i am one of the old Firefall beta (alpha) players, was around as we had still be weekly Playtests and have seen the game grow and ultimatly burn from the beginning to the end. With Daddy Pez beeing layed off also i ultimatly packed my bags and gave my farwell to Firefall ones and for all.

After talking to a few old friends who told me about Ember (yeah yeah i know i should have been here sooner), here i am.
Commander Nellana Repporting in, what ever is gona endup as the "Dragonflyish" frame you will find me playing it.
Always have been a medic always will be !

Oh and i know you are hideing around here some where Darkbyke and Fooni !!
Likes: Brezals


New Member
Jul 29, 2016
They are indeed here, and so many others from FF forums.
Thats good to know, theres nothing like our tight knid Firefall community from Alpha/Closed Beta > Open Beta.

Like i said i had a few friends tell me about this project, and when ever mark is gona put up a new Crowndfunding goal for a Prototype ill be more than happy to back it (again ?). From all that i have read and from what i have seen so far Ember might actually be able to become what we wanted Firefall to be. We will see where this goes, but i am for sure gona be around for the long haul again.


Jul 27, 2016
Thats good to know, theres nothing like our tight knid Firefall community from Alpha/Closed Beta > Open Beta.

Like i said i had a few friends tell me about this project, and when ever mark is gona put up a new Crowndfunding goal for a Prototype ill be more than happy to back it (again ?). From all that i have read and from what i have seen so far Ember might actually be able to become what we wanted Firefall to be. We will see where this goes, but i am for sure gona be around for the long haul again.
Indeed, it is 2011 all over again. the difference this time, is that there is not even a prototype yet.
Jul 29, 2016
Name: Roland
Forumname: Mostly sebigboss79 (too much Asterix)
Age: Older than most you you together (37)
Occupation: Project Manager (telling people what to do, how and where they should end up by what time, essentially )
Hobbies: Tabletop Gaming (25+years)

In general : I usually know my stuff, prefer to listen and understand before opening my gob. Debate should be free from emotion and filled with knowledge.

My wish: Make it Firefall 1.3 PLEASE.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I am neonserge a goofball and dreamer who enjoyed firefall and await
the ember that will bring us much MECHS!

I love Mechs very much they are the new caravans of the future my girlie friend will
be happy too :eek: