Introduction Thread


New Member
Jul 27, 2016
Blackfyre reporting for duty! I played firefall on and off ever since I got my beta invite at the start of 2013. It was the first game I have ever backed as a founder, and the first game I ever followed from early beta to its (long overdue) death.


Jul 27, 2016
Hey all, Boksan reporting in. Its been awhile, my old PC simply couldn't handle Firefall anymore around 2013ish, so I've been out of touch with everyone... Recently got a new rig though, and first thing I did was reinstall Firefall, only to discover it no longer really exists, which was incredibly depressing despite already having heard of the issues beforehand. Not even half an hour ago though I got an email from Firefall forums inviting me to a private conversation regarding Ember, and now here I am.

For those that don't remember me (don't worry I won't feel bad if I've been forgotten lol), my name is Jon, I'm 28 years old. I work in a forensics lab, and spend the rest of my time with my family, which nowadays seems to consist of trips to the local park so my daughter can catch Pokemon on Pokemon Go. In terms of my Firefall experience, I was the guy endlessly thumping in the XP Valley outside Sunken Harbor in his Recluse for 10-15 hours a day, hosting thump parties for experienced players that wanted fast resources, controlled thumping tutorials for newbs, and in general causing serious mayhem when i got outnumbered and accidently unleashed multiple Chosen invasions on every location in half the region due to absurd amounts of incoming Chosen drop pods from trying to solo 3-4 group thumpers at once... Lol.... God that brings back memories!

It's good to see a lot of familiar faces already even though this forum is brand new. Hopefully we'll all be able to work together and restore the original vision to its rightful glory.

Right now I'm imaging Firefall on a funeral pyre on a boat floating downriver as the archers loose their flaming arrows. The arrows strike and ignite, and an Ember rises from the ashes, like the fabled Phoenix. The Ember, carrying with it the essence that was Firefalls original vision, assumes a new body, and begins a new journey. Long may the Ember burn brightly in the hearts of gamers, Long Live the Ember!
Jul 28, 2016
Well I guess I should introduce myself as well. The name's Btabc. I play on FF and a few other games with the same gamertag so if you see me please let me know. I'm a Mentor for FF as well and have been getting CONSTANT notifications (people telling me about this soon to be game) and decided to check it out. So here I am, checking it out. Hello! :)


New Member
Jul 28, 2016
Looks like something interesting is going on here.
I thank the community manager for sending that email out.

I really liked the original idea so I shall see how this turns out.
Jul 28, 2016
DropnLock here,

If you cannot tell by my name Bastion was my all time FAVE frame for wrecking some Chosen during red invasions of the map. I had to bury him FAR out as close as I could to the Arclight ship in Copa as he was wrecked into the ground by the Traitors of R5 who where Chosen lovers to their core.

Arsenal was my second frame. It was great listening to that Machinegun chatter out death and destruction to the Chosen. But R5 destroyed that too.

All I ask is that there is another form of that Frame that I so loved in Ember.


New Member
Jul 28, 2016
Down Under
DrFumbles here.
Was with Firefall from 2012 closed beta,.
Mainly played Medic and then Recluse. Miss the good old days of dropping a Squad Thumper and wrecking havoc or just having new people join into a group for more fun.
Also miss the days of Orbital Comm Tower PVP.

Looking forward to seeing where this goes.
So many familiar names have I seen.
Jul 28, 2016
Hell everyone! I'm Dan, Acefisher1. I was a big fan of Firefall early on and played a lot. I also ran a small podcast called The Cabana Club that was pretty popular until the end of the JetBall. I also covered the competitive scene, mainly the Go4Firefall stuff. I'm a Cigar lover, fisherman, and hunter. I also am an eCommerce manager and Web Dev.

I'll be hosting a podcast about Ember starting this evening with Nakiato, covering everything Ember. Keep your eyes open for a link to the show and website soon!

Looking forward to the time with this community and can't wait to play with all of you!

- Dan


New Member
Jul 28, 2016
I'm Heron, and I've been somewhat obsessed with video games since I was a child. Some of the earliest games I played were SMB 3, C&C: Red Alert 2, Diablo II, Tekken 3, Breath of Fire III, and Final Fantasy IX. These days I mostly play whatever I can get on my Linux PC; most recently my time has been consumed by EVE Online with Wine, Hearts of Iron IV, RimWorld, Prison Architect, CSGO, and Enter the Gungeon. I'm learning to program, and hopefully I can make my own games some day.

I played the Firefall beta quite a bit, and was very disappointed when it didn't go anywhere new like I had expected. I only heard about Ember today, and I have high hopes for the project.
Likes: RacerX
Jul 28, 2016
SimonPheonix here. I started playing Firefall when WoW started screwing up the game there. Thought I had found a great game just to see it destroyed. So now I'm here checking, hoping, and waiting to see if this will be my next home.
Heyooo, Karnivorous here. I followed FireFall from 2010 and got involved with the community but dropped out a few years later as the game changed from what was great to something not so great. When I received the email for this new project it sparked excitement as I loved the original idea of FireFall. Here's to Ember being what FireFall should've been.

I look forward to seeing some familiar faces too.
Jul 28, 2016
Hey guys!

My name is Charlie, but most around these parts know me as NewColossus (or NC for short). I got my start with Firefall back almost a year before closed beta ended, and played consistently until launch.

I am also a member of AOD, which is a group many of the former FF players will remember (hopefully positively?). I'm very excited for this new project, and look forward to seeing the vision come to fruition in the coming years!
Jul 27, 2016
I'm Alurl, some of you may remember me as the evil Recluse lady and Guide Author on the Forums from Faufau. If not, I'm evil... and I bite.


New Member
Jul 27, 2016
St. Louis, MO
Hi I am Dhramund. I joined the FF community in 2011 and was in the early Beta, and I played the game until shortly after release. I was excited about Mark's vision of the game, but what was released just never grabbed me enough for me to purchase a founder's pack. I am glad to see he is giving it another shot, hopefully with the lessons learned from FF will prove to be the deciding factor to success. Indeed that was so much more the game could have become. I will be watching with hope.