Motherlover. I was expecting you to give me trouble. As a person who's going through this and nearing the end. As i'm preparing myself for the journey back, there are two things i want anyone to take this journey to understand. It exists and it's not going to come easy. See, this whole thing started for me, by learning about the skinner-box. It's a mental pump. The Enlightenment experience is very similar. You're going to have to trick your brain in some type of bipolaism. Not bipolar in terms of depression and happiness. Bipolarism in terms of importance and trivial.
One moment, you're going to go: OMG i'm achieving Enlightenment, it's the most important thing anyone ever did. The other moment you're going to realize that all you're doing is becoming emotionally mature. An organism that can not take care of itself, is an organism that was never raised in the first place. At the very least, 16 years of education, has been a complete waste. Imagine a lion cub that can not take care of itself, it was never educated to begin with.
If you decided to take the journey, you've already won. You just weren't ready to realize how hard it was going to be.