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  1. Thorp

    New Web Site is LIVE!

    the front page of the new website looks great. I did however get stricken with brief dizziness with the bottom of the page (my eyes don't know how to focus immediately on the image). Maybe it's just me but every time and my eyes catch the fighting kaiju and mech scaling up as I scroll down it...
  2. Thorp

    Micro Update Feb 26th 2019: Creating terrain for Em-8er

    copy pasta from my youtube comment on the video
  3. Thorp

    Is PvEvP not a viable game style?

    I'm getting a lot of Conan Exiles vibes from Pantropy. While the game looks like it can be great I personally struggle with the genre of crafting from stone age to tech. I prefer mmo's with pre-built facilities like Firefall and Global Agenda. I like PvP more than PvE but I really need the...
  4. Thorp

    Is PvEvP not a viable game style?

    The Cycle is an upcoming PvEvP game. Solos and teams will be on a 20 minute timer to complete their randomized mission objectives first. Players will be allowed to PvP in the effort to eliminate or hinder other teams. Wildlife will also be an obstacle in completing objectives. My pondering is...
  5. Thorp

    Down time gameplay

    I'd actually like to see mini-games within city hubs to give players more opportunities to linger around. Bowling, billiards, chess, checkers, musical instruments (LOTRO). Give the players who do roleplay, and the ones that do not roleplay, something to do while they linger around or take it...
  6. Thorp

    Orbital Comm Tower Recreated in UE4

    thanks for taking interest in the project. I'd be happy to find time to play even if it's more of a deathmatch than an objective game. ....I could slam together a deathmatch map because I know the OCT spawn locations are rather far apart but I ponder if the code will bug out if I were to add a...
  7. Thorp

    Orbital Comm Tower Recreated in UE4

    Hotfix 2.0.1 is being uploaded right now. After testing I forgot to reset the hack resolve timer to 15 seconds.
  8. Thorp

    Orbital Comm Tower Recreated in UE4

    Version 2.0 will be available by the end of Friday July 27, 2018. Check the OP for details.
  9. Thorp

    Orbital Comm Tower Recreated in UE4

    :Update for the project: I will be releasing 2.0 next weekend, July 28th, 2018 regardless if I can play or not. It has been "complete" for about two weeks now and has been sitting on my hard drive because I haven't found time. Recent real life career improvements has consumed my time thus I do...
  10. Thorp

    Orbital Comm Tower Recreated in UE4

    update: Not dead. Testing and optimization for version 2.0 came the need for some system reworks. Of course reworking script comes new bug encounters and things to learn. Soon™
  11. Thorp

    Em-8ER Video Update 7. CHOOSE YOUR WEAPONS!

    The old medic healing beam that had 3 different models. overheal, damage up, and vampgun. Part of the reward of the medic beam options was I could choose and adapt. I could choose to be more aggressive with damage up or more supportive with overheal. I could be selfish and self supporting with...
  12. Thorp

    Orbital Comm Tower Recreated in UE4

    Updates to the archived thread will be posted here. ::::::Version 2.0.1 Download:::::: Windows 32 & 64 bit ***2.0.1 hotfix*** properly sets the terminal hack resolve timer to 15 seconds rather than 3. Apologize for any inconvenience. ::Version 2.0:: + All Battleframes now have at least 6 or...
  13. Thorp

    Em-8ER Video Update 7. CHOOSE YOUR WEAPONS!

    I would like to see all the Firefall medic support weapons come back. Ultimately if the medic was...exactly the same I'd be ecstatic; it was my playstyle afaik. Having to weight the risk vs reward in real time was a thrill. As the healer I had to really learn my teammates and "play" with their...
  14. Thorp

    Orbital Comm PvP Recreated in UE4

    I was unaware piracy used a specific app. Did some quick research on obtaining a steam app id. It costs $100
  15. Thorp

    Orbital Comm PvP Recreated in UE4

    app id 480, spacewar, is the only free app id through steam that devs can use to test their game. Anybody who looks up what Spacewar is will quickly learn that it was a game that moved on but the app id was kept for testing purposes; not suspicious. To get my own app id I would need to sell the...
  16. Thorp

    Orbital Comm PvP Recreated in UE4

    I plan on making the adjustments I believe are needed, adding the Firecat, then testing the change to see if the lag issue is gone. If all goes well I'll pump out v2.0 which I hope to include loadouts and the ability to choose frame abilities; players won't have a specific Firecat frame or...
  17. Thorp

    Orbital Comm PvP Recreated in UE4

    Play session ended early due to lag complications. I'm pretty sure I know what's causing the lag; novice scripting that is replicating too many things. Gotta clean it up and see where I'm at on how I feel about adding more frames or just leaving it with the Accord frames.
  18. Thorp

    Orbital Comm PvP Recreated in UE4

    *bump* Sunday March 18th at 4pm Pacific. Remember to set your Steam download region to US Washington
  19. Thorp

    Orbital Comm PvP Recreated in UE4

    v1.6 update now available. Steam is required for online play The steam app being used by the game is Region Locked. Therefore in order to connect with other players your steam client will need to match the Download Region of the host. Do this by opening Steam, click Steam on the top menu >...
  20. Thorp

    Orbital Comm PvP Recreated in UE4

    Posting here is sufficient for now