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  1. MattHunX

    Will Aero make a return in Em-8er ?

    I quite liked the voice of that female AI Operating System the players could acquire through a mission in the Copa area. Would be neat to have an option for either a male or female AI voice to be talking to us (besides whatever role Aero's voice-actress will fill).
  2. MattHunX

    Turrets Idea thread

    There should definitely be many branches/specialization the three basic frames and their roles could be developed towards. One light or medium frame could focus exclusively on traps and deployables that would turn the battlefield into a hazard-zone for the enemy. Also, some specialized builds...
  3. MattHunX

    Turrets Idea thread

    One specific heavy-build could have a turret latched onto the frame itself, giving it extra armor while it is on it. But, it could detach, be on 3-4-5-6-7-8 legs, or float around, act either autonomously (with the ability to follow basic orders, like attack, follow, reposition, guard...etc.) or...
  4. MattHunX

    Pilot Abduction, Tsi-Hu Using Frames and Tsi-Hu/Human Hybrids

    Yeah, forcing a player into that situation may not be conducive for an enjoyable gaming experience. But, if not escape missions (solo or otherwise), then we should definitely get (either periodically or as story-development) smaller or larger rescue missions, where we'd need to storm an enemy...
  5. MattHunX

    Pilot Abduction, Tsi-Hu Using Frames and Tsi-Hu/Human Hybrids

    Venom briefly crossed my mind, as well. Stabbing tentacle attacks and all. :)
  6. MattHunX

    Turrets Idea thread

    Usually not a fan of turrets, but I like all of the above. Adding to all that, I think there could also be a neat little option to swap view-points between yourself and your turrets and drones and see through them, whether it would be for exploration, recon or their iron-sight mod as you'd...
  7. MattHunX

    Pilot Abduction, Tsi-Hu Using Frames and Tsi-Hu/Human Hybrids

    Actually, I didn't mean they would abduct players, but NPCs, as part of a narrative and we, the players, would get told to investigate. And that would lead to the unveiling of the existence of the hybrids. But, that would come later in the game's story.
  8. MattHunX

    Very much hope this game has individual/personal loot drops

    This could a fucking stand-up bit. Seriously. LOL!!! :D
  9. MattHunX

    Pilot Abduction, Tsi-Hu Using Frames and Tsi-Hu/Human Hybrids

    Spitball! Not necessarily relating to my recent post about a corruption mechanic, the Tsi-hu could, eventually, start stealing our tech, either turning the pilots into mindless husks or placing their own soldiers inside the omni-frames (which could have bio-metric locks in their systems, so...
  10. MattHunX

    Very much hope this game has individual/personal loot drops

    Also, parents letting their kids dissect dead pets might be material for a stand-up gig, about the direction parental culture is heading. But, as much as I like dark humor, I'd also want to send those parents to a psychologist. However, if the kid starts doing that stuff, on their own, then I'd...
  11. MattHunX

    Very much hope this game has individual/personal loot drops

    I...don't think parents tell/let their kids do an autopsy on their beloved pets. That's done with frogs in biology class, I think. Or it used to be. :)
  12. MattHunX

    Very much hope this game has individual/personal loot drops

    Merchant 1: "Dave, you're damn frame ate half my supplies!...Yes! With teeth!" Mechanic 1: "Alrigh', which one o' ya filthy frame-philiacs defecayted on the roof of mah garage!? Thing almost looks alien!"
  13. MattHunX

    Very much hope this game has individual/personal loot drops

    Hmmmmm...yes. Introducing a corruption mechanic (from Tsi-Hu tech) that could potentially make the frames and their specific systems stronger, but the stronger corruption thresholds the user would allow their system to operate under the more adverse side-effects their frame could manifest, both...
  14. MattHunX

    Very much hope this game has individual/personal loot drops

    Oh, damn it! Now, I cannot stop thinking about incorporating bio-mechanical elements into omni-frames. Omni-frames with wings resembling the enemies whose parts were studied, replicated and used to build them, all with different attributes (faster gliding and/or skimming, dive-attacks, more...
  15. MattHunX

    Latency equalization.

    Ah, yes! Something like this would be very welcome, indeed. I noticed in my online experience that I definitely have some of the latency crap, as I often ran to cover or just briefly poked out, only to collapse, dead, when I already ran into cover or pulled back. To me, it looks like I'm leading...
  16. MattHunX

    Very much hope this game has individual/personal loot drops

    How can they implement a system that drops loot specifically tailored to every player who contributed enough (yet another thing that has to be tracked) in the fight, so they don't feel like their effort was wasted, because they got a weapon, weapon part, armor parts...etc. that doesn't suit...
  17. MattHunX

    Em-8ER Video Update 7. CHOOSE YOUR WEAPONS!

    We'll definitely need a firing-range, perhaps a VR training simulation room, where we can immediately test our customized weapons to see what needs tweaking. I very much like the idea of swapping out different parts while retaining the basic look of the weapon. It should enable everyone to...
  18. MattHunX


    It's not bad. But, yeah. An 'option' for a dark theme would be good. Also, the letters "i" and "l" look " i l " the same. Kind of an eyesore.
  19. MattHunX


    New look and layout takes some getting used to, but it's growing.
  20. MattHunX

    Will Aero make a return in Em-8er ?

    Well, I know it was supposed to be Brazilian, but in another thread, we got into sort of an argument with a member who said it wasn't that, at all. That it was just a bad attempt or a caricature of a Brazilian accent. I love it, no matter what accent it's supposed to be.