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  1. MattHunX

    Video-Games You're Playing (Re-Start)

    As the old thread is, apparently, in the Vault, now and cannot be continued. So, to start off, I could probably describe my experience with Far Cry 5, recently, but screw that. Not even worth it. Story-wise, anyway. Gameplay was good. Instead, I wanna know if anyone here is playing DESTINY 2...
  2. MattHunX

    Em-8ER Currency

    And the every MMO (avoid that word, but still) or the game Em-8er will be...will have to be keeping up people's interest with a rewarding experience that will keep them invested and provide enough fun and challenge, every time.
  3. MattHunX

    Omniframe build types: Post your ideas here!

    I'm sorry, but my first thought was: We could have a flamboyant NPC based on 'Bear' from American Wedding. He could be a store-owner. Or a club-owner, providing R&R in his establishment (one of several competing establishments, maybe) to Reapers in their downtime. Or a simple bartender. *shrug*
  4. MattHunX

    Omniframe build types: Post your ideas here!

    We could all find your address, instead. Sneak into your house at night, all stand over your bed and whisper things into your ear as you sleep. And the next day: Et Voila! Flying Albino Warthogs with Shoulder Cannons!!
  5. MattHunX

    Em-8ER Currency

    It could be Em-8er's equivalent of the different vouchers we collected in different areas in FF. There could still be vouchers to use as area-specific currency or it could be replaced with your suggestion of unique resources from a region that would need to be used to buy and trade. It could...
  6. MattHunX

    Em-8ER Currency

    I have figured that they've already developed a currency they use between them, but (considering they'll be on a dangerous , wild, in some parts desolate planet, with extreme conditions, that they would slowly start to terra-form, growing out of one small more habitable pocket to the next), then...
  7. MattHunX

    Em-8ER Currency

    I always imagine that physical money - bills and coins - would eventually disappear and just like in sci-fi games and such, there will be exclusively virtual currency used through identification cards and it would be globally called "credits." Just "credits." Simple as that. In-game, some...
  8. MattHunX

    Omniframe build types: Post your ideas here!

    Here's more spit-balling. Certain heavily-focused builds could have shoulder-mounted weapons that would automatically attack either certain type of targets or ones that come within a certain range (e.g.: close-range or right within melee-range). These automated defenses could be anything from...
  9. MattHunX

    Limitations on Carrying Melee and Ranged Weapons + Animation

    There's something I'm not sure of, here. And I might be forgetting a post from the devs that already cleared this up, but. I know lighter frames will be able to dual-wield melee, and medium frames will be able to dual-wield ranged-weapons. Should every frame, regardless of type and build have a...
  10. MattHunX

    Omniframe build types: Post your ideas here!

    Oh, that would have to be a purely beast-like frame. In appearance and with its abilities revolving around fire-elemental weaponry. I do have an idea for a build with a mechanical tail, dual-swords and I would have to come up with abilities that would boost melee-attacks. I have an idea for a...
  11. MattHunX

    Omniframe build types: Post your ideas here!

    Did this: So, something like that. The clawed legs aren't purely cosmetic, either. It allows the build to dig into the ground. With every step, every jump, every landing and repositioning, it roots itself more firmly to compensate for the recoil of its primary weapon, lessening the impairing...
  12. MattHunX

    Omniframe build types: Post your ideas here!

    1) Light 2) Mobility 3) Medium 4) Ability 1: Warp Beacon - Fires a beacon that attaches itself to any surface, inanimate or alive, then, via second input, teleports the user to its location. Between them, the briefly warped space damages enemies and slows them for X seconds. Ability 2...
  13. MattHunX

    Frame Mobility Breakdown

    I was also thinking of pulling smaller enemies or the ability to grapple to the exposed weak-points on giant kaijus to reach them faster.
  14. MattHunX

    Frame Mobility Breakdown

    Oh, yeah. Something like that. I haven't played that game. But, I saw some gameplay footage, years ago. Don't specifically recall if one could shoot while suspended from a rope of a grappling hook, but that's the idea, here. There could be a danger involved. Smarter critters could cut your...
  15. MattHunX

    Frame Mobility Breakdown

    Damn, I forgot about wrist-mounted grappling hooks, either for the frame or the human pilot. Or both, maybe. I could not only assist in traversing more energy-demanding vertical ascents, but it could also give us the neat option of hanging from the side of cliffs and walls with one hand...
  16. MattHunX


    Oh, yeah. I forgot all that. Sorry!
  17. MattHunX


    Just to say, again, there's no need for our frames to transform to switch between flight (shouldn't even be flight just GLIDE) skim or normal-mode. It should be the same as in FireFall, but flying GLIDING wouldn't require a launch or jump-pad. We should be able do it anywhere, anytime by...
  18. MattHunX


    Thanks for the kind words. Although, I didn't mean having a weapon in vehicle/skim mode. That was just a reference to my Transformers: Prime fan-character. It'd be interesting just to have artillery weapons that could arc from one spot on the map to another. Squad-mates could 'spot' targets for...
  19. MattHunX

    Frame Mobility Breakdown

    Might have (definitely) been mentioned, before, somewhere. Somewhere-shire. But, I just wanted to create another breakdown of how mobility would work with the three frame-types and any builds/tweaks between them. Nothing complicated or too unreasonable, really. Obviously, in terms of speed...
  20. MattHunX


    All o' That! :D Adding to just the type of weapons, i created a Transformers: Prime OC, Snapblast, whose vehicle-mode is a M109A6 Paladin (artillery). When he's on-foot, it's mounted on his shoulders and it can alternate between two firing-modes. One is an arcing flash-forged shell that the...