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  1. MattHunX

    EM8ER Poster

    Something I also posted in the Melee Combat thread.
  2. MattHunX

    Melee combat

    @Ronyn et al An onmi-frame piloted by my femme would look something like this. @NightStroke The glowing parts could also serve as immersive feedback for sustained damage. The lights could either flicker, steadily blink or get dimmer the more damage certain parts (or the whole frame in...
  3. MattHunX

    M2 Backers - Missing your title?

    It's only 8:15 AM, here, but I'm still missing the Player One title.
  4. MattHunX

    Damaged Systems, (Frame Part-Specific) Penalties/Impairments

    Well, vehicles, sure. And parts of the frame could be critically damage, rendering it unusable or severely reducing whatever abilities, movement and stats it governs.
  5. MattHunX

    Damaged Systems, (Frame Part-Specific) Penalties/Impairments

    I know the arrow-to-the-knee thing. Also, there may be a similar rabbit reference in...uh...Dragon Age Inquisition, maybe, where...if one kills a lot of rabbit, then a were-rabbit will show randomly show up. *shrug*
  6. MattHunX

    MARKET? Currency, minerals, bank and mindfucking

    Well, if we use resources for modding and such and we don't necessarily want an equivalent of Crystite>Beans>Merchandise, then using certain quantities of various resources could be a thing. And prices should vary, in that you could pay for something with a bulk of other resources if you don't...
  7. MattHunX

    Omniframe Hard Driver Mode - NEW art

    Liiiike dusk. Would definitely make the atmosphere better. Glowing, glowing, glowing things. Glowing us. Glowing puss. Glowing moss. I wanna avoid the word "twilight". Even though I like it, it has unfortunate connotation, because of that effing sparkly vampire series.
  8. MattHunX

    Damaged Systems, (Frame Part-Specific) Penalties/Impairments

    Blow 'em up! We don't need 'em!
  9. MattHunX

    Damaged Systems, (Frame Part-Specific) Penalties/Impairments

    I may be forgetting something from Borderlands, but...I still don't get the rabbit reference. *the explosion noise from @Torgue_Joey 's head exploding*
  10. MattHunX

    Damaged Systems, (Frame Part-Specific) Penalties/Impairments

    YEP. Well, not to all of those. You wouldn't explode, your frame would need lots of very costly repairs that, even if you had a lot of resources, you might not necessarily have all you need for a full repair and you would have to go on a bit of a scavanger hunt in areas you can handle with a...
  11. MattHunX

    Damaged Systems, (Frame Part-Specific) Penalties/Impairments

    In Firefall, I actually liked the way the frame could sustain damage and without repairs it suffered increasingly more. We've already talked about equipment degradation and that breaking shouldn't be a thing. And perhaps worsening damage-resistance/increased susceptibility to damage...
  12. MattHunX

    The Touchy Subject of Maps

    Well, @Grummz, I think, already pointed out there won't be many interior and indoor areas. We won't be spelunking in caves as much as had to in FF. And depending the vertical size of the game-world, we might not have too much of an issue with determining the elevation objectives will be. At...
  13. MattHunX

    Melee combat

  14. MattHunX

    Video-game(s) you're playing.

    Ahah! Yeah. Been there, done that. Don't even get me started on that. Without the modding community, Bethesda's games would be mediocre at best. The Elders Scrolls series and Fallout series, both.
  15. MattHunX

    Melee combat

    Thanks! @Ronyn Mmm....just had an urge to erase the weapon's gun-part, barrel...etc. and turn the sword into a full great-sword. Like a large gladius or something.
  16. MattHunX

    Melee combat

    Start off with a simple horizontal slash animation, like in FF. Then, later, add forward thrust and combos to the horizontal slash, diagonal slashes, vertical ones...etc., but for the sake of the budget, start with the simple slash, that'll be enough for a while.