Omniframe build types: Post your ideas here!


Ark Liege
Ark Liege
Oct 28, 2021
I know tank classes and command classes are not super popular in shooters but I like to believe that somewhere somehow someone who played CoH Masterminds is looking at this post and just say 'Thats the one.'

1) Heavy Frame

2) Primary Commander* / Defense

3) Heavy Reactor: Meaty defines heft.

4) Ability 1: "Bulwark" Ability 2: "Reinforcements"

Bulwark is a call down where thick heavy plates are called in and dropped at your location or are delivered nearby where your frame will then 'equip' this extra armor sacrificing its already limited mobility for impressive defensive capabilities.

Reinforcements; This is where my fantasy of a commander type are actualized This calls in Friendly AI that generally follow you around and will attempt to do its best to protect you or attack enemies. Might make it so you can call in a squad of infantry a set of tanks or a light mech. Options here are whatever you think is fair.

5) Shoulder Mount: Auto-Turret/Command Module

Auto Turret is self explanatory just a turret that takes pot shots at enemies or is a defense system that shoots down missiles near you but the command module is tied to reinforcements and would allow an additional call in or command points allow you to pick and choose what you want in a call down.

Imagine that a single light infantry unit is 1 command point and you might have 10-12 Command Points in total, so you could decide to have a squad of 10 light soldiers with you or a tank costs 3+, or a heavy mech costing 6-10 so this allows you the player to choose what forces you bring in. Would be cool to have a drop ship or drop pods hot drop them onto you.

6) Primary: Melee Hammer Secondary: Mini-Gun or some form of MG.

7) Name: Field Marshal/Living Fortress/Commander

Appearance: Thick combat frame or a moving fortress the field marshal is designed for holding the front line or securing a local field its shield may be significantly larger than other frames much like a tower shield.

Feel and Actions: The Field Marshal is a rolling fortress that will take time to get anywhere its mobility options allow it to 'keep up' at a reasonable pace but when things get heated it will bulk up hunker down and like a bunker that refuses to consider any option other than 'melee' or 'danger close' This frame will more often than not be tied to the ground and offer itself as a living wall.

It will be heavily dependent on the frames around it for dealing with ranged enemies. If you are ever in a situation where you need to retreat the best case is that your soldiers/drones/AI will throw themselves at whatever it is that taking you down so you can get close enough to defiantly slam your hammer against it.
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Oct 29, 2021
Wow, I have read some really increadable builds and skills on here. This may come off as a little boring.

Frame: Medium
Power Balance: Offense(40), Deffense(40), Mobility(20)
Reactor: Medium
2 Abilities:
- Overburn: Allowes your jets to continue going after depletion at the expenses of shield energy consumption. Sometimes you just need to make a tactical withdraw.
- Shield Inverter: Uses your shield energy to boost your health regeneration. Hate it when conditions melt you down after the fight is already won.
Primary Weapon: Plasma Rifle - Semi-automatic. Medium range (Approx. 200m). Small splash effect on impact (target and adjacent targets only). Highly accurate, but no magnification. Think shotgun, but with 3”Magnum slugs instead of shot. Precise, Powerful, Practical.
Secondary Weapon: Arc Cannons - Single charged shot. Long range (800m to 1,000m) very powerful. Twin cannons mounted in the spine of each wing of frame. Great agains large or stationary targets. Drawbacks are player must be stationary while charging and firing. Reset period until cannon can be charged and fired again.
Shoulder Weapon: Hornets Nest - Micro missals. Short to medium range (50m to 300m). When activated hover your reticle over a single target, or group of targets to activate tracking. Short burst of approx 20 micro missals. Think Iron Man’s shoulder rig in “Avengers” during initial portal swarm. Good against trash mobs or again large, slow targets.
Name & Description: I don’t have a name for this. I just felt with all the amazing abilities that people have mentioned, it’s easy to overlook the simple but effective play style. This should be a fairly easy and well balanced Omniframe for anyone to pick up. Fun for both casual players and pro’s.


New Member
May 6, 2018
1) Frame: Medium frame

2) base playstyle: offence everything about this frame is about pumping out damage and controlling the battlefield with lightning every once of energy is put into lightning generation.

3) Reactor size: medium reactor

4) ability's: primary: fire a orb of ball lightning that seeks and explodes in a sphere around the target

secondary: force a huge lightning to strike the area dealing damage and stunning the enemy's in the area

5) Shoulder mount platform: fire 5 orbs that split and chase down different targets

6) primary (energy based) charges up and fires lightning that chains to near by enemy's the more charge the more enemy's it chains to

secondary weapon (expends ammo) assault rifle based on railgun tech full automated

7) Name it and give a brief description of how it looks, feels and acts.
Z.E.U.S (Z)ealous (E)nergetic (U)ltrastructure (S)uit

looks: if the frame could generate lightning discharge from the structure of the mech that would look good.
feels: the frame should be a close to medium range frame and the lightning from the primary weapon should deal more damage the closer you are to the target forcing the player to chose a more aggressive playstyle, adding a risk reward system for close range.
Likes: Pandagnome


Aug 26, 2016
Specialty Frames.


1: Ultra light frame.

2: Power balance : Offense 20/ Defense 10/ Mobility 70

3: Light Medium Reactor

4: Abilities Stealth and Active life support.

5: shoulder mounts are high zoom cameras for scouting with blind flash ability for those oh crap moments.

6: Primary Weapon, Energy blade does extra damage from the back and stuns targets.
Secondary Weapon, Plasma pistol, quiet to shoot but medium damage.

7: Name Wraith: This is a frame that it for scouting deep into non-terraformed areas. Also good for getting behind enemy lines. This a small frame to begin with so it would be harder to see. Very fast, much easier to dodge bullets and incoming fire and out run enemies when running away. The stealth requires the higher reactor which is why the rest of the equipment is so light. With stealth on you must move at a walk or the frame will pull energy from the stealth unit and stealth will break, same with firing your weapons. The life support allows for deep scouting without taking damage from the unfriendly environment. Basically for finding new territory to take and disrupting enemy attacks and defenses. Option shoulder mount would be a very slow recharging directional EMP for disabling technology and point defenses.


1: Heaviest frame

2: Power Balance: Offense 20/ Defense 70/ Mobility 10

3: Reactor: Heavy

4: Abilities: Large frontal shield that drains an energy pool when hit. Sonic Hardening wave: sends out a pulse of sound that makes the metal in out suit vibrate at a special frequency making it tougher to damage reducing all damage taken by self and allies within a certain range for x seconds/

5: Shoulder mounts are heavy missile launchers use ammo or artillery battery that uses ammo.

6: Primary weapon: Rail gun, charge up and fire magnetized discs. Slow fire rate but hits hard. Also uses ammo. Can't be used when shield is deployed. Secondary weapon smaller personal shield for shield bashing melee. and blocking bullets after taking enough damage it will break and need to be repaired.

7: Name Armadillo: Heavy defense frame for protecting allies in battle and on front lines. Good for pushing an assault on an enemy base with your allies behind you. Also good for setting up defense points for our own bases. Slow but can act as a temporary mobile bunker.. optional shoulder mounts, a retractable bracing system that would hold additional energy capacitors to power the shield but would make you completely immobile while deployed.


1: Medium Frame

2: Power Balance Offense 5/ Defense 40/ Mobility 55

3: Medium Heavy

4: Ability Resupply, channeling this can refill one targeted frame ammo back to full on cool down as nano machines make more ammo. Scan Radar, area scan giving all players in x range a small mini map with active radar showing enemies. Can also be used to find resources if not in combat.

5: Shoulder mounts, supply launchers can launches packages that can be picked up by players which can give small amount of ammo and small repair kit also on cool down.

6: Primary weapon, air blaster. Fires large very strong burst of air short range but if fired at enemies will do some damage and knock you and them back. If fired at terrain will blow you back or up if fired at the ground. Secondary item, smoke generator. Creates a small area of smoke which covers you from enemy sight. Helps when resupplying

7: Name Kangaroo: Mobile support frame not really good offense air blasters does low damage. It about getting in and around a battle field efficiently, and using your cool downs efficiently to help your team. This would be a frame that really requires you to be very alert and understanding of a battle. A good player playing this could increase his teams effectiveness 100%.

That should be good for now.
I guess this is an appropriate thread to say I'm fucking loving the new light frame designs, more recently the Wraithe concept art. You guys really took into an aesthetically and functionally pleasing direction that I didn't really expect it would actually go. It's reminiscent of FireFall usual frame design, but somehow...updated...different...better...sleeeeeeeeeeeeek. COOL! :cool:


Omega Founder
Ark Liege
Mar 7, 2019
Medium Reactor
Temporary Shield
Alpha Strike
Shoulder Mounted Missiles
Plasma Rifle w/ shrapnel grenades

Sleek styling, reminiscent of later Macross fighter models. Valkyries
were designed to fill multi purpose combat roles, but are famous for
their ability to carry out bright light rescue missions. Dropping
from the sky behind enemy lines, their DF-9 shields provide a
temporary defense against directed energy weapons allowing time
to engage and disrupt enemy lines.

(An improvement of the BD-5 barrier defense system, the DF-9 has earned the nickname "3 beats" in the field as the barrier lasts for approximately 3 beats of a human heart.)

In the hands of a skilled pilot the Valkyrie feels armored without being sluggish.


Omni Ace
Dec 15, 2016
Medium Frame
Heavy Reactor
Balanced allocation

Radion Wasteland - Releases deadly radiation around the frame for 45 seconds within a large area. Radiation damage increases the longer the time passes. While inside the area, enemies have a 40% chance every 3 seconds to become irradiated, disabling healing or health regeneration.

Necrotic Desolation - Disperses highly infectious bacteria, viruses and fungi around the frame for 45 seconds within a large area. Infected enemies become slower, weaker, and psychotic. While infected, enemies release this contagion upon death, causing more to become infected.

Necrorad-Psionic Control Emitter - This shoulder weapon is capable of irradiating, infecting and mind controlling enemies at the same time. Kaijus up to category 3 could become a necro-irradiated zombie titan for Velah.

Microwave Irradiator - Emits deadly microwave that boils enemies alive from the inside out.
Necrowave Scrambler - Destroys the genetic coding of enemies, causing uncontrollable malignant cancers and body infections.

"Black Death" Scythe - Two handed melee weapon capable of irradiating, infecting and mind controlling enemies at the same time.

Velah Balkarou's ultimate omniframe, Pestilence is an engine of apocalypse capable of turning battlefields and habitations into deadly, inhabitable zones. Many Gatestriders are appalled about Velah's method of fighting when she is in the front lines. Corpses of Tsi-hu become deadly cadavers and some even become irradiated zombies under Velah's control throughout the battle. Even the most towering kaijus fought could become a chaotic enemy among the Tsi-hu ranks, turning most invasions into enemy infighting.

"I don't know, sir. Velah's definitely sick on the head. Maybe you should arrange a therapist for her after this."
-Terry Wachowski to Base Commander Fallon after seeing Velah Balkarou maniacally laughing over dead Tsi-hus.


Omni Ace
Dec 15, 2016
Light Omniframe
Medium reactor
Built for survival at expense of firepower


Psychotic Rage Hormones (instant, 20 seconds) - Disperses rage hormones around the frame, causing the affected to become berserk and attack anyone. However, affected enemies also increases their melee weapon damage.

1) Sensory Camouflage - Mind Rapist is less likely to be attacked by enemies.
2) Overdose - Psychotic Rage Hormones inflicts increasing damage over time.
3) Necrotic Rage - Affected enemies become Infected and can pass this debuff around.

Scramble Neurons (instant, 20 seconds) - Sows discord amongst the enemies by causing confusion. Enemies are more likely to perform random, chaotic actions.

1) Acid Trip - Affected enemies become whimsical, running or walking around fleeting.
2) Delirium - Decreases enemies' combat awareness.
3) Psychotic Horror - Enemies cower in fear.

Shoulder weapon:

NI-50 "Rebel" Neuropolarizer Conduit - Disrupts the mental control of category 0 Kaijus thus, are more likely to attack the master.


Amnesiac Hammers - Twin hammers that can disable or cancel abilities of enemies by striking the cranium.

Primary and secondary weapons are up to the pilot's choice.

Mind Rapist is based on Velah Balkarou's earlier career theses before becoming the infamous bio-nuclear terrorist we know today. Originally, the theses contain possible weaponization of external mental disruption. The frame focuses on causing chaos in the enemy ranks, but is less likely to use direct force. Keeping fast and heavily armored, Mind Rapist's survivability is unparalleled in combat, sowing discord and confusion before retreating.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
1) light frame with multi fire modes on weapons semi/burst/auto/charged

2) Defense 35, Offense 35, Mobility 30

3) Small reactor with more improved efficiency

4) Adaptive Stealth Generator - Makes the mek cloak in various conditions dependent on the reactors efficiency.

Surveillance A.I linked systems - Creates an holographic overlay to the pilot's view to see potential threats with Ultra zoom tracking and other useful information such as analyzing weak points or study further in its movement patterns. Plus to be able to see in Wraith spectral imagery from thermal to night vision, X-ray etc this is incredibly useful to see in a choice of visions to find clues and secrets.

5) Precision laser cannon this weapon focuses on high concentrated beam which improves damage on key weak points. With the use of Surveillance A.I linked systems this will further enhance its dmg potential.

6) Primary Sniper bow a 2 in one weapon that changes into an advanced auto style tactical bow for short - medium ranged combat and a semi auto style Sniper for long range. The weapon uses suppression tech to make it not heard, this also controls the energy emission and directs it back to the energy system of the reactor if excess energy is created.

If the energy emission reaches a threshold the warning indicator will appear and require to flush out the excess either directing into the highly charged darts to cause a massive dmg focus shot.
Alternatively to increase the movement speed of the frame.

Failing to flush the excess energy will cause severe system dmg to even complete shut down in the worst case scenario.

Secondary Bracer blades with firing darts
This weapon can be used for cqc and the darts are especially good at slowing down the opponent and for its tracking cells.

7) It is called the Shadow Eye

The unit provides balance to support in defense to offense. Shadow Eye does one thing well silencing threats with minimal disruption, going behind the enemy line, to helping out stranded friendlies out of hostile regions.

Its design is an aerodynamic frame built for efficient bio mechanics and energy flow control.
Also excels in reconnaissance to provide better knowledge connection for the A.I and pilots linked to the network.


Tsi-Hu Hunter
Feb 4, 2017
1) Medium Frame
2) Mobility Focus
3) Heavy Core
4) Limiter Release (Overload the core for more power use for either offensive power eg. energy-based weaponry, or for mobility eg. increase of speed with use of thrusters/verniers. To balance it, it can increase heat buildup or potentially damage components of the frame)
Core Vent (Fires energy forward damaging enemies ahead. Damage is determined based off available energy reserves. After use, it will 'stun' the frame until sufficient power returns for movement)
5) Rocket pod (ones which fire rapid amounts of forward-firing dumb rockets)
6) Primary - Akimbo Energy rifles
Secondary - Energy-based sword (not a lightsaber, but a physical one where the length of the blade is the laser aspect of it)
7) Silver Glint (guess what game I'm paying homage to, and yes, visually if I can, I will make it very similar)
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Likes: Pandagnome


New Member
Oct 12, 2019
Mech: Hobnail

Class: Heavy Frame
Role: Offense/Defense
Reactor Type: Heavy
Special abilities: Siege Mode, Nuclear Shell
Shoulder weapon: 400mm mortar
Primary weapon: 30mm Rotary Cannon
Secondary weapon: Blast shield

The Hobnail is an ugly, slab-sided design with little flair. Its thick, pockmarked armor and bulky hardware makes it distinctly utilitarian, and gives it all the grace of brutalist architecture.
Its name is derived from its massive blast shield. The front of the shield is covered in hundreds of dome shaped energy emitters. At a low steady output these can be used as a hover-engine and deflect enemy projectiles, but a high-power pulse through its emitter array can unleash devastating shockwaves that pulverize enemies up close.
A powerful rotary cannon slung under its right arm that fires a mix of armor piercing, high explosive and tracer shells is used as the mechs primary armament. Because of the Hobnail's significant bulk and reinforced internal structure the weapon is accurate out to long ranges despite its high rate of fire, but the Hobnail's movements are slowed significantly as long as it maintains the withering barrage from this weapon.
Arguably the true primary armament of the Hobnail is its 400mm siege mortar. The short barreled weapon fires high explosive shells that can cause devastating damage even to hardened targets. It can be fired directly at a target over the shoulder of the Hobnail with a reduced propellant load.
In order to fire it out to its maximum range the mech must deploy its siege mode. Two collapsible trail legs are extended from the mortar unit on the mech's back and planted into the ground. The mech is unable to move while in siege mode, but can still deploy its shield and primary weapon. With the additional stabilization provided by the extra supports the mortar can be fired on a parabolic trajectory with its full propellant load, achieving extreme ranges.
The unit is also equipped with a limited payload of nuclear shells that can be deployed in dire emergencies, or to take on the most powerful enemies. Once the pilot authorizes the use of a nuclear shell the next shot out of its mortar will cause a truly cataclysmic detonation.
The Hobnail's downside is its relative lack of mobility. While it can outshoot most opponents and is well protected behind its shield, when confronted with Kaiju class threats or large swarms of enemies the unit's inability to attack effectively while also evading attacks that could overwhelm its formidable defenses can quickly spell its doom.
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Aight, So Im gonna give this a shot

Medium frame, Medium Reactor
Offense: 40%
Defense: 30%
Mobility: 30%

Special Abilities: "Medusa" Crystaline barrage, "Hydra" (targeting system for shoulders)
Shoulder weapons: Acid throwers - What it says on the tin, In combination with the Hydra Targeting system They will release a few highly pressurized beams of acid onto enemies usually outside of the range of such weapons.
"Medusa" crystalline barrage: A hail of propelled crystals that when embedded into the target will react violently with the Kajius own cells, causing crystal formations to take place within and on the targets own biology. mainly effective on Medium to small targets as the sheer amount of crystalline needed to cause a reaction large enough on larger targets is both to heavy to carry around or two expensive to produce reliably.
Primary: Drill Balista - Fires large spearmounted drills with a small explosive mounted on the inside, These drill into the targets armored carapace/scales before detonating.
Secondary: Akimbo heavy pistols "Scylla" and "Charybdis" - Large revolver style pistols loaded with large slugs, meant to be used after swooping in for a barrage of acid and bolts to soften armor, before dashing back and firing hard impact slugs upon now weakened armor, or to tear at exposed flesh

Melee: The B-100D, spear mounted with a sharpened edge and a trigger along the haft, that on activation extends sharp barbs and hooks attached with wires before causing the head to rotate wildly. This in turn rends flesh horrendously.

The look and feel is serpentine, As a Hydra, which to nobodies great surprise was my inspiration for this. Meant to be dashed from mid range into target, causing horrendous Damage to armor and armor parts before retreating back and laying into the targets weakened and now frailer anatomy with the heavy slug pistols. once the armor is stripped the spear turns flesh into a nice red pulp along with any other soft tissue it manages to sink its barbs into.
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
1) Heavy frame

2) Defense 35 Offense 45, Mobility 20

3) Advanced reactor

4) Deconstructor is an ability that temporarily pulls apart the enemies Armor even the atoms of the enemy. The ability doesnt last long and is a great debuff ability to either extract its main components or elminate it in that time frame.

Zone Track is another ability to pin point the exactly weak point of interest it could be the legs. The zone tracker Maps the leg into the Mek's computers to then be able to use the deconstructor to focus on that particularly section of the enemy.

5) Drone cannon this weapon fires multiple drones that primarily discharge an ink on enemies this is good especially against stealthed opponents. The Ink is also a great way to track using the zone track and find out where it is going from the prints it leaves behind.

The Drones second use is it can extract useful things from the enemy after using the deconstructor or switch to firing overdrive bio-accelerator which accelerates the enemies mutation such as growing a leg on its face and this causes the opponent to have some issues with balance control while the leg keeps kicking from its face etc.

6) Primary Reaper Stryke Heavy cannon, this cannon has rotating barrels that fires super charged energy spheres that have incredible knock down potential. Its draw back is the over heating of the weapon and the slightly slower speeds of the user.

The weapon can have charged shots by toggling to the alt fire and charge up for a beefier shot, this shot
can mutate the opponent even more causing it to turn into a sludge, a ball of heads and arms and feet etc etc.

Over heating is alerted by the warning systems and it can be directed out for overtrusts when the light appears.

Secondary Auto Shotgun a straight to the point weapon for mobs and waltzing inside a room to help out.

7) It is called the Termutator and it has the choice of mutating you silly, or wiping you out of exsistance.

The unit provides a good support role / dmg and it is heavily armored. Not the fastest of the meks.
Jan 26, 2017
I was a big fan of the Recluse Frame in FF. I am hoping to be able to replicate a:
Light or Med frame
Good Mobility
Abilities / weapons that are all most all AOE focused damage.
With one weapon that does good single point, semi auto damage.. med sniper rifle.

I would really like to see a frame that focus's on AOE DPS.


Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
Well it's certainly been a minute since something was last posted here. I've had a fun time recently theorycrafting and came up with a few different designs. There are a lot of submissions already and I haven't had the time to read through them all so I apologize in advance if something similar to this has already been posted.

Heavy Frame
Defense 60 Offense 30 Mobility 10
Large Reactor
Ability 1: Panels along the legs, arms and main body of the frame shift to reveal clusters of thrusters, propelling the frame forward or backward. Momentum starts off slow but speeds up the longer the thrusters are active. Initially intended for (comparatively) rapid repositioning of a frame with such a large mass, pilots quickly grew privy to its potential use as a battering ram
Ability 2: Grab an enemy and use every forward facing thruster to burn them to a crisp. Once again, pilot ingenuity turns a system conceived for mobility into a tool of destruction, dealing fire damage to whatever is unfortunate enough to wind up in the frame’s grasp.
Shoulder Mount: A massive harpoon designed to skewer and slow down larger units is affixed to the frame's shoulder. The frame’s excessive mass guarantees success in just about any game of tug of war against smaller, more nimble Kaiju. Maybe don’t use this one on Crodus though.
Primary Weapon: Someone once said something about missing every shot you don’t take, so it’s probably best to take a few hundred every minute, just to make sure. This frame isn’t exactly nimble, so a high caliber minigun lets you make the most out of the moments you get a smaller target in your crosshairs.
Secondary Weapon: Miniguns have a tendency to expend ammo quickly, and it’s not unlikely that a pilot will find themselves running low in the field. To compensate, the frame is equipped with a massive jet powered hammer. Following the same design philosophy as the frame itself, this absurdly heavy hammer is equipped with thrusters to help it swing just a little bit faster. It’s still rather slow.

This hulking monstrosity could almost be mistaken for a slightly smaller THMPR mech. The name “Goliath'' was appropriately considered for this incredibly heavy frame, but given the size of its intended targets it was decided instead to humbly (and ironically) name it “David”. David was designed to specifically combat the bestial forms of Tsi-hu and kaiju of small to medium size with the primary focus of temporarily restricting their movement and rapidly closing the distance. Once an enemy is within sufficient range, David can unleash close range devastation in a multitude of ways. It is extremely heavy, and by extension, incredibly slow. It is almost entirely reliant on its thrusters to reposition quickly, and likely won’t be outrunning anything without them. Any pilot caught in a pickle while their thrusters are recharging had better hope their armor holds up.


Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
Here's another, because this is fun. Again, apologies if someone else has already posted something like this.

Medium Frame
Defense: 10 Offense 40: Mobility: 50
Heavy Reactor
Ability 1: Such a large reactor on a comparatively small frame allows the pilot to overcharge their thrusters, achieving sustained flight for as long as they desire. Unfortunately, the frame’s internal cooling systems are unable to keep up with the heat generated by such a massive amount of energy. As the internal temperature of the frame rises, flames may begin to spew from the thruster pack’s wings. The pilot may also spontaneously combust if the temperatures reach a high enough level.
Ability 2: To compensate for the high level of heat generation, the frame is also designed to have its cooling systems overcharged to rapidly vent excess heat in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, the reactor, while large, cannot generate enough power to keep both systems overcharged at the same time.
Shoulder Mount: Simple and effective, the frame is capable of firing a salvo of cluster missiles. If the frame’s temperature is high enough, the missiles deal fire damage to rain hell on everything below.
Primary Weapon: Two rapid fire plasma repeaters with moderately low damage capability generate heat and deal fire damage. Testing has shown that the weapons seem to deal more damage the hotter the frame’s internal temperature is.
Secondary Weapon: A large barrel condenses gas into a superheated beam of incredibly accurate and powerful plasma and generates a sizable amount of heat. Much like the plasma repeaters, this “Sun Lance”, as it’s lovingly referred to, seems to deal more damage the higher the internal temperature is.

Initially written off as a defective piece of junk due to its inability to properly vent heat, in the hands of skilled pilots this frame can deal high amounts of fire damage so long as the internal temperature is appropriately managed. This careful balancing act can be difficult to maintain in high stress combat scenarios, and high enough temperatures can begin to damage both the frame and the pilot within. Those that can tame Icarus and walk the thin line between lighting their enemies or themselves on fire are a sight to behold as the light of their fiery thrusters reflect off their golden wings.


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
1) Heavy frame bomber

2) Offense 80 Defense 20 Mobility 0

3) large reactor

4) Slam bam, disco time sticky ball.

5) Eco-glide able to glide longer at the expense of slower speed

6) Primary weapon - Homing pigeon fires several orbs that can resemble pigeons that poop on a target constantly with synthetic liquids or gas causing the opponent great stress until pigeon has escaped or teleported back to recharge.

Secondary - Reactive shield blast due to the slowness the second weapon is a shield weapon able to absorb damage and use it to fire a beam through the shield eye hence the name shield eye.
Shield eye.jpg
Infulenced by the Thundercat sword!!!!

7) The Argentavis it has the co-operation of devoted pigeons and a superiority of a big bird.
Not very mobile at all makes up with heavy damage and some defense.

Great for supporting allies to get across places and clear paths and require support from other frames to be effective in colossal invasions
Jul 27, 2016
1) light
2) offense and mobility
3) either small or medium. I'd have to try them out to see how they work
4) some sort of AOE weapon similar to the FF Assault. And I love missiles
5) shoulder mounted missiles?
6) not sure what weapons would be available but I loved having the plasma weapon in FF with assault rifle as secondary
7) sorry but I just keep thinking about my FF Assault frame. I want that and I'll configure the mech to be as close as possible to that.
Likes: Pandagnome