Em8er will be a completely different creature that is going to be exciting
I hope so, same with the powe curve. I took a liking for bows in WF, so, in my naivety, i wanted to hope that even the MK1, even though it is less pwrfl than the Paris, it has higher ROF. So in my deluded, "crazy scientist" mind of mine, i was hoping to use the mod that makes all enemies affected by slash dmg take more DMG from the doggo. It has higher puncture DMG (i think), too tired to check again.
The idea was, shoot as many arrows in as many possible enemies, let the doggo deal with those affected by the little bit of slash and melee the rest yourself.
A dude was friendly enough to take me on a test run of all my ideas and showed me....euhm, no.
It's not a bad idea in theory but, not workable and even so, the Cernes might fit this idea better.
So the better options, probably remain the Paris prime and the Dread that i already own, might require a bit more tweaking but so far, it get's the job done. So, i'm done here with bows?
This i personally also don't like, things being a direct upgrade from another and the previous basically being thrown away. I still haven't given up on the idea though. Now FF had (while i was playing) T1 to T4 BUT, you could use T1 components on a T4 weapon, min maxing but the right way.
This is not min maxing, this is consumerism. Use it once, till it's outdated and throw it away.
Then, just play the meta.
Won't someone think of the environment....