Charge Rifle anyone? That weapon with Raptor was fun as heck. Looked pretty slick too.
The options to fully charge it, rapidfire it, or anywhere in between was appreciated. Going from sniping into rapid firing death gun with Overload/ Power Field was great.
The options to fully charge it, rapidfire it, or anywhere in between was appreciated. Going from sniping into rapid firing death gun with Overload/ Power Field was great.
Gun is pretty simple: you scope in, weapon begins charging to a point. The charge rifle can be fired at any point in the charging process and it will do damage correlating to its charge value. So a shot with no charge does minimum damage, a shot with max charge does the most possible damage. This makes the weapon useful against both squishy targets and big ones because doing less damage allows a faster rate of fire but the option of slower firing does the most damage. I'm not sure if I'm correct but the equation for charge-> damage was exponential; the most dps resulted from when a shot was nearly charged up but not completely.
(Start at 1:23 or so)
Some versions of the charge rifle allow the weapon to charge while hip-firing, which made the weapon useful for non-sniping purposes (especially when it came to the raptors ult). Earlier versions of the rifle restrict charging to scope-only, which I think is the better choice (So hipfiring just shoots a minimum-damage round) . If charging is allowed out-of-scope the weapon becomes useful at every single range against every single type of target because of the charging variable. My vote is to keep charging limited to scope.
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PIghead Elderberry