Old Firefall players, please respond!

Aug 18, 2016
Just read some firefall stuff on Reddit. From what I read, the game has really gone downhill. That sucks because it started out great. 1.6 pushed a lot of players away. I guess problems and changes pushed even more away.
Aug 19, 2016
Just read some firefall stuff on Reddit. From what I read, the game has really gone downhill. That sucks because it started out great. 1.6 pushed a lot of players away. I guess problems and changes pushed even more away.
no recent patches. very lil support or bug fixes. firefall is in a locked in state of "waiting for the end". no1 really knows where the9/"r5" s head is. they havent told the ff community whats going2 happen in the near future besides the telling us that the9 has control of r5/ff. we shall c if #1..ff is abandoned by the community or #2 if the9 takes whats left of ff &spikes it in2 the grbg bin. only time will tell. not pessimistically speaking just being realitic...


Omni Ace
Jul 28, 2016
BH5432 here. I'm sadly one of those players who loved FF till that .6 patch came out. Was a founder and everything. But that patch seemed to take all the fun out of the game. People were doing fun things. Exploring and what not. But that all stopped once your gear took unrepairable durability damage from doing so.


Omni Ace
Jul 26, 2016
Devil's Tusk
Beta tester, Recon specialist, reporting in. Ive wandered from the Shanty town exp run to the tower of players 31 players, to the Amazon full take. If it happened, I was probably there.
Likes: Adrian
Jul 26, 2016

Also Troopii reporting for duty!

I was an open beta tester but been inactive for years since then. Last year I went back in my frames and started playing again, and was accepted as an official Firefall Mentor on 18 August 2015. Been having loads of fun until the major mess they called EDIT (Thanks BunnyHunny) 1.7, when I stopped playing regularly.

I look forward to working with you all.
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Likes: Adrian
Aug 27, 2016
I found out about Ember after visiting the Firefall forums a few days ago. Glad I did.

Played FF with some friends of mine between steam and 1.6. Lots of good memories. Met a lot of nice people. Favourite frame changed a few times, but in the end it was a tie between Rhino and Nighthawk depending on the location.
Likes: Adrian
Aug 18, 2016
I was just looking through some topic subscriptions of mine in the FF forums. 0.8 is where I really started disliking the game. I think that's the one where items started to decay and the number of "levels" doubled. I know I was pissed because a level 7 frame didn't become a level 14 and so on. Two other things I miss are tornadoes and BWA.


Omni Ace
Omni Ace
Aug 29, 2016
StormPunch reporting for duty. Closed-Beta tester and partial lurker. Gonna miss 'ol Firefall no matter what but I'm proud to give Ember my backing. Wish I had a screenshot to share with you all; though even if I did it'd be on potato settings from my old PC. If anyone has a better name than "StormPunch" to suggest (relic of the randomized naming system), I'm more than happy to accept it :)
Likes: Adrian
Aug 30, 2016
Hey all!
Some may or may not remember me, I was not very active on the forums but loved the game since beta - pre-1.7.

I was kinda hopping that Firefall would go back to being the game loved (i knew it was not worth it, but i hoped anyway) and I only signed up to these forums today because i just noticed that the firefall forums are down and the game is dead.

I dont really know what to expect from Ember, apart from a really boring and generic title and that it is supposed to be the 'spiritual successor' to firefall.

I have to be honest here though, a 'spiritual successor' wont really be good enough for me. If the game is not Firefall and does not have the same characters, art design, lore and game mechanics I dont think I will play it. I really hope Mark can get the IP but I seriously doubt it.

Anyway, I will be keeping an eye on the forums as the game progresses and see if I can maybe trust another game dev again. The whole firefall/The9 thing has made me very angry at the whole debacle and I may have became a little jaded.

Here is hoping that the whole ember thing is not just some pipe-dream.
Likes: Pandagnome