@OP, really he had a bunch of people tweet him as usual about how much everyone loves faufau, while doing his own thing etc.
Mark puts out a poll if anyone is interested in the genre anymore, if there was enough responses by us to prove there are people who want this game vote. A very positive support.
Inquires to obtain faufau licence, the9 don't want to sell because they're the investors who wanted loads of money from faufau from the beginning anyway, they don't sell for a low price (game already shutdown).
High amount of players including myself get messaged about 'Ember' on the faufau forums. People who talked about Ember on the faufau forums got bans directed my the9, knowing that faufau Devs wouldn't ban anyone no matter how much evidence, also that the9 fired them all.
A successful crowdfunding on Indiegogo for website launch.
Mark inquires more about what us as players want. Like thumping, crafting, anime and all fun from faufau like invasions.
Sometime later an indigogo campaign starts for EM-8ER. Founded by us all. Mark was using his own money to fund each milestone before money was raised. The funding was successful...
Second funding started, many people funded it and competed the whole funding for every other milestone.
It's all been a collaborative creation. No investors to ruin it. The Devs communicate with us all the time. This is basically the story why this game exists, The9 only covered up their own ass, anyone can create threads and articles