A few years ago some weapon concepts were presented, but it seems (I may be wrong) only the Stardyne ST-11 Assault Rifle and the Tessara Rifle were added to the store for sale, or as rewards for subs.
I can't find the original forum post with the original images, so I extracted them from a video that I have saved here on my PC, and since there's no information about those weapons, I would like to ask what you guys think these weapons will be like.
So here's the first one:
What do you think this weapon will be like?
For example, this one I imagine would be a grenade launcher or a gun that accelerates canisters of some sort, but that thing that looks like a big scope on top makes me confused. Also due to the position of the front grip handle on top of the barrel, it gives the impression of being quite heavy.
I can't find the original forum post with the original images, so I extracted them from a video that I have saved here on my PC, and since there's no information about those weapons, I would like to ask what you guys think these weapons will be like.
So here's the first one:
What do you think this weapon will be like?
For example, this one I imagine would be a grenade launcher or a gun that accelerates canisters of some sort, but that thing that looks like a big scope on top makes me confused. Also due to the position of the front grip handle on top of the barrel, it gives the impression of being quite heavy.
Pandagnome and Mahdi