Trigger happy moderators

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Rage explosion? The fucking Hulk joined the forums? Holy shit, this is going to be good. I too am a fan of his huge green rage monster work.
Remember Hulk, if you kill me you will only be making some people happy and that's not what a good rage explosion is about.
nah... meaning he eplodes in a huge rage 'causing a nice hilarious firework :D


Sorry about this thread guys, Tragedy got released on day leave and I weren't there to look after him. Really sorry about that.

@Tragedy Behave next time, ok :) I'll buy you some Ice Cream if you do :p
Likes: Mizogin


ARES Operator
Jul 26, 2016
California, America
I just posted the link so kids will stop wasting everyone's time, grow up, and get off my lawn!
I believe there to have been a half-dozen other ways to settle this dispute besides throwing shit at the fan publicly.
I am allowed to publicly voice my criticisms and complaints, there's a dedicated forum for just that - thanks for your input though!

What happened? What did you write?
A retard made a thread, I said "Fuck off retard" in response. There is such a thing as over moderation, it helps nobody and just creates drama. (see: my thread)

FadedPez and the rest of the community management at Red 5 learned real fast that treating users like children is bad for the community. I'd recommend learning from Red5s mistakes instead of repeating them, I believe that's what we were being sold on when we pledged our support for Ember.

I am not a troll, I don't run around spamming the forums - I only post when I feel is absolutely necessary. Believe it or not, "Fuck off retard" is an opinion too - it is beyond mild and if you honestly believe that's worth deleting then this is a hugbox I don't want to be a part of.


Jul 28, 2016
I am allowed to publicly voice my criticisms and complaints, there's a dedicated forum for just that - thanks for your input though!

A retard made a thread, I said "Fuck off retard" in response. There is such a thing as over moderation, it helps nobody and just creates drama. (see: my thread)

FadedPez and the rest of the community management at Red 5 learned real fast that treating users like children is bad for the community. I'd recommend learning from Red5s mistakes instead of repeating them, I believe that's what we were being sold on when we pledged our support for Ember.

I am not a troll, I don't run around spamming the forums - I only post when I feel is absolutely necessary. Believe it or not, "Fuck off retard" is an opinion too - it is beyond mild and if you honestly believe that's worth deleting then this is a hugbox I don't want to be a part of.
The problem is not the sentiment, but the delivery.
Look at two options:
1) Fuck off, retard.
2) With all due respect, please try to not strain yourself unduly in your mental overexertions.
Which is actually rude, and which just voices your opinion? Somewhat humorously, even.


Tsi-Hu Hunter
Jul 27, 2016
Dupont, WA
I am no fan of how Pez and Phobos handled the community. That is damn sure no secret so I can see your point about shutting down what people have to say. They did it if they thought something was offensive (who made them the judge) and if it was anything contrary to what they thought.
However I will agree that personally attacking a person by telling them to fuck off retard could have been handled a bit smoother. As long as they just shut the thread down or edited what you said and left it at that then bygones. If they warned they would ban you over it, then that is pushing it. I mean come on, I explained the difference between how you unload a truck load of dead babies and a truck of bowling balls earlier today and nobody said a thing. FYI, only one can be done with a pitchfork. Just saying.


Jul 27, 2016
I am allowed to publicly voice my criticisms and complaints, there's a dedicated forum for just that - thanks for your input though!
Yes you certainly are, but you know... have you considered that your particular tone/language is not appropriate? Saying things like "I won't change and I will continue to break every fucking rule as long as I'm a member of this community, and I really don't want to be a part of this community if it's a ridiculous hugbox." isn't exactly going to win people over to your point of view? Consider your words and who may be reading them.

I got a Jump-To-Conclusions mat I would like to sell.
Haha, just watched that movie again last weekend.
Likes: SomeUnregPunk


Jul 27, 2016
"Fuck off retard"
ok well there is your problem. And everybody else.

I have yet to see moderators who would not take action for such an response no mater how accurate of a statement that is, as there is quite a few retards on the web. No need to say it though. You can convey the same sort of message to the retard, in other ways, that is more constructive, less shitflinging.
Likes: MollilMayhem


Fuck off retard
Pls no ban was joke

ok well there is your problem. And everybody else.

I have yet to see moderators who would not take action for such an response no mater how accurate of a statement that is, as there is quite a few retards on the web. No need to say it though. You can convey the same sort of message to the retard, in other ways, that is more constructive, less shitflinging.
Jul 27, 2016
Somewhere on Earth
A retard made a thread, I said "Fuck off retard" in response.
And there in-lies the problem. Way I see it, somebody who thinks calling somebody a "retard" is an appropriate response is in the wrong no matter what they've got to say. It isn't even a matter of 'I have the right;' you have the right to use these forums, but what you don't have the right to do is be directly abusive to people. Even if said people deserve it, it's no excuse, since you should be the better person about this. Clearly, the mods did their job properly when it came to you.

But hey, I'll leave it to somebody who said it better.
You can convey the same sort of message to the retard, in other ways, that is more constructive, less shitflinging.


Jul 28, 2016
Wait.... my comments were deleted as well.... MY LIKES ARE GONE!!!!!!! You've hindered my like amount!!!!! I'm going to go crawl into a corner and cry now... don't mind me *sniff sniff*

I'll just go and grab a handful of popcorn and a jug of root beer and drown my sorrows!

On a serious note... I didn't know I said anything that was either spam or something else?! Oh well *shrugs and walks away*


I'm suddenly going to agree with Tragedy. Mainly because they seem to lock threads or delete things quite quickly.

Yes, What tragedy posted was stupid and unnecessary BUT remember guys, The owner of this forum (Mark Kern) fights so hard for freedom of speech, freedom of expression and no censorship.... Then he allows his moderators and other community members to censor others because they get "offended"???

So question is, What is Mark Kern? A person who allows others to be censored because others can't handle it, or is he someone who does believe in free speech and will happily allow people to say what they like on a sub section that was made for it.
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