Spam Thread - Madness revised

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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2016
Fox News mandates employees disclose vaccination status, contradicting rhetoric from top stars

In a Tuesday memo updating staff on Covid-19 procedures, Fox News Media chief executive Suzanne Scott said that the company has "asked all employees — whether on site as part of our essential workforce or working remotely — to upload their vaccination status" into an internal database.

"All employees must enter their status no later than today, August 17th, by close of business," Scott wrote, bolding that particular sentence in her email, which was obtained by CNN Business, but first reported on by AdWeek.

Scott added that while masks remain optional for vaccinated employees, the company is "requiring employees to wear a mask in small, confined spaces with limited opportunities for social distancing and where there are multiple employees, including control rooms."


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2016
About 20,000 Mississippi students in quarantine for COVID-19 exposure, health official says

A top Mississippi health official said Tuesday that about 20,000 students are currently quarantined for COVID-19 exposure in the state — 4.5% of the public school population, according to the state's latest enrollment figures.

The data comes from reports made by 800 schools to the Mississippi State Department of Health last week, Mississippi State Epidemiologist Dr. Paul Byers said during a call with state pediatricians.

“These disruptions ... are going to continue for a while," Byers said to members of the Mississippi Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2016
During an appearance on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," conservative commentator and U.S. Naval War College professor Tom Nichols went into an extended explanation about the rising tide of angry middle-aged white men that helped fuel the rise of Donald Trump and why their reasoning is dead wrong.

With co-host Willie Geist asking about former president Donald Trump running on lost jobs as part of his "Make America Great Again" campaign, Nichols explained that the decline of industrial jobs is not a recent phenomenon.

"I do not come from a privileged family, my parents were Depression-era high school dropouts. I grew up among factories that by the time I was a child were empty and rotting, " he recalled. "I played in abandoned -- with abandoned equipment and empty factories and coal yards and railroad trestles. I write about that this morning in USA Today, there are two things about that. A lot of that happened before people were willing to admit that happened. I talked to a friend in a book and said I remember when all those factories were full. I said that was impossible we broke the windows in that factory when we were 11, like 50 years ago. People have convinced themselves there was once this golden age they remember that was only taken away in the last few years."


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2016
Miami Beach Couple Arrested in Hawaii for Using Fake Vaccination Cards

Enzo Dalmazzo, 43, and Daniela Dalmazzo, 31, were charged with falsifying a vaccine card, with Daniela facing an additional two counts for submitting fake documents for their two children, according to complaints filed by the Hawaii Attorney General’s office.
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