101. The higher ups don’t know why but I am no longer allowed to prepare the Thanksgiving turkey.
102. Even if sulfur is in the snow itself, can’t use a back hoe excavator for collecting them.
103. A dropship is not a pilotless missile. Stop giving the younger reapers any ideas about it.
104. The self destruct button is not a smiley face.
105. Omniframe cameras and female tsi-hus are mutually exclusive.
106. Not allowed to blow raspberries over the comms.
107. The rest of everyone will make wild guesses of me for macking on underage tsi-hus.
108. Even if they are over a thousand years old.
109. Fidget spinners are not viable melee weapons.
110. Nor as helicopter rotary blades.
111. Nor as kinetic deflectors.
112. Nor as replacement for caterpillar track sockets.
113. Nor as propellers.
114. Where exactly do you get these ideas anyway?
115. Not allowed to talk to Torgue_Joey in an Arabic accent.
116. Even then, I can’t trade with acetone peroxide as currency.
117. Even if I can make them with lab grade peroxide and plastic solvents.
118. Just what the hell are the FBI and the NSA doing here?
119. A pickup truck with an omniframe weapon bolted on the bed does not constitute as a fighting vehicle.
120. Even if it is cheaper.
121. We are not reenacting the Great Toyota War for real. Stop giving the younger reapers any ideas.
122. A black flag with white Arabic calligraphies does not intimidate the tsi-hus.
123. Walkürenritt is not an appropriate cavalry music.
124. Not allowed to name my omniframe, The honorificabilitudinitatibus
125. Nor naming the base, Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu
126. Goes double if the base is situated on a hill.
127. Even if she has tons of plot armor, can’t make Saldara Garrack as my co-pilot.
128. Can’t build a personal D-gate just to rain asteroids on the planet.
129. Can’t build a personal D-gate just to rain asteroids on some random insect on the planet.
130. Can’t use a D&D sourcebook as omniframe reference.
131. “Low Orbit Asteroids” is not an appropriate dropship squadron name.
132. If my plasma shotgun happens to one-shot a Cat 4 on the head, we have a problem.
133. If the rate of fire and/or particle effects of my gun happens to reduce the frame rate of other reapers to single digits, I am to discontinue using it.