It's here ladies! Show your magnificient voices!


Omni Ace
Omni Ace
Jul 26, 2016
Baal Secundus
So as suggested in the last chief chat, the Great Grummz (GG) told our manager and hitman helper Ronyn to create this heretical usefull section in the forum, in this thread, you'll be able to post your voice lines for well, voice lines needed in the game, if you have no idea what kind of stuff you'll have to do here's a little explanation, If you recall in FF, you could choose from a dozen-ish voices for your character, both for male and female, which is a total of 24 or close, this idea seems to be going for Em8er!

I nor anyone has any idea of what voice lines we'll need so far, but I'll suggest one : "Calling down a THMPR, Clear the area!" which could be used when calling a THMPR so your teammates don't get crushed under it, time to post everybody!

I'll update this thread to the demands of Grummz or any other developer when one or more voice lines are needed, be sure to check every so often!

And with that said, let's listen!
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I was wondering if we were going to get to do something like this. But, I was thinking about voicing quest-giver NPCs or just one-liners for people standing around. Can't decide which one would be more challenging or would have more weight. Voice-lines for different voice-presets, trying out different emotions and emotes for different situations and cues or...trying to create one specific personality for an NPC, one with a backstory, maybe.

I get really nervous just thinking about doing something like this. All I have is Audacity and a mic to record it with. No studio. The quality most likely won't be as clean as it would be if it was recorded in a proper studio, but...I might give it a shot with some lines for a more reserved (recon) character. Not too much excitement.
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Likes: Mahdi

I forgot I cannot stand my own voice. No matter how many times I try it sounds awful.

So, here are some lines, instead:

Preset: unspecified. Short lines that could come from different personality presets.

(T.H.M.P.R. call-down)

"Thumper inbound!"
"Callin' down a thumper!"
"Eyes to the sky!"
"Watch yer heads!"
"Clear the LZ!"
"Ya might wanna move!"
"Make some room!" (big burly voice for (a similar-looking) character, who is definitely not overcompensating with their bravado or their heavy frame)
"It's a bird! It's a plane!" (for laughs and eye-rolls)
"Time for some diggin'!"
"Drill, baby! Drill!" (Yes, I did! Could be for a spirited female character, specifically)
"Here comes my +1!"

"Thump 'er? I don't even know 'er!" (Could be an ACHIEVEMENT - Call Down your T.H.M.P.R. for the first-time/100th/250th...etc.

(Specifically if/when the T.H.M.P.R. hits another player - downing/killing/injuring)

"Watch the paint!" ("very sympathetic")
"Are they okay?" (a little concerned or perhaps more)
"We haven't even started! (complaining)
"Cloudy with a chance of T.H.M.P.R." (quirky, maybe?)
"Walk it off!" (and fast, because the mining is about to start)

(Specifically if/when someone gets downed/killed/injured by their own T.H.M.P.R.)

"Do I get a Darwin?" (Award)
"T-This is embarrassing."(moan)
"Et tu, T.H.M.P.R.!"(dying)
"Everything is against me!" (insecure/conspiracy)
"Unbelievable!"(angry or fed up)


Omni Ace
Dec 15, 2016
*Unloads da load*

Calling down a T.H.M.P.R.

"T.H.M.P.R. On the way!"
"The bigger they are, the harder they fall."
"T.H.M.P.R. Co-ords set."
"Initiating drilling operation, standby."
"Watch the skies, everyone!"

T.H.M.P.R. gets destroyed
"That's coming out of your paycheck!"
"You do realize that they cost more than you earn in a week, right?"
"THAT did. Not. Just. Happen."
"You owe me a new one!"
"It's a good thing I sent you the defective one."
"T.H.M.P.R.s don't grow on trees, you know."
"Clean up on aisle 3."

T.H.M.P.R. returns at 25%/50%/75%

"Next time, check your surroundings before dropping one."
"Returning the glass at three-quarters empty, sigh."
"Returning the glass at one quarter full, at least."
"I think you got...something inside."
"Siesta already?"
"A load this light doesn't pay the bills."
"Half full's better than nothing."
"It's half off but still,"
"It hasn't even dug up the big one!"
"Can we make a profit from this?"
"At least, they didn't destroy it."
"Is this load worth it?"
"Tripping at the finish line aren't we?"
"We'd just break even from this."
"Better safe than sorry."
"This better be worth it."
"Early's better than sorry."


Omni Ace
Omni Ace
Jul 26, 2016
Baal Secundus
Now that's some great lines you guys, there's just one problem, is no one willing to try and record themselves in any way and post that here? I can understand the part about disliking your own voice as it's in human nature most of the time, but at least try with one line to see if people actually don't dislike it? Not pushing you obviously, just trying to encourage people who might be too shy to do it. Thanks for the lines anyway!
Now that's some great lines you guys, there's just one problem, is no one willing to try and record themselves in any way and post that here? I can understand the part about disliking your own voice as it's in human nature most of the time, but at least try with one line to see if people actually don't dislike it? Not pushing you obviously, just trying to encourage people who might be too shy to do it. Thanks for the lines anyway!
i just got to hope that my voice ain't too high-pitched.... puberty! *throws up the arms*
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