Em-8ER does it differently. For one, our invasions are spread out through the whole zone instead of any one location. You're not defending a city, you are pushing back at a half-dozen fires throughout the zone at any given time. That alone spreads people out. It also turns out to be a lot more fun. The best times in Firefall beta was when the servers came back up and the zone wall filled with Chosen that you had to "sweep" off the map. Em-8ER invasions are more like that.
It is time to go to WORK , would start out at New Eden and work my way North to Thump Dump and then go south along the ocean to Sunken Harbor. Ahhhh the path of Chosen bodies behind me.... the anticipation of Chosen bands ahead of me...... The THRILL of tearing them down.................
I dont know if Ember will ever have an Engineer type like Firefall's Bastion, but whhooooo I hope it does.