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  1. TankHunter678

    gender based mecha

    G Gundam is also famous for Neo Holland's Nether Gundam (aka Hurricane Gundam and Windmill Gundam) Which was rather bad, because since they decided to have their Gundam hide as a windmill for 11 months the pilot never got sufficient combat experience to be able to properly use the thing and...
  2. TankHunter678

    As an "engineer" class...

    A reason why the tunneling worm type of enemy could be implemented is that it is a rare enemy type in games, they can be used to create dynamic events, and they also act as a natural counter to turret based builds that would require player intervention so that a turret player cannot make an AFK...
  3. TankHunter678

    As an "engineer" class...

    Probably it could just ignore the players and tunnel to a nearby base and start eating its defense turrets. Spawning a dynamic event where you have to stop a siege worm before it destroys all of the base's defenses.
  4. TankHunter678

    How about some realistic combat outside of mech?

    The only way to do combat outside of the mech would have to be arcady. If it was realistic the moment the shields go down is the moment our character would die (unless HDM armor plating holds), and if we take even a single hit outside of the mech we would die since the enemy is using weapons...
  5. TankHunter678

    How about some realistic combat outside of mech?

    The only way ground combat out of the mech would work is if you were inside a structure (be it base, or ancient ruins) and were not going to fight the transformed Tsihu. In theory we would have an emergency personal defense weapon should the mech be disabled. To use some examples... every...
  6. TankHunter678

    One Frame, Many Roles

    Every playstyle has a natural role it falls into determined by how one sets up their frame. Since everyone comes in with a way they prefer to play they will organically create their role within a group. There is also the natural roles that have been trained into people over the course of gaming...
  7. TankHunter678

    As an "engineer" class...

    I cannot think of any shooter series besides ARMA (which prides itself on being as realistic as possible, thus no hitscan period) that does not have tremendously safe and easy to use hitscan burst weapons. Ultimately though, what helps balance out those hitscan burst weapons is how terrible...
  8. TankHunter678

    As an "engineer" class...

    Technically an easy to use AoE weapon with plenty of ammo and hits hard enough that using it on a single target is more then perfectly acceptable is more of an easy button then automated turrets. If you want an example, the Ogris used to be this in Warframe. It used Rifle Ammo which gave it a...
  9. TankHunter678

    Our T.H.M.P.R. Acting Like a Squad-Mate

    The reason anyone within the squad should have permission to send it back is cause some trolls would purposely not help, and impede the helping of the owner so they can get a expensive THMPR killed. Some may even drop their own THMPRs nearby then send them back so that there is a larger wave of...
  10. TankHunter678

    Our T.H.M.P.R. Acting Like a Squad-Mate

    I think anyone within the party should have the ability to send it back early. Only the owner however can command it as a unit. Otherwise trolls will be destructive with commanding the unit.
  11. TankHunter678

    Our T.H.M.P.R. Acting Like a Squad-Mate

    The more thumpers that can be placed in a relatively small area the more of the feeling like the old firefall CBT melding thump wars get revived. Also, I would not mind being given the ability to thump for dirt, that way we can as players create our own mini warzone with thumper events. When a...
  12. TankHunter678

    macOS Support for T.H.M.P.R. Model

    Trying to develop for multiple operating systems would increase the costs to make the game, the game is already on a tight budget. Maybe in the future if the game proves to be a success and pulls in enough funding to make the transition.
  13. TankHunter678

    As an "engineer" class...

    A loadout focused around sniping does not help against swarms, in fact it is a detriment. A loadout focused around AoE is limited against single targets. A loadout focused around turrets helps against both single targets and swarms. In fact, you can bring a variety of turrets specialized for a...
  14. TankHunter678

    Scouting Done Right!

    Scouts in general are not armed with sniper rifles. Sniper teams are not Scout teams. Scout teams aka Recons are typically armed with a general purpose self defense weapon, but they in general are to avoid combat. Combat wise they are for providing targeting for Indirect Fire Support, GtG...
  15. TankHunter678

    As an "engineer" class...

    And I remember when me and my friends had another friend join us who... could not do the very things you mentioned. So we got them playing the Engineer class because it better fit their skill set. They had never played a shooter in their life, in fact the only game they had played at that point...
  16. TankHunter678

    As an "engineer" class...

    It does however provide a style of player for people who do not have high twitch skills needed for the more active high stakes playstyles. It also provides a playstyle for those who want something to "wind down" on. It allows one to bring in their not so shooter friends to play the game with...
  17. TankHunter678

    Living/Evolving gear

    Could take it a different way in that the AI instead of being in the gun is your suit's support AI, with the AI having program slots that you slot specific programs in to manage certain kinds of systems (granting bonuses/negatives to particular things), while the personality/appearance is...
  18. TankHunter678

    Living/Evolving gear

    The Female Bludgeon Spirit is the best looking of the spirits. Although she has confidence issues, probably due to blunt weapons having such a wide damage range with a low minimum and very high maximum damage so it is not the most useful of weapon types.
  19. TankHunter678

    Regarding Leaving the Mech

    They could put Vendors inside base structures where you would have to march into the vehicle bay and hop out of your mech to go access the vendor areas.
  20. TankHunter678

    As an "engineer" class...

    The main exception being the Rocket Turret. The Rocket it fired periodically had a projectile with travel time that could miss mobs/players that were not running in a straight line at it. But since most mobs came in large packs during a thump... well missing the lead aranha just means you hit...