Glad to see everything is taking shape! - just a question, and forgive my ignorance, what's a vertical slice demo? (how is different from a normal demo?)
Glad to see everything is taking shape! - just a question, and forgive my ignorance, what's a vertical slice demo? (how is different from a normal demo?)
"A vertical slice is a section of the game, perhaps 10 to 30 minutes, that is representative of what the final game will look, sound and play like: a bit of everything to a high standard. The vertical slice is an industry-wide practice in large scale game projects. Usually, it is put in front of the studio heads and marketing and a decision is made weather to fund it or not."
-- Source:
The vertical slice will be a polished demo of core gameplay. In Em8er's case, this will be a THMPR mining encounter.
We're focused on PvE. No plans for PvP. BR is one mode that would make sense for Em8ER and would not compromise PvE design, as we can simply exclude crafting abilities and weapons not fun for PvP. But don't hold your breath. We want to create a great PvE experience.
Doing a separate fundraiser for PvP makes sense too, if and when that time should come. But don't expect it.