I spent over $1100 on Firefall. I only have the commander pack. Is this accurate? Not trying to be greedy, just asking. I'm very much looking forward to playing Em-8ER when it launches and supporting it full bore.
First of all, we are not Red 5 Studios or affiliated with a Firefall in any way.
Firefall is another company’s game and we are only offering this credit in appreciation for the original backers of that game who believed in the original vision before Red 5 changed it all.
We only credited original beta founder packs, and did so with an automated system back when we could have users link their Firefall forum account to their Em8ER account. Even then, there was no way to tell how much anyone had spent on that game beyond the packs shown on their forums, since we don’t have access to their records. Also, it is already hugely expensive to us to even do such a program, as it is lost revenue we won’t see when our own game launches. We did it in a spirit of good faith and generosity, for a limited time, and only for the packs we knew we could verify.
Unfortunately, Red 5 Studios took down the website and forums and later closed. We are unable to extend the program at this point, because there is no way for us to automatically verify FF founder packs, and we cannot manually verify potentially over a million Firefall accounts.
We are happy we could gift you a Commander credit, however, and hope you enjoy Em8ER when it releases (or the earlier builds if you back our crowdfunding).
Thank you!