Sure, and i agree. Finding a middle ground seems the more reasonable solution. But to me it's like the finger and the arm. Look at what happened to FF at the end.
"OMG, Assaults can fly, it's not fair, i want it too" "Dreads can facetank, it's not fair, i want to facetank too". It's a bit crude to express it that way but give people what they want and they'll never be satisfied.
EAT YOUR DAMN VEDGIES!!!! It's like with kids, spoil them too much and you'll end up with a bunch of whiny brats.
Games have rules. Don' like the rules, go play outside with a stick. They are delicate ecosystem, not figments of your imagination where everything goes exactly the way you hope for. Especially MMOs.
"OMG, Assaults can fly, it's not fair, i want it too" "Dreads can facetank, it's not fair, i want to facetank too". It's a bit crude to express it that way but give people what they want and they'll never be satisfied.
EAT YOUR DAMN VEDGIES!!!! It's like with kids, spoil them too much and you'll end up with a bunch of whiny brats.
Games have rules. Don' like the rules, go play outside with a stick. They are delicate ecosystem, not figments of your imagination where everything goes exactly the way you hope for. Especially MMOs.
I will only say that the Em-8ER community has inherited some of the baggage/disappointment along with the hope/joy that firefall's community had. That said, we have to somewhat distance ourselves from certain parts of those old feelings that stem from an old and past situation. We have to let go of what came before to reach for the new.
Going forward into Em-8ER,it's neither about giving everyone what they want (as different people want different things) nor do we subscribe to the "Eat your vegetables" stance (As interactive entertainment is effectively the desert portion of a persons day). Whatever we make... It's not going to perfect, nothing is. Everyone is not going to be happy with every part of it, that's never the case. It's about following a singular unified vision. It's about listening to feedback,taking it to heart, but applying it only when it fits within that vision. It's about creating the kind of experience that is really enjoyable for those who like the kind of thing we are making.
Faeryl and Mahdi