Will we able to pick our MOM?

Aug 14, 2016
For those that don't know, MOM stands for Mission Operations Manager. It is a real job title in places like NASA.

So I'm thinking, before going on missions I can pick who I want to be my MOM. Be it Aero, Knifelady, Pez, or some other NPC who'll give me info and watch my back.


Em-8er Contributor
Jul 27, 2016
Ideally I think different regions of the world should have different operators, but it would be cool if you could pick your favorite as permanent option too.

Due to budget limitations, I think we probably are going to have just one, probably robotic computer voice, kinda like what FireFall had at one point in the very beginning. It also happened to be my favorite, because I didn't like Aeros fake accent and thought she was just annoying af lol

Also maybe it would be good idea to sell operators voice packs in the cash shop, cuz they got to make that cash money haha

Enough said. I want her chirping in my ear with that adorable accent.


If we're also going to have something similar to a battle-frame OS, then there should be both a male and female version. I don't dislike the deep male voice talking, but they missed out on having something like a full GiGi OS. And there wasn't a level45 version of that...only level 17. And my fem-character still has it.

Would be like EVA from C&C.
Aug 14, 2016
I would love to be able to pick my frame A.I. too. In most mecha games where I have the option to pick or make what A.I. I want I like to pick the warm motherly female voice and personality most of the time.

Personally, I find it funny sometimes to have this super kick ass ultra manly death machine that also have the most kindest and loving A.I. you can get in it. It is why I love things like the Tachikomas from Ghost in the Shell. They are tanks with the A.I. who have the personalities of children.

Jul 26, 2016
Personally, I find it funny sometimes to have this super kick ass ultra manly death machine that also have the most kindest and loving A.I. you can get in it. It is why I love things like the Tachikomas from Ghost in the Shell. They are tanks with the A.I. who have the personalities of children.
mature children perhaps...

Jul 26, 2016
Really dont care and i rather see them spend money on usefull things instead of paying several people to say the exact same things multiple times.
Aug 14, 2016
Really dont care and i rather see them spend money on usefull things instead of paying several people to say the exact same things multiple times.
They don't have to say the same thing. The games that do it right, have each one say their own things that fit into their personality type. For example, one of the may laugh when you do an AOE and kill a lot of enemies at once. While another one might feel bad that you are killing so many things.

In one mecha game (I forgot what it was) I had an A.I. that viewed the mecha as being its body. So it would say things like "Pilot, please make them stop hurting me!" when it got damaged. Or when I used one of the super abilities it'll make a comment about how much stress that doing such things puts on its systems.
They don't have to say the same thing. The games that do it right, have each one say their own things that fit into their personality type. For example, one of the may laugh when you do an AOE and kill a lot of enemies at once. While another one might feel bad that you are killing so many things.

In one mecha game (I forgot what it was) I had an A.I. that viewed the mecha as being its body. So it would say things like "Pilot, please make them stop hurting me!" when it got damaged. Or when I used one of the super abilities it'll make a comment about how much stress that doing such things puts on its systems.
that would be kinda funny xD
but since our frames are rather exosceletons we should just hear our MOM and our Frame OS that warns us.
Our MOM would surely not be able monitor our whole frame like earo did. She was our personal operator afterall...
Likes: Omnires


Em-8er Contributor
Jul 27, 2016
They don't have to say the same thing. The games that do it right, have each one say their own things that fit into their personality type. For example, one of the may laugh when you do an AOE and kill a lot of enemies at once. While another one might feel bad that you are killing so many things.

In one mecha game (I forgot what it was) I had an A.I. that viewed the mecha as being its body. So it would say things like "Pilot, please make them stop hurting me!" when it got damaged. Or when I used one of the super abilities it'll make a comment about how much stress that doing such things puts on its systems.
I rather not have someone constantly spectate and comment on everything I do, that stuff gets extremely annoying and repetitive very fast. Unless they will record thousands of lines of speech, which is not feasible with current budget.

Like I said, simple computer voice saying something like "Good morning reaper, current list of available missions has been uploaded to your database. Stay safe and have a great day", or "Mission complete, funds and percentage of resources have been transferred to your account", something simple that you hear when it makes since to hear, just enough to make the world feel alive and believable.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2016
I am almost of the opinion that one of the later options should include sarcastic, hostile, and split personality AIs for our suits.

-pilot on low health-
AI: Operator would you please-

-exploring alien ruins-
AI: Hostile Bioforms detected.
Split Personality: Now KILL them. KILL THEM ALL.

AI: Thumping operations completed. Recommending sending the THMPR back to base.
Split Personality: No dig deeper, WE MUST HAVE MORE.
Aug 14, 2016
I rather not have someone constantly spectate and comment on everything I do, that stuff gets extremely annoying and repetitive very fast. Unless they will record thousands of lines of speech, which is not feasible with current budget.

Like I said, simple computer voice saying something like "Good morning reaper, current list of available missions has been uploaded to your database. Stay safe and have a great day", or "Mission complete, funds and percentage of resources have been transferred to your account", something simple that you hear when it makes since to hear, just enough to make the world feel alive and believable.
It is not like it is something they devs should do off the back. But something they can slowly add to the game as time goes by. The advantage of online games is their ability to update over the years.

I am almost of the opinion that one of the later options should include sarcastic, hostile, and split personality AIs for our suits.

-pilot on low health-
AI: Operator would you please-

-exploring alien ruins-
AI: Hostile Bioforms detected.
Split Personality: Now KILL them. KILL THEM ALL.

AI: Thumping operations completed. Recommending sending the THMPR back to base.
Split Personality: No dig deeper, WE MUST HAVE MORE.
That sound like a great idea. But I'm a bit worried. I've had a few run-ins with A.I. like that in few games. It never ends well because you are never sure if they are trying to help or trying to get you killed.

Also, I think this is related. 1 pilot with 1 A.I. vs 1 one pilot with multiple A.I.s (one of which is a psychopath)


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Depending on how you respond to the A.I for example if you had the option to reply with a choice of response choices
e.g. 1, 2 ,3 ,4
it would remember and not be as helpful if you responded in a harsh manner.
Also if the A.I asked you to do something for it and you completed the task the A.I could
provide you with more efficient processing so it could work faster than the standard.

After all mom needs to be taken care of and mom will look after you that is right!
Jul 27, 2016
mature children perhaps...

How about recording the most neutral sounding voice.
Then we implement filters/switches that filter out phrases unbeloning to the category.
happy <-> sad
empathy <-> apathy
calm <-> energetic

Lets say we chose happy apathy and calm. All the sad or emphatic or energetic dialogue lines are filtered out and not spoken by the A.I. and all that is left are lines that are happy apathetic and calm. That A.I. would then have a sociopath A.I.

On the second layer we add sliders that shape the speach. stuff like distortion and vocodex etc.

Tadaaaa!!! An A.I. that fits for everyone.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
I actually found Aero to be one of the better voices in FF. At least she sounded like she was actually talking to you most of the time instead of hurrying to read their lines off a sheet (I'm looking at you mr. "this is accord command"...) or purposely being as obnoxious as possible (mr. "yeeeeeeah, if you could do that, that'd be, ummm, greeeeeeat" corporate poser guy...) or being the most grating, fake, punny, and scummy wannabe santa in the universe ("I was just ho, ho, HOPING you could help me out with my sleigh!") No seriously, you have NO IDEA how old that got...

I'd have no objection to keeping Aero really, but as long as our M.O.M.('s) can be on par with her level of line delivery, I'm ok with whatever we get.
Likes: Omnires


Omni Ace
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
I think one neutral AI voice, with dialogue, will be implemented. If the devs let the player base in on what scripts, and the number of them, are needed for a new VO, then I think the player base would create the rest. Entering the game after dev approval of course...
Likes: Omnires


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
I actually found Aero to be one of the better voices in FF. At least she sounded like she was actually talking to you most of the time instead of hurrying to read their lines off a sheet (I'm looking at you mr. "this is accord command"...) or purposely being as obnoxious as possible (mr. "yeeeeeeah, if you could do that, that'd be, ummm, greeeeeeat" corporate poser guy...) or being the most grating, fake, punny, and scummy wannabe santa in the universe ("I was just ho, ho, HOPING you could help me out with my sleigh!") No seriously, you have NO IDEA how old that got...

I'd have no objection to keeping Aero really, but as long as our M.O.M.('s) can be on par with her level of line delivery, I'm ok with whatever we get.
It often is not what is said so much as how it is said that makes the greatest difference. It can be very difficult when reading lines off of a script to get a natural cadence rhythm down. When the pauses and syllable delivery becomes monochromatic they tend to feel very unnatural because nobody actually speaks that way and the human "ear" picks up on that.

Perhaps it might be easier to find someone who's natural accent and character fits most with the person you want them to voice and then present them with Que cards instead of a set script. As long as you go over beforehand what critical details might be needed, I bet you would come out with a much more natural sounding dialog. This would be particularly true for filler dialog where the exact wording might not be as critical.

i think it would be nice if we could use different personalities for an AI xD
like one that keeps always an eye on you and is pretty nice, one that is pretty greedy, one that is a total genesis xD and one that doesn'T like to kill :3
Also one that is deadpool like and constantly breaks the Fourth Wall.