What about this weapon? - part 6


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Aug 17, 2020
A few years ago some weapon concepts were presented, but it seems (I may be wrong) only the Stardyne ST-11 Assault Rifle and the Tessara Rifle were added to the store for sale, or as rewards for subs.
I can't find the original forum post with the original images, so I extracted them from a video that I have saved here on my PC, and since there's no information about those weapons, I would like to ask what you guys think these weapons will be like.

This one looks heavy:


Unfortunately I don't have the full image because, as I said in the first post, I had to extract these images from a video, and some of them were cropped, but in the small image it's still possible to see what the front grip looks like and how it is positioned.
The image shows that it has 6 barrels, and also the barrels are part of the magazine itself. So it left me wondering what kind of ammunition would possibly require the barrels to be disposable, as if the shot is so devastating that the barrel can't be reused.

What do you guys think?

Part 1: https://forums.em8er.com/threads/what-about-this-weapon-part-1.2358
Part 2: https://forums.em8er.com/threads/what-about-this-weapon-part-2.2359
Part 3: https://forums.em8er.com/threads/what-about-this-weapon-part-3.2360
Part 4: https://forums.em8er.com/threads/what-about-this-weapon-part-4.2362
Part 5: https://forums.em8er.com/threads/what-about-this-weapon-part-5.2363
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Perhaps it fires 6 of those ?

Perhaps the barrel option can be used for different purposes e.g.

Option 1 is to prevent enemy tracking of the missile unleashing anti missile flares.
Option 2 is to use the whole barrel missile for most damage
Option 3 is to fire Electro charged blades out of barrel to form an electrical trap in a perimeter.

The Swivel of the barrels is used to adjust the spread of the projectiles or concentrate at one point.
Likes: farias


Well-Known Member
Ark Liege
Aug 17, 2020
As the barrel is disposable, I imagine that the weapon uses projectiles that damages the barrel from the inside at the time of the shot. For example, some corrosive chemical coating, or a material that reaches such high temperatures that it melts the inner wall of the barrel.
But anyway, considering the look and these characteristics we already observed, it seems to be a very powerful weapon, perhaps used to deal more damage per shot to the kaijus.
Can't wait to see it in game.
Likes: Pandagnome