Weapon demo 2 is LIVE! Give us your feedback.

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Staff member
Community Manager
Director of Marketing and Community
Jul 26, 2016
Greetings reapers!

Weapon demo number 2 is now LIVE! What? Is there an echo in here? There just may be!

All eligible backers, get your trigger fingers ready to shoot at friends just for fun! You'll get the amazing mobility of the previous Demo plus the new slide on command. Use the newly available assault rifle to blast each other as you will!

Don't have access to download the demo? Well there is still a way to watch some gameplay!
Visit Grummz on Twitch to watch his stream of the Em-8ER Weapons Demo Part 2!
The Twitch VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/520567803


PIghead Elderberry

Kaiju Slayer
Jun 4, 2017
No crashes. No slowdowns. No bugs.

I wish I could deeeeeeeeestryyykee from a glide directly and steer it more, however.

For the glider UI element, it stays full when we start to glide which implies we should be able to press shift to glide again (but if one presses shift again the glide stops instead. It should dim out or go full red (but not countdown) when we start the glide... It should not be full white if we can't shift to start a glide.

PIghead Elderberry

Kaiju Slayer
Jun 4, 2017
Still no problems...

It would be nice to break directly from gliding to afterburner or Deeeeeeepstryyykeee.
Gliding... "Q" instantly drops from gliding to afterburner.
Gliding... "E" instantly puts us in styrkeeeee


Omni Ace
Jul 27, 2016
California, CA
Glider wings are vastly more effective than overthrust for moving in any direction except upwards. In general I'm not impressed with Overthrust's velocity especially in a PvP setting (not that PvP is the goal).

Can we reload while sprinting? Perhaps reduce sprint speed and increase reload time but still be faster movement speed than walking.

Pressing shift to sprint while reloading does not cause our character to sprint immediately after reloading finishes.

The map terrain can be really difficult to maneuver. Somewhat feels like my mech easily gets wedged between the terrain bumps and the adjacent trees or steep slopes. This exacerbates the feeling that jetpack initial thrust strength is too week and the end height of jetpacks is too fast and high. Falling in-between 3 terrain bumps is like a dead stop trap.


Jul 26, 2016
not an issue with the demo itself, but I think the idea of a mech unholstering and holding a gun is kind of silly. I get that transformations of any kins isn't possible, but at least build the weapons into the mech, even if they can't be "holstered".


Omni Ace
Omni Ace
Jul 27, 2016
It seems like the mouse sensitivity on this demo was waaaaay overtuned. I didn't see an option to turn it down either.

Cool assault rifle! The sounds from it sound very "tin-y"... something to consider! Also, where's the plasma rifle?! I would've loved that in this demo! Definitely would've added to the dynamic of "PVE" with the placeholders that are there. Also, what's up with that noise that happens when you hit someone? It's nice to know my bullets are landing, but it's pretty high-pitched as well. The assault rifle has an incredibly big spread too as you're holding down your auto-fire; I like that. However, having some sort of an ammo-counter would be invaluable in-addition to being able to hear that sound effect that you're almost out of ammo.

I definitely enjoy the PVP and the PVE content. It's cool to watch other mechs blow up and the kai-ju crumble! I'm hoping at some point we'll be able to use our weapons as we fly! That'd be awesome.

Definitely getting there!!!
Likes: Markolis


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
not an issue with the demo itself, but I think the idea of a mech unholstering and holding a gun is kind of silly. I get that transformations of any kins isn't possible, but at least build the weapons into the mech, even if they can't be "holstered".
Does look abit strange with the gun in the mech suits hands but i guess these can be tweaked with the animations and looks suited for the actual pilot.

For mechs what if the weapon materialized with some effect as if it was made by some high tech printer.

When the weapon is reloaded the weapon goes into the forearm of the mek and once completed pops out of the forearm and back into the hand or connects to the forearm.

Perhaps when you are zooming the weapon goes on the forearm to give better accuracy

When the weapon is holstered it would deconstruct the weapon with effect.

I like the power sliding would look fun while shooting down a hill, a slide a tunnel etc


Omni Ace
Ark Liege
Jul 26, 2016
I can't wait to craft better gear...

On that note, overall a good experience for me. I like the AR look and feel. The sound is a little underwhelming (reminds me of a slightly suppressed smg). The muzzle flash is a bit large. The spread leaves something to be desired. The range is nice. :)
Mar 11, 2017
The gun didn't seem to have much range and the recoil on it was terrible especially when flying, the jumpjets and gliding combo is amazing though because you can currently continue to climb forever between gliding, jumpjet, then boost upward ability, jumpjet, glide. I wish you could aim the deep strike ability though because I recall that used to be an issue with fast moving enemies was if you started it in the wrong location you had a chance of missing everything because it dropped you straight down. Speed of movement is great except for aerial strafing and turning seem slow and since I know there will be situations where a player may be surrounded those faster and smoother seaming turning and strafing motions will assist with dodging, viewing the battle field, and the ability to shoot higher priority enemies over just what you can currently see in front of you. Like in thumper events in Firefall you'd go after the bigger guys all the time because the little ones died easily to turrets, grenades, or even were left to gather around the thumper for a deep strike(or other area of effect ability) to kill a mass bunch at once. Love the demo though and which I would have been on during the chat to see interactions and feel combat with other players since it may seem different in a changing battle field compared to non-moving bots.

Love the work though and how far the project has come, keep it up ladies and gents!
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Aug 5, 2017
Firstly, I like to say ' Well done Team Em-8ER ' for the hard work to get this build out as fast as possible. I wasn't expecting a final weapons build, but what I experienced yesterday had my 'butterflies' kamikazing all over the place. Much like my PvP skills ahem!.

Secondaly, the Pro's for the build are as follows:

The look of the automatic rifle in its frame positioning was good. looked and felt 'naturalistic' when running around and flying/overburn thrusting.
The loading animation was great, had a more 'organic' touch then simply an autonomous action.
Great to see shielding in place. Having to be more tactical when fighting the Tsihu, is obviously the way to go. Bullet sponges on either side a bad idea
The sliding mechanic/animation combined with the assualt rifle positioning looked hard core...my favourite!
Recoil action was good - looked 'naturalistic' rather than arcade/cartooney.
Frame explosions was great to see...amid the decent explosion effect and watching someones frame come apart and fly off in all directions...classic event!
When we get to try out the combo switching for weapons, gives me the 'good vibe willies'.

BUT/s (but not big ones).. - The Cons are:

Muzzle flash needs more ompfffhh! - obviously depending on what type of AR that will be default/player modded.
Bullet spread (landing spray) vs recoil is a tad to expressive. For PvP its of no concern, but for kai-ju action - will be handy!!
Impact damage to shields/armour needs more interaction/resulting animation and more impactfull sound affects - depending on distance vs. AR type.
Reloading animation seemed to fail at times...maybe FR/spike delay causes this drop out for me.
Will the AR have different firing modes. single/semi/full on action as default or player modded?
Sound of AR firing needs beefing up a tad - bullets landing on different surfaces and relevant damaging.

Apart from that - Great work and loving the progression to the day of footfall on 'Em-8ER' :cool:
Sep 2, 2017
Dunno if related to development, but I got 10 ms minus of lag on the pve server than the pvp server and about 30-40 ms minus of lag on the old plasma weapons demo, so in the pvp server in medium settings I got around 230 ms...in the pve server , same settingss, got 220 ms and in the old weapons demo, same settings, got 180 ms of lag....
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Likes: Markolis
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