- The squad are more smart flanking and investigating where i was last could they also take cover if health is lower or if they are more defensive tsi hu?
- Could projectiles change colour as an example
1) Heavy charged shots by enemies are purple travel faster
2) Normal shots are yellowish and travel medium
3) Homing orbs/projectiles follow the target until it hits or gets destroyed travels slow-med
- The health bar on the enemy is nice to see too, are there options to turn it off too?
- The grappler does a nice leap and when getting close just runs backwards however maybe it could have a melee attack as an example if you get too close it could give a bash swipe?
Another thing i was wondering if we are above e.g. a shell why can't a grappler who has spotted you use the grappler to get closer to you and attack with a melee. The other usual tsihu won't be able to since they would be land based units.
Wonder if there could be glider enemies who spot you and taking them out can clear the air space otherwise it could get trickier.
- Noticed the Plasma gun can be shot 4 times continuously before recharging
Right now its only one shot every 3-4 seconds and doesn't match the fast pace of combat.
have to agree the recharge is a bit long.
Like to see the plasma gun have ammo number 4/4 like the assault gun
- The lock on sign still appears even after the grappler has gone
- Some area's still are tough to place a thumpr such as this spot with the big shell and slopes
Q strait up can almost send ya up into orbit
Really like this don't change it
It would be nice to be able to dash on the ground.
Dodging projectiles in a stylish way.
Rifle is fun and I think, right where it needs to be.
When can we get out of the mech and run about and hop back inside?
Tsi-hu are going to be tricky adversaries, i am wondering how many variants of tsihu there could be?
Good stuff when can we start riding bikes and using vehicles to knock tsi hu into the water?