Spam Thread - Madness revised

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Em8ER Adjudicator
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Ember Moderator
Nov 13, 2018
Holy Terra
(THIS IS SATIRE...or is it??????)
Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have released a complete list of all their legislative goals for the next 2 years->
The Impeach Trump Again Act - New law requiring Trump to be impeached every week for all of eternity.
The Inclusion and Justice Act - Requires everyone to bake cakes for gay weddings. It will also require everyone to be gay.
The Fairness Act - Will set the minimum wage to whatever Elon Musk makes per hour.
The John Act - New law requiring all men to sit down when they pee.
The Common Sense 'Don't Hate Kids' Act - Will ban assault weapons and also the letter 'A' and 'R' and the number 15 so they can never be made again, and will confiscate all assault rifles to be melted down to make a statue of Ba'al.
The Greener New Deal - Just like the Green New Deal, but with more Communism. Will instantly enact full Communism across the country.
The Justice Act - Will add all registered Democrats to the Supreme Court, and empower women by creating "The Handmen's Tale" where all men have to become pregnant and bear children.
The Kindness and Uniformity Act - Everyone's pronouns must be tattooed to their foreheads. They must also shave their heads and wear only futuristic grey jumpsuits.
The Nutrition Act - Will limit each family to only one loaf of bread per week. Cannibalism now legal as long as you "eat the rich." All foods must now contain a large dose of birth control.
The Insurrection Act 2 - Will declare all unborn babies to be enemies of the state.
The No More Racist Founding Documents Act - Will replace The Bill of Rights with The Bill of Lefts. Will also draft a new Declaration of Dependence.
The Hurt God Act - Legislation to try and hurt God. Trump tried to warn us.
The Omnibus Bill - Congressional raises, 100 Billion for Iran to make nuclear missiles, printing more money, and a new law requiring all children's cartoons to have at least 382 gay characters.
Jul 26, 2016

That above article is about a person who was caught sleeping while his car drove for him. He completely reclined his seat backwards and let his car not only drive for him but also drive over the speed limit.

so Telsa's got a torque sensor on it's steering wheel that allows the self driving functionality to perceive the driver is awake and is capable of taking over when needed. But people are generally lazy assholes, so people figured out as long as you get the sensor to register the torgue, (the easiest way would probably be some string/tape and a weight) you could actually sleep or do anything else while your car drives for you.
Likes: Wyntyr


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2016

Top comments:

"sometimes an arrest is the only way out for a women to be able to divorce ... he might go away for a while ... so she is safe to leave "

"Like the wife of the asshole officer that killed George Floyd, she could just be divorcing him to keep the stuff "
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