So this would mean story teller A.I who could read files to you & tell stories maybe mark's voice or for fun a cat meowing with subtitles
could be one of the A.I's!
I like the idea that there are different A.I's to select and contact just like selecting from the codec in mgs
Also like the idea you can interact with the A.I to find out a bit more about their history
perhaps this A.I isn't even an A.I but a brain that is kept alive in some lab, even a creature hmm.
The A.I's were formed also to support the pilots due to the long hours that humans would find tougher
to cope so the A.I was the perfect support.
Pilots that had fatal injuries or presumed dead had their brain taken
due to their experience/knowledge this also helped the A.I programme improve its capabilities.
Perhaps oneday the cyborgs or creatures would be created to house those pilots brains or A.I then to meet one in the story mission
to see the one we hear every time in our ear in a physical form but it doesn't do it all the time. This is high risk if the enemy capture or take
a cyborg/android with that knowledge they the enemy would have ways in which they could cause us problems but it would take some time to hack. There is a timer for that the with each time that passes they could hack and reveal small pieces of information until the time is completed then all info is revealed
That would lead on to retrieving back your cyborg delicately as too much damage could effectively end the mission!