Possible PVP idea


Deepscanner - Deepstriker
Jan 11, 2017
Carlisle, UK
Hey there!

After reading through the forums about Em-8er's concept, ideas and progress, it has been said that the game will be fully geared towards PVE content.
This is a good idea, as was said in those posts, open world PVP can be great if you're the type who likes to max out their gear and prey on those just wanting to enjoy the PVE content, but frustrating for those who don't have any interest in PVP, so this is a step forward.

I still play Firefall, and even as a founding member, I didn't really go into the PVP content as I was more than happy just wandering about and fighting back the chosen incursions, and that is what I'm really looking forward to with Em-8er - an open world shooter where you randomly meet people to fight for a common cause. There's nothing better than completing something which you'd never be able to do alone by teaming up with other players, most of whom you've never even met before and that is what makes the community so strong in these types of games.

But omitting PVP completely is not a great idea IMO.

What if you had special arena's, kind of like the one in Sunken Harbour where you can enter and then be instanced with another player to compete in 1v1 matches in a best of 3 format? While thinking of this, I couldn't help but remember an old arcade/Sega Saturn game called Virtual On, which was brilliant and if a similar battle could be made possible in this game, it would be brilliant for an esport.

And to make it an even match based on skill rather than time played/gear quality, each player chooses a frame to fight in, which are all baseline frames with 3 abilities and one ultimate (much like Firefall or League of Legends) but to balance it, each frame is strong vs a certain frame, but weak against another, kind of like how a fire pokemon is strong vs a grass type, but weak against a water type.
Also, maybe have the option of changing out your abilities to try and turn the fight around if you're behind in the first match or if you want to secure the win if you're in front.

I have more ideas of this concept, but I've gone on too long already, so this is just the basic idea of what could be a great addition and keep those who do enjoy PVP play interested after they've been through the PVE content.

Keep up the good work and I look forward to the next reveal!



Deepscanner - Deepstriker
Jan 11, 2017
Carlisle, UK
Or, everyone gets the same special pvp frame with a number of different abilities choices to fill your loadout (still 3 normal 1 ultimate ability) - defensive, utility and offensive abilities which are strong/weak against each other (defensive - strong vs offensive weak vs utility, offensive - strong vs utility weak vs defensive, utility - strong vs defensive, weak vs offensive) so there is no 'flavour of the week' or 'OP' builds. Just to keep it simples like
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Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
I think pvp could be opt in or opt out
or even have pvp zones designated for that

I don't think its omitted out but delayed focusing on one thing
to completion and then working on the next that is my guess!

but what do i know i am just a pve type


Ashee, OP-AI Full Character
Jan 28, 2017
I feel like the way firefall originally handled its pvp was really fun, the games mechanics worked well for the small team arena based games, it had some pretty big balance issues but instead of fixing it they just scrapped the pvp and made it open world, I don't think anyone liked that.