Missions and Assists (Freeloading, AFK farming)


Jul 27, 2016
The afk farming in Firefall right now is primarily a reflection of the fact that there is a vastly diminished player population, a dying game, and precious little content at the high end. Why put actual effort into playing?

There are still a few things to tinker with (no pun intended), but it's not really worth actual playtime .

Nobody bothered when the game was more fun and the population was active.
AFK farming happened way before levels too, people just did it to get resources instead of XP, in the most efficient route possible. It's human behavior, especially in MMO's. Least amount of effort for the most gains.
Likes: MattHunX
Jul 27, 2016
Just a minute ago, I got over 300k XP, for a Chosen Incursion that was taking place at the far end of Kaimui Station (the one with the giant radar array or whatever it is), while I was literally at the other end of the base, down in the tunnels doing an ARES Mission, destroying Strife Bringers.

And this was the thousands if not the millionth time I was rewarded XP, out of the blue, for something I had either zero part in or was just near and went past the event. This genuinely annoys me. And I find it disgusting that many players smilingly shrug it off and are even thrilled with the free XP, no matter how small it is. In Devil's Tusk, at FOB Harpoon, one can see dozens of players huddled in the corner of the base, standing around ALL day, farming Group Bounties and Assists from the mission above them, on the surface, doing nothing. It isn't the fastest way of gaining XP or Bounty points, but it is certainly not something that should be allowed.

In Ember, such exploit have got to STOP.

If it's going to have an assist system, then the detection range and minimal participation threshold need serious adjusting. Rewards should also scale according to the amount of participation and performance. DEFIANCE actually has a pretty good system, giving a scoreboard at the end of each encounter, listing kills, assists and rewarding players for how well they did. Of course, there should be a minimum amount rewarded for just participating, regardless of performance, but those who perform better, even exceptionally (depending on the level of the event and their own) should receive either bonuses or greater rewards, encouraging support and everyone to give it their all. Of course, the problem is, high-level players might still mow down mobs, before less experienced players could get at them, but then, they wouldn't be rewarded as much if the mission or event was way below their level, their power-rating, their something-rating. Should their be levels, at all? Thinking of the ECHO levels in DEFIANCE that seem to work better. I think it is still what they call vertical progression, but slower and more spread out than e.g.: FF.
This can easily be done, many games have a feature to prevent loot/xp camping from idle timer to actual damage participation.

Indeed GW2 does a percentage based reward (which is shit for world bosses), Warframe gives everyone in the map the same loot (assuming they pick their crap up) but you are not rewarded for going afk, afking too long in these days completely nullifies any participation reward you may have gotten.

I personally left Firefall when myself and many friends had our hard earned resources changed out to scrap, I didn't stick around for the xp changes (thank god) I would like to see resources done in the old days of firefall where quality of resource affected the quality of the items you were using it to make, however i'd really like to see if this game is a spiritual successor the complete removal of vertical progression like Firefall had one promised and delivered meaning anyone can do anything regardless or gear if you had the skill to survive and inflict damage rather than being a liability for everyone around you.

It also reminds me of the hard work our group put in with FadedPez and a couple of the dev's to specificly find and shine light on the worst exploit spots including the melded tree, the top of the junkyard etc
Likes: MattHunX