Isn't VR a tid bit overhyped?


Jul 28, 2016
That looks like it would be great with games made for it, but it doesn't look very good for the games it was demonstrated with. It doesn't look like you can jump or strafe.
Agreed, but if one was to build an FPS to utilise the technology, it would make the Wii U and Kinect look like the toys they are


New Member
Jul 27, 2016
Toronto, Canada
Yes, I haven't seen a single VR game that makes me want VR, or makes me even want to try VR.

I'm not saying it can't get better, but I'm not spending a penny on VR in it's current stages.


Jul 27, 2016
Think of VR as it exists today, as the leading edge of a vast new experience, that will continue to unfold for years to come.

What we have now is simply the first generation, thats mainly focused on early adopters. Remember the first video cards? Really limited, expensive and mainly for early adopters.

Now, compare what we had then, to something like the Nvidia 1080...^^ I suspect VR will advance much faster than video cards did.
Jul 26, 2016
All I can say is try it before dismissing it as crap... I believe some Microsoft stores are demoing the Vive and some Best Buys are demoing the Rift and PS:VR in the States. I know there are retailers in various other countries running demos as well.

As for the HMD's themselves they definitely have a ways to go. The tracking, on the Vive anyways, is great but higher resolution will be really nice. Foveated rendering at 4k+ with eye tracking is the future assuming the cost comes down to something reasonable.


Active Member
Jul 27, 2016
If VR is to be introduced, I think a major concern would be motion sickness. People who don't normally get motion sickness can still get it depending on how the game is made. I don't think Kern will be able to solve the issues with motion sickness without limiting some important options. I'm sure VR is great for games that are designed for VR, but I simply don't think a Firefall-like game would work well with VR, especially if we get to use lots of movement.
Sooo much this...

Simulation sickness is basically caused by the discrepancy between what your eyes and inner ear tells you is happening, and VR will enhance the visual sense of motion even further than what we have now, which will increase the chance of simulation sickness. Some game types will be enriched by magnitudes from the implementation of VR, but until we can tell our inner ear, that our bodies are going through the motions shown in the headset, playing certain games with VR may easily have you dump your latest meal on the keyboard.
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