GLIDER TUNING BUILD phase 2 ("New Copa" UE 4) - feedback thread

Silv3r Shadow

Max Kahuna
Max Kahuna
Kaiju Slayer
Jul 29, 2016
Oh my Em-8er Gods! you totaly right!
i kind of ignoring this moment before
but last week i change my 1080p monitor on 3440x1440
and mouse movement become a notable problem
(i use Logitech G305 - on 800-1200 dpi all time)

i change Negative Mouse Acceleration to Positive,
Accel Start to: 6 - Accel End to: 8 - Accel Multiplier to: 1.5
And mouse movement feels Amazing now (as i love and greatly Care)
(Tested in fast combats with Tsi-Hu and Glieder)

Most games use Positive Acceleration...
which you know - actually rational thing to do
because its improve mouse control precision and comfort (less misses)

My main point here - to Leave Mouse Acceleration Spliders in Video Options forever!
Glad to of helped, It made the whole experience for me properly enjoyable, now I can aim now lol
Jul 27, 2016
I noticed a problem with Mouse settings. I didn't have any issues until I changed my keybindings. Now every time I load the demo, my mouse doesn't move anything. But all I have to do is hit ESC and then click Apply and then click save (yes without changing anything) and that seems to apply the mouse settings.

EDIT: I made a short video demonstrating the mouse issue (video is a bit longer than I meant it to be)
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Aug 24, 2018
The buttery smooth transition to gliding is just a blessing. The whiplash you get from transitioning to gliding is now gone (insert crab emojis here). Well... Not exactly. I still get that camera whiplash sometimes but I think that's because of the position of my camera before I started gliding. Or this could entirely be placebo. I'm not sure.

Diving feels unbelievably f*cking good to do now thanks to the fact your camera zooms out as you dive and it also feels really good when you manage to pull up just before you hit the floor and zoom half-way across the map within 2-3 seconds.

The camera shaking more visibly the faster you get while gliding is a nice touch. I didn't know I wanted this but damn this is a really good change. Really feels like you're gliding in speeds that is difficult to maintain.
  • Additional note: Thanks to this change, it made diving really exhilarating.

Thanks to the last two changes above, diving and then pulling up gives me a rush that I can't explain. I makes me want to go way up in the sky and then dive just to see how fast I can go.

It feels like the threshold where the glider breaks has been dialed back a bit compared to the last build which makes gliding up risky if you're not doing it at high speed. I really don't mind the change if it did.

I really like that instead of my glider wings breaking mid-flight, I just do an emergency landing now. I prefer this over the old mechanic. Allows me able to land on my feet in case I find myself running out of juice mid-flight.

Overall I really like the changes in this build and I feel like this is another great step forward compared to the last build.

Bug(s) I've encountered:
  • I'm not sure what's causing this but sometimes I find myself "rubberbanding" while gliding. Not cool but the VFX on the gliders makes it bearable since the zigzagging of the trails is mesmerizing for me.
Additional Thoughts:
  • With gliding as it is in this build, I'll definitely use this as my main mode of transportation between areas as zooming around the map is just too fun
  • Sort of a nitpick really but I don't like how the invisible walls are implemented in this level (wasn't a problem before until recently to be honest). At least give me a chance to see them in the distance before I crash into them and give me flight blue-balls.
  • Please give us the ability to boost while gliding.


Omni Ace
Omni Ace
Jul 29, 2016
Zone of Bones, Australia
Killed a grappler while being grappled and pulled, and I got stuck.

THMP-Rs seem to get stuck if they collide with Tsi-hu. They just idle there and despawn after a while.

Tsi-hu don't react to being hit with Missile Swarm at ranges at or over about 150m. No investigation into the source of the attack.

I've got a 5.1 system hooked to my PC now, and it's a huge difference sound-wise. The assault rifle is louder from the right speakers, the footsteps and hydraulics play from the opposite direction you're travelling and some things like the Overthrust sound effect change depending on which direction you're looking. Couple that with the environmental sounds that don't come from any particular direction and it all sounds a bit weird. Hearing the THMPR drop is awesome with it though!
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Even though I'm not gonna run with a heavy frame (and i'm guessing this is the heavy one, but could be the mid-sized), I quite like the meteoric ascent it does to get altitude. And I definitely like how high it can go (and how fast) to get more than a bird's eye-view of the land. At that point, a tactical overlay could be toggled on/off, showing the position of all enemies and allies, revealed structures, defenses...etc. or only those enemies, allies and creatures that are engaged in active combat. Passive creature could show up as well to make our search for them easier, if we'll be able hunt to harvest parts. Still not a fan of hunting, though. This whole rapid ascent could, then, be used to "redeploy" ourselves or reposition during a wider/larger-scale battle, as we'd get a bigger picture of where the enemies would be and where we'd be needed most.

With that said, the movement of the frame and its parts feels fine and fluid, most of the time, but it feels too fast in some instances. For example, at the 00:15 mark, where it shoots back down, it feels a little too fast. But, was said early on that we wouldn't really want to have too much weight to our movement and even though our human selves would merely be piloting frames, it should feel as fast if we're just wearing armored frames, like in Firefall. And there'd only be a difference in running speed, perhaps? But, that wouldn't be enough. A balance will definitely have to be struck, not just in general, but between the three different weight-classes of frames and how fast or slow their movement should feel, including jogging or sprinting speeds, as well as how fast they'd be able to shoot to the side, to dodge or shoot up and down, aerial maneuvers and maneuverability, reaction speed to input. Perhaps the heaviest frame-class will need an extra fraction of a second to react to the pilot's input, because it needs to move heavier parts. Or would that be unfair?

It's looking pretty good, though! :D


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
A balance will definitely have to be struck, not just in general, but between the three different weight-classes of frames and how fast or slow their movement should feel, including jogging or sprinting speeds, as well as how fast they'd be able to shoot to the side, to dodge or shoot up and down, aerial maneuvers and maneuverability, reaction speed to input. Perhaps the heaviest frame-class will need an extra fraction of a second to react to the pilot's input, because it needs to move heavier parts. Or would that be unfair?
I mean the heavy got to feel nice and heavy otherwise it wont feel heavy o.o
Hope it is not too slow though... not that i know much on balancing, i am sure they will all have a unique feel between the 3 frames.

Thinking about it could all depend on how we customize our frame, i mean you could make a quick heavy with the right setup might not be as armored i'd imagine hmm
I mean the heavy got to feel nice and heavy otherwise it wont feel heavy o.o
Hope it is not too slow though... not that i know much on balancing, i am sure they will all have a unique feel between the 3 frames.

Thinking about it could all depend on how we customize our frame, i mean you could make a quick heavy with the right setup might not be as armored i'd imagine hmm
That's definitely something we've discussed before. The lightest frame, the Sly-Dancer ought to be able to carry either two or three "light" weapons or just one heavy or medium one. DERAIL WARNING!

Also, let's remember, that compared to the proportions of our human character, even the lightest of frame weapons would be sizable and too heavy to carry for a human. Maybe the buffest of bastards could carry a "light" frame firearm and be able to pull its trigger to effectively utilize it for combat, barring any other option, in a dire situation. But, I wouldn't necessarily want to see that implemented in-game, only in the novels and maybe the in-game journals, logs and war-stories we could find, either written by or about some bad-ass NPCs and other characters we would only hear of in writings and recordings.

Each weapon, forearm/wrist-mounted or carried in the frame's hand, will add to our weight until it is at max capacity, which will differ between the three frames, of course.

Forearm/wrist-mounted weaponry, both ranged and melee, could perhaps weigh a little less, for less of an impact on e.g.: mobility or cooldowns, since the frame's hands would be empty, making for easier movement. Trade-offs or advantages could be in their accuracy, durability, overheating, mag-size, weapon-swap speed...etc.

Perhaps bladed weapons for frames should only come in wrist/forearm-mounted varieties, with the exception of possible polearms, pikes, javelins or halberds, but the addition and animation and balancing of those (for weight, speed, reach) might be really too much to ask for.

Naturally, depending on their weight-class, the frames could carry a variety of different loadouts, mixing light, medium and heavy weaponry, as their carry-weight capacity would allow, making for a number of combinations.

And weapons could be a mix of melee and ranged, with one mandatory ranged-weapon, even if it is of the lightest class, to leave 'weight-room' for melee builds that would only use the ranged weapon to strip enemies of shields, before they'd close in to slice and dice or bash with hammers, if they prefer to inflict blunt force trauma.

The following loadouts DO NOT include shoulder or outer-thigh-mounted rocket pods (an offensive ability), grenade-launchers (limited consumables that include smokescreens/EMPs...etc.), harpoons (a debuff ability that could drain a target's energy, slow their movement, trap them, anchor them with different effects) and so on, things that would be tied to abilities with a cooldown, not counting the grapple, which won't have a cooldown, I'm guessing.

(L)Light Weapon
(M)Medium Weapon
(H)Heavy Weapon


So a Light-Frame could carry two identical (or two different) light-swords for dual-wielding and have a back-up light-firearm for ranged combat. Or two/twin light SMGs, with a light melee weapon. One medium ranged-weapon with a light-sword. Or a medium melee-weapon with a light ranged one. Or one light ranged and one medium ranged-weapon...and so on.


4L (!)

(!) So a Heavy-Frame can be decked out with an arsenal of light-weapons that would max out its weight-limit, reducing it's movement speed to the slowest possible, in exchange for some serious versatility. (e.g.: 4 SMGs!? It would be like a walking, running, jumping, gliding quad-cannon.)

Animation and lore-wise the carried (and not wrist/forearm-mounted) weapons could be magnetically attached to our frame's thighs or side or even the back, if it will be able to bend its arms that way. Similarly to the way weapons are carried in the Mass Effect games.

And that's just the weapons. I haven't gotten into any detail about armor-plating and how that could effect weight, depending on the level of protection and base-weight-class of the frame, which would determine how much plating it could have.


Sorry! Pretty much almost all of this had been discussed before.
Likes: Pandagnome


Kaiju Slayer
Fart Siege
Welcome Wagon
Happy Kaiju
Jul 27, 2016
Island of Tofu
Forearm/wrist-mounted weaponry, both ranged and melee, could perhaps weigh a little less, for less of an impact on e.g.: mobility or cooldowns, since the frame's hands would be empty, making for easier movement. Trade-offs or advantages could be in their accuracy, durability, overheating, mag-size, weapon-swap speed...etc.

I like the idea of testing the strength/weakness the weight/structure layering of the materials in some lab i'd imagine the lab to be a very useful area to create various material compositions and also special coating of layers too as an example like this one

Plus its a great way to test with others and passing the time. As an example in warframe i'd spend some time in the testing area just to see how i am able to cope with a different enemy type after scanning them enough to my library.

Example if you were a unit to be less conductive to electricity a special layer would create a barrier against the water just like the materials to make armor these layers can be created. So if you were hit by something with some dye from an enemy they would have a harder time to track you.

Some may even absorb light to reduce the visibility and even the camouflage pattern rating

Is it possible to have all max rating for all stats i'd probably think not because there is going to be some weakness somewhere and the play style and how we approach the situation is going to be interesting in what we opt for.

So an explosive armor could be great at taking explosive damage but may suffer from projectile impact.

The question i am wondering is could we create hybrid layer armor types and if so could it be a good all rounder in some situations & not excel at any?

Perhaps bladed weapons for frames should only come in wrist/forearm-mounted varieties, with the exception of possible polearms, pikes, javelins or halberds, but the addition and animation and balancing of those (for weight, speed, reach) might be really too much to ask for.
Perhaps some could be for future milestones, I'd like to see something that combines fashion and functionality e.g.

Imagine you have this but as a light shield / melee this could be good for pilots and have some various style.

R&D , testing looks fun and it reminds me in mgs rising where you can slice the melon!

Pretty much almost all of this had been discussed before.
I think certain topics could be hilighted on a recap section because sometimes we may overlook older topics and focus on the current.
I like the idea of testing the strength/weakness the weight/structure layering of the materials in some lab i'd imagine the lab to be a very useful area to create various material compositions and also special coating of layers too as an example like this one

Plus its a great way to test with others and passing the time. As an example in warframe i'd spend some time in the testing area just to see how i am able to cope with a different enemy type after scanning them enough to my library.
That may be too much to implement, though. It's easy for us to imagine in it, like this, of course. Maybe some blades (described by in-game lore/techno-babble as being of a different composition) could be more effective against armor, some could weaken shield-integrity, others could rend flesh more swiftly, including metallic or projected energy-claws on our frame's fists, like the one I made an altered original art for:

Example if you were a unit to be less conductive to electricity a special layer would create a barrier against the water just like the materials to make armor these layers can be created. So if you were hit by something with some dye from an enemy they would have a harder time to track you.
And therefore their accuracy would be reduced or their lock-on times would increase. Or both.

Some may even absorb light to reduce the visibility and even the camouflage pattern rating

Is it possible to have all max rating for all stats i'd probably think not because there is going to be some weakness somewhere and the play style and how we approach the situation is going to be interesting in what we opt for.

So an explosive armor could be great at taking explosive damage but may suffer from projectile impact.

The question i am wondering is could we create hybrid layer armor types and if so could it be a good all rounder in some situations & not excel at any?
The light-absorption just reminds me of the different materials of armor you can flick through for your Shepard in Mass Effect 2 and 3. It's just a difference in how much light they reflect, but we could definitely have something like optical-camo, stealth-fields, some color-analyzing nano-tech coating that would behave like the skin of a chameleon and would activate a few seconds after standing still to reflect the immediate colors of the environment we're standing in. But, it would only work best for ambushes or escapes, depending on how much damage our frame already sustained.

And we could simply have coating and plating that would be more resistant to the kinetic force of explosions, without too much techno-babble explaining how.

Perhaps some could be for future milestones, I'd like to see something that combines fashion and functionality
I definitely need to have both form and function. I also limit my own effectiveness in any game with this attitude, but if I don't like the aesthetics of a weapon, or its mechanics, the way it functions, I won't use it, no matter how strong it is.
Likes: Pandagnome